Now that the dust has settled, was she really a transitional champ?

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you can't be a transitional champ when there's no next step in the plan to transition to.

Fatsuka BTFO

Worse. She only become champion because there was no other choice and as such there was no desire to even put her on the show

But Charlotte's the transitional champ to unify the belts with Becky.

>Becky's apparently The Man
>Since Survivor Series she's tanked ratings when Asuka no showed.
>Asuka shows, Ratings were up 200k
>Following week Asuka no shows, Becky does, Ratings hit all time low.

Numbers dont lie you tool

But your interpretation of them does

>win the belt due to interference from Rhonda
>have shit feuds with Mandy
>drop the belt to Charles so she can unify the titles

People are sick of Becketty. She was on Raw and Smack twice a week because Brock cant show up to work

Hopefully this sets up a monster heel turn as she unites a team of 4 pissed off japanese shooters to take over the division.

they are not unifying the belts though. they just want to recreate that cringey photoshop that was going around with all four horsewomen holding titles in the ring. becky will be used to try and get charlotte over by association with the 4hw the same way they would reunite the shield for roman or dx for hhh.

They are unifying them. They’re already teasing it on Instagram. Fox is not paying 1.25 billion for a gimped roster

>They’re already teasing it on Instagram.
no they're not. you're going to be disappointed but will keep watching wwe anyways.


That isn't teasing shit, it's trolling the beckbeards. Nobody is leaving with both belts.

I was gonna say this. WWE has no even remotely long-term plans for that division so you can't be a transitional champion in it.

You’re a fucking coon. They’re unifying the belts.

100th time. There's no unification. Charlotte won a belt so she also has one when Becky wins. That way Sasha & Bayley can get in the ring afterwards with their titles for hugging & crying of the 4 horsewomen in the ring together to celebrate. Then Ronda and her 3 horsewomen in nxt jump them starting the program to decide who's the true horsewomen of the wwe.

The horsewomen thing is stupid and doesn't actually mean anything making it feel like a waste of time, so naturally Vince has to do it.

Charlotte will always be the TRANS champion

Charlotte and Becky like Asuka so I'm sure they'll use their pull to get something going for her after Wrestlemania season.
