Post your Cody/Bucks getting btfo on Twitter pics

Post your Cody/Bucks getting btfo on Twitter pics

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>no Flippymanlet has ever done the Frankensteiner as good as Scott

How is he so based?


Based Cormier.

Memes aside though I agree with him. It's a damn shame this is what 90% of wrestling is right now.

poppa pump was an all around top wrestling talent. A true innovator in the ring as well. Anyone who doesn't like him got worked by his gimmick.

Cormier is right that that spot is aids but shows how big of a boomer casual fan he is by just listing off a few wrestling moves and saying 'just do some of those'.


isn't DC friends with them though?


t. Boomer

Because Scott was an insane athlete. The reason he took so long to get a singles push is that he knew Rick would get buried in the process and kept passing up angles to break him off. He only moved into the nWo angle because the Steiners were friends with Hall and Nash, who promised to keep Rick looking strong on TV.

They also only had a feud after they smartened their mom up to the biz and got her blessing.

based good guy eternal GOAT scott looking out for family first

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>remember kids, when you do sports, its always to have fun

Absolutely based

There is literally no problem with being an E-Drone if he’s an actual double champ in the UFC.

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Iirc he’s homeboy’s with Seth and a few other guys. The only history he’s had with these fags was the 3 day twitter beatdown he gave them until they asked to make peace

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>coping for wolfcuck
Take a look at this faggot

I would pay $60 easily if it meant we get to see the bucks and Cody in the octagon with DC. The match graphic would be worth it alone

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>cody's reply

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Scotty was so based. Too bad the injuries and steroids did what they did.

lol who's the absolute white knight fan seething

Eh? Scott had a long and great career, and he's had plenty of memorable if not some infamous moments. I'm glad he didn't overstay his welcome in the ring.

Sounds like he completely missed the point or more likely read the first sentence and got too worked to continue.

>flippy manlet internet defense force chimping this hard

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good luck trying to hit him. he's elusive.

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Flippy manlet defense force against the boomer dude bro MMA community

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