when will the wicked clowns take their rightful place in the celebrity branch of the WWE Hall of Fame?
When will the wicked clowns take their rightful place in the celebrity branch of the WWE Hall of Fame?
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ICP are unironically based and redpilled.
woop! woop!
Fuck that, they were wrestlers. Put em in the actual HOF
Thankfully xanax seems to be pretty much clearing out the faggots who listen to their music, in a few years every one of them should be dead.
>normal and nice dudes irl
>their promotion, from what little I've seen, was entertaining
>both good at calling matches
>knowledgeable about wrestling history
pretty cool guys desu
Will they get in before or after Cyndi Lauper? Also, how long until juggalo president?
Negative Nancy
The wicked clowns will never die
I feel that the Insane Clown Posse (more specifically Violent J) is an extremely talented group in their own right. Mike E Clark's production is incredibly well layered. Violent J has a way of conveying emotion through his lyrics and inflection that is unparalleled in hip-hop.
J is a modern Ernest Hemmingway. In th way that Hemmingway used very simple language that still created vivid imagery so too does J. When I listen to the music of the Insane Clown Posse, it is so easy to create a mental image of the song in my head. That is the POINT of ICP: theatrical dark humor and horror as told through hip-hop.
These are a few of their tracks that I feel beat exemplify these qualities:
"Prom Queen" is a story of a senior high boy who asks a girl to prom, and the consequences of when she rejects him. Short, simple lines,like "My high school prom is coming and I heed my daddy's warning" tell a lot about the environment that the "character" J is portraying. There are many references in the song to his father's abuse, which likely affects how the character deals with situations.
"Under the Moon" is, once again, about a high school student. This time, he commits a crime because of his girlfriend, and deals with the reality of the consequences. J's inflection makes the listen picture the angry, despair, and insanity he is experiencing.
"Terrible" is a song about the sensationalization of the media, and the emphasis on very asinine subjects as terrible. They speak on the Bill Clinton sex scandal, the OJ Simpson trial, Nancy Kerrigan, and the protesting of musicians juxtaposed with the ideas of corrupt police, bombings, everyday people who are having atrocities, and rampant racism. They were denouncing the confederate flag before it was cool.
These are just a few examples of what I would call the "uneducated genius" of the Insane Clown Posse.
>They were denouncing the confederate flag before it was cool
ICP has got to be one of the most unfairly hated-on musical acts ever
Not saying their music is great, but damn....people act like these dudes and their followers are genuinely awful people
yea ICP is based as fuck. I hated them when I was young because I was an Eminem Mark.
But with age I realized they are the michales and Marshall is the Jenetty
Plus their diss track blew em outta the water
>when I think of your daughter, it makes me sad, she got a whore for a mom & a bitch ass dad
I think they still run shows once in a while yeah? And checked
you ever met a juggalo?
these are grown ass people acting like they're 15 forever
I have not met a juggalo IRL for like 10 years. Are they still a thing in the midwest?
There are no dates for the gathering either
Stranglemania is holy ding-dong diddly based
Also one of the few guys to have been in all the major promotions in he late 90's too.
idk, i'm not in the midwest ya assumptive dingleberry. ive known a disturbing amount of the past few years and theyre all trailer trash whiny bitches. i got not nothing against icp themselves even if i dont like their music, but their fanbase is absolutely worthy of the hate they receive
They are genuinely awful people tho. I shoot killed one of them in 2007 because he tried to rob me with a BB gun and wound up on the wrong side of a real one. All of his friends blew up on Myspace about "bro it was just a joke" and calling me a murderer.
That guys last words were "shoulda never fucked with this shit bitch" while he ran at me from across a dark parkinglot cocking a realistic looking airsoft gun. Thats the juggalo life, I guess.
based self-defense chad legally purging society's undesirables
Who lies on the internet?
Juggalos clearly do since they kept trying to say that guy was a loving father when he cared so little for his child that he threw his life away pretending like he was going to shoot someone.
Is the juggalo civil war still a thing?
Idk, but I sided with twiztid
If true, you did the right thing. I grew up listening to ICP, and think juggalos are cringe. You live by the sword . . .