Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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The fans.

There was no reason for him to run to the corner. I don't know what the big goof was thinking

Nash's fragile joints, muscles and ego

Booker T for giving Nash '92 flashback


The reason Kevin Nash tore his torn left quadricep muscle is because writer Brian Gewirtz pushed for Kevin Nash’s return to help boost ratings after Steve Austin "took his ball & went home" after refusing to do a job Brock Lesnar.

Nash, didn’t know he was scheduled to wrestle until arriving at that arena that Monday afternoon. Before the match, Nash complained about being put in the match, saying that he hadn’t wrestled in three months & now they were throwing him on TV on short notice and no warm-up matches on house shows. He wasn't even medically cleared to return from his ruptured bicep tendon.

Nash also didn’t even have his ring gear with him, so he had a friend go to his condo to get his ring gear sent out on the next flight but he didn't send Nash's knee brace. Nash ended up wrestling without his knee brace. Had Nash had several days warning, it doesn’t mean he would have necessarily done days of therapeutic stretches to get ready for his match, but it might have made a difference.

Gewirtz was said to be quiet backstage after the injury & there is heat on him for pushing Nash into the match on Monday without giving him any notice. Vince McMahon was said to look shaken and apologised to Nash saying he would make it up to him. Nash flew to Birmingham, Alabama the next day & met with Dr. James Andrews to schedule a surgery.

Nash was 42 years old when he suffered the injury & it was potentially career ending but he busted his ass for almost nine months to return to the ring from an injury which a 33 year-old man struggled to come back from - and he got no credit whatsoever, no hype, no return promos, no soppy U2 "Beautiful Day" music videos.

Like I always say, I'd rather tear at quad at 42 years old then have a heart attack at 38 years old...

TLDR lol

>book man in match
>hurts self walking across the ring
>it's the writer's fault

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>Nash thought Gewirtz had any stroke
Oh no no no

learn how the business operated within the context of the time period kiddo

always nice to see stereotypical smarks get a reality check

kek what a bitch

more like big daddy bitch lmao

I wonder who could be behind this post...

reading promos off your wrist again Dwayne?

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>still cuts a better promo than the entire roster today
holy fucking based big Hollywood dimes Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson ethering the locker room

based and enlightening post

Dwayne got booed out of the building an played by the master at WM x8,

He also couldn't hang with Nash and Hall on the mic in unscripted dog eat dog world of WCW, no Gewirtz to write his promos for him and heels positioned to make him look good there

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One of Meltzer's go-to shots to discredit Nash is mocking him for The Rock upstaging him during a promo exchange in 2002, by referring to him as "Big Daddy Bitch" while failing to detail the circumstances behind the situation, outside of Nash allegedly saying while he was in WCW, that he was going to "get" Dwayne or something to that effect. What Meltzer neglects to mention is that it wasn't an even playing field as Nash had only been back in the territory 5 weeks & had returned with a tonne of heat. Somebody obviously got word back to Dwayne (seeing how he seemingly gloats every time he retells this story, it was probably Meltzer; still angry his friend Terry Funk got flustered when Nash out-witted him during a promo exchange in 2000) through grapevine to inform him of what Nash allegedly said. Nash couldn't exactly retort on live TV without politically sabotaging himself & being reprimanded. Dwayne took advantage of situation. Nash was being a professional & trying to salvage nWo angle that had been buried the previous night at WrestleMania X8. Dwayne went into business for himself at expense of best interests of company & then upped & left to make a movie...but not before Nash screamed in Dwayne's face “who's the Bitch now!” as he manhandled him during their match on Smackdown.


>still cuts a better promo than the entire roster today
His promos have been shit since his 2011 return. He's been coasting on former glory. He was based as fuck 97-99 though.

Why didn't he finish the match? Why did he scream like a bitch?

7 feet tall, different grades of quad tears, some tears are more severe than others, not rocket science, common sense, try google once and a while simp

>not taking your gear with you regardless of if you're booked to work or not
That's wrestling 101. No wonder Nash never amounted to nothing more than a midcard comedy worker.

Good true info here but it will fall on deaf ears. This place is a fucking echo chamber.

whatever you say buddy

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>poster count went up
Based wolfCHAD switching IPs to keep the illusion alive

oh no no no no no

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Sexy man bad.

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Sounds like a janetty to me

Christ almighty wolfnig log off for a while and do something with your life

>e-e-e-e-e-e-everyone is wolfchad

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>Luger was literally making millions in WCW you dumb wade keller mark

That's too many e-s bro, like five too many. Be a little more conservative bro.

more like big daddy bitch lmao

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I bet big sexy smells so fucking good bros

fucking YUM
