Always wanted to become wrestler when was a kid, while watching Stone Cold, Rock, Undertaker, etc

>always wanted to become wrestler when was a kid, while watching Stone Cold, Rock, Undertaker, etc.
>thought was going to be 6'1 by the time was 18.
>5'9 manlet
>decide against becoming a wrestler cause don't want to ruin the business due to my small height
why didn't others do this? (ex: Balor, Owens, Ambrose, etc.)

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wtf, isn't Ambrose like 6'2" shoot height?

You have to see Big Show in person to really understand how big he is!

>>decide against becoming a wrestler cause don't want to ruin the business due to my small height
What a fucking mark

How is 5'9 small, thats the average

is he? he looks pretty small. but may be mistaken.


>think that i can't become a wrestler because i'm small and even the short guys are like five inches taller than me
>later realize that they just lie a lot and i'm actually taller than jericho and benoit and the likes

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They were still doing CTE-inducing and legit-neck-breaking moves back then, not to mention the drug made the right choice

>Looking at the broad average across the United States, the National Center for Health Statistics has reported that the average height for an adult male in 69.3 inches (176.1 centimeters), or roughly 5 feet 9 inches

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I'm not trying to be sizequeen like wolfcuck but at least be above average height if you want to join a scripted show where your look helps sell your character. Nice choice OP, not to mention the business is reclining anyway.

The only people who find big sweating dudes grunting and punching each other for 5 mins are literal homosexuals. Having smaller wrestlers has weeded out the faggot fans so at least there is that

>Have Benoit's kayfabe stats as shoot stats
>"I can do this"
>Train with guys that worked with him back in the day
>"You're way bigger than Benoit was."


Its funny seeing people think they can make it simply for being bigger than smaller guys that made it. Look how many 6'5+ guys that have been chewed up and spit out by the wrestling business.

It's really the in between guys that make everything work. If everyone is a manlet it becomes pointless flippy shit. If everyone is a giant it becomes boring no-sell spots for 20 minutes.

Athletic mid-size is best for business.

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I'm the midget of my friends group and yet I'm taller than the whole nxt uk roster

This worked me into a seethe when I finally realised it. I could be working for hotdogs with Cody right now if those midgets hadn't bamboozled me.

And you're still a literal nobody

Just like the roster of NXT UK


But the business has more faggotry than ever

yeah once you count all the 5-2 mexishits and geriatric boomers