Friendly reminder that Triple H did the pipebomb before Punk

Anybody who denies how innovative based HHH was in many aspects of wrestling is a brainlet.

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>You want me to shoot with this interview JR, I am gonna fucking shoot with this interview

Holy fucking cringe. This limp dicked faggot has been doing this cringey promos like this all his career.

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Are there actually unironic HHH marks? You guys are memeing right?

Then Rock buried him 10 feet under later that night

The Rock says you go on Sunday Night Heat, you do your little interview with Jim Ross, and you cry like a baby uwhauhwuhauwa they kept me down for 5 years, for 5 years they kept me at the bottom of the barrel. Well The Rock says they didn't keep you at the bottom of the barrel just because you want to say goodbye to your roodypoo friend at Madison Square Garden. No,The Rock say they kept you at the bottom of the barrel because you absolutely sucks!

And on top of all that, The Rock says that you run your mouth in 4 weeks, 28 days I'm going to Summerslam and I'm taking what I want, the WWF title. Well the rock says, in 28 seconds, The Rock is going to you what you absolutely don't want, and that's The Rock taking that strap, turning it sideways, and STICK IT STRAIGHT UP YOUR CANDY ASS!

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No fag, he ripped off Shane Douglas.
The Franchise>The Game

There are, believe it or not. Some leading figures in my country's wrestling community are unironically marks for this cunt. They were gushing over his snorefest with Rollins and thought that the DX vs BoD match was a breathe of fresh air in 2018.

OH NO NO NO, that was hilarious kek. It's amazing how hhhetty feels unnatural compared to the Rock.

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It's the same thing with cena. This faggot hogged the spotlight for so long he is bound to have some fans especially ones who were young.

imagine hating the GOAT Cena

Based pajeet crossposting from indiachan

I am not hating on cena. He is a better entertainer but both of their fandom to large extent is possible because of the constant marketing push by the wwe.

Without that Cena would've probably would've been more over of the two.

>swearing on live tv like some tryhard edgelord

That's gonna be a yikes from me dawg

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>pretaped interview
People genuinely thought punk "pipebomb" was real. Espn even offered an open mic.

Both are cringe. I'd rather have fun promos like this than promos that basically parrot smark complaints.

>Harley Davidson hat
Why was Paul larping as a biker?

Lots of acts were LARPing as bikers those days. NWO, carder are others that come to mind.

> best thing he did was rip off nwo
> even got himself ahead due to nepotism, nothing original there

How much of a mark do you have to be to believe that HH pre-tape was a shoot? That Triple H one was a work scripted by Vince Russo - same one where Russo told Haitch to refer himself as "The Game"

Kevin Nash did a real shoot in 1997. People regularly went into business for themselves in WCW. It was the wild wild west back then.

CM Punk's pipe bomb was also a work.

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Has Paul ever been likable? He's such a cringe.

No one argued it was a shoot wolfcuck. The OP as big of a faggot that he is said it was a pipebomb before the pipebomb meaning a worked shoot.

Promos ? I don't remember a single likeable promo from him. He may have had some good lines but never a full promo that I wouldn't describe as cringe.