Why is will with her when he could be slamming prime asian muff

why is will with her when he could be slamming prime asian muff

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> implying they're not in an open relationship

he's a sub-90 IQ english chav
what do you expect

implying she would allow that

Not everyone is a low-t simp attracted to bug faced yellow people like you, faggolla

He can do that anyway

holy ding-dong diddly pukola

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because other races smell bad

Blacks and whites smell bad to asians, asian and blacks smell bad to whites, whites and asians smell bad to blacks etc etc

Only a virgin who has never seen an "asian muff" irl would want to date one

Only a virgin who has never seen an "asian muff" irl would not want to date one

>wanting shane thornes sloppy seconds

he is way out of her league

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I live in a city that is a third east asian and I absolutely do not want to date one they are disgusting both physically and culturally



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She is a good person

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what the fuck

Bea has a tight body that was invented for copulation. Who cares about her face?

>23 years old
>looks like this


I spend a lot of time around black people and I've never noticed a bad smell

Bangs are truly the worst

you're probably part black then

beas qt irl

why is seth with her when he could be slamming prime asian muff

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imagine this lad inside of suruga mei

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I'd definitely say it's an abnormal smell but I actually like the Asian smell tbqhwyf

I'm as white as a person can be


She's probably filthy in the sack

Black people dont smell bad because theyre American. North Americans smell good in general. Europeans and Asians smell bad.

Reminds me of Deadie Cuckuerrero being raped

Bea is the ugliest female wrestler around today. She is the ultimate butterface.

Jap style Asians genuinely dont smell like anything at all. They have no body odour. SE Asians smell like curry.

White people smell like milk to asians because of the amount of dairy we consume.

no Japs have bobs like this

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Based and norfpilled.

That's not a Momo.

She has big tits and being clearly the ugly duckling of the pair she's probably willing to fetch him snacks, gladly eats his ass and won't cheat.

Ospreay is based and redpilled keeping that butterface pussy on ice instead of wasting his time chatting up jap thots or playing fetchboy for better looking women.

I used to think this was a meme, but it's almost 100% true and I fucking hate it. I sat next to a haitian girl in highschool who had this absolutely mephitic smell, exactly like someone who smeared mothballs all over a wet dog. I unironically had to cover my nose and look away or I would get physically ill. How do other people not notice this shit?

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