*harasses your waifu*
*harasses your waifu*
*get's choked out by your waifu*
*gets in trouble with management*
>gets fired for putting over a move
Based and femdom pilled manny
Can't wait till he gets released, enjoy the mark paychecks while they're there
*Is an anti-Semitic bigot in your path*
>faggots on Yea Forums complain about twitter cunts using me too bullshit to get wrestling in trouble and how that's shitty
>Yea Forums also uses the same shit to get people they dont like fired
>is an actual semite
>gets accused of anti-semitism from a group of people whose origins are in eastern and central europe
is ashkenazism the longest work in history??
*should be my friend*
more like manlet faberino
How long until he starts crying like a bitch online about it?
>fuck obama
holy bases
>fuck Obama
I'm a Manny mark now.
Did anybody see the long-ass bitch post Manny made on Reddit when someone called him out for doing this, about how he hung with the wrong crowds and did the wrong things?
Own your shit, geek. We know you still think it's funny. The WWE agrees unironically with /pol/ shit, so why not be honest?
imagine being such a shitty wrestler that the only people you can get over with are the same twelve mentally ill dudes that post on this board 24/7
>Is an anti-Semitic bigot
>Is both culturally and ethnically Semitic himself
Hi brainlet
He uses all the same kind of shitposter material on Brennan's streams, he's trying to simultaneously work the Saudi Who's Happy To Be Hereā¢ angle on Reddit/WWE and be his usual self in more remote places. WWE has stakes in (and shills on) Reddit so it would be career suicide doing anything else.
Because I was trying to get signed you fuckin mark
>imagine being
Ding-Dong Diddlykill yourself
lol at this sand coon without a shred of self-awareness.
>believing in the armenian ''''genocide''
>The WWE agrees unironically with /pol/ shit, so why not be honest?
The management might but I'm 100% sure the Raw locker room is just Seth Rollins playing CNN on max volume and making sure everyone sees him yelling at drumpf on the tv
mannychads rise up
Brennan is /ourguy/
Shane is bretty gud
Manny became a baby back bitch when he went on reddit boohooing about HWNDU
Stand for you convictions, ya simp
Go film your dying show, cenk