Would you?
Would you?
Paige looks like THAT?
Bastes. satanist gimmicks are making a comeback
Stab her in the heart with a sharpened crucifix?
faithless fool
she has faith in the creatures of the night and her local 81 club
I'd even pay her bail
Mmm wouldnt mess with her
Mmm that's gimmick infringement you whore
Eat her ass in a cemetery under the pale moonlight? Yes
Imagine muh shock
Not only that, I would get her pregnant and stay with her right up until the moment the baby is born, then I would walk out without saying a word and she would never see me again
if this was a metal album cover i'd listen to the shit out of it
I don't know if you were being serious or not but there are actually several indie wrestlers with Satanist gimmicks. And I don't mean in the Aleister Black allusionary way, I mean straight up "I literally worship Satan" way.
Is Varg going to make a special appearance at Yea Forumsamania?
Let's find out!
This is kinda based
shut up nerd lmao
No I don’t like women
Viciously yes
Can't find this bitches insta or FB or anything
Yeah, indy gimmicks are on the nose retarded. I went to a shitty little show in Fayetteville, NC because Raven was on it. Raven was fat, their champ was a morbidly obese man dressed like a roman named "Gluteus Maximus, and there was a grown man dressed like a boy scout in the opening match.
>Women are mentally stabl.....
Weight: 114
Height: 5'4
Year of birth: 2000
Her bond is 20,000. we gonna crowdfund?
some people don't have that gay shit you fucking zooomer
she's literally an 18 year old goth chick, she has an IG
Bitch is years younger than me but looks like shes in her 30s white women truly do age like milk
Christcucks BTFO
Mmmmm... she allowed the purity of evil to guide her aurghhhh.
Yes, I would convert her to christianity and then marry her
A rabbi spraypainting "oy vey" on the side of his lair would dominate the news cycle for days while they tried to find the evil culprit, I wonder how much TV time this vile act of pro-semitism will get?
did he work her into a shoot?
mmmm wouldnt wanna mess with this badd ass
What's this girl's name? Does it end in -berg or -stein?
She gotta have the rotten puss. Thats gonna be a hard pass from me.
Gluteus Maximus is DIMES ya dweeb, grow a gut.
She was probably after that spunk and he knew she would be sinister enough to get pregnant regardless of him giving her a load or not. His best move was to outright deny her sex altogether. I’ve had my share of crazies.
would ding-dong diddly
Now we're talking
have sex
Florida Man is such a 'mo
She'd probably sacrifice the kid to Satin anyway
Gimmicks are great you shitter. You're the reason we have nothing but Longhair McBlacktights
Lose weight
I would love to walk around some shitty little small town and talk about how stupid everyone is. We'd listen to Cradle Of Filth and then go have lots of unprotected sex in the graveyard. She'd eventually find some chad who could fuck her better and provide for her but she can't take those memories away from me goddamnit. You hear me bitch???