Xia will never know I exist and it hurts :(

Xia will never know I exist and it hurts :(

Attached: Xia.Me.jpg (2730x4096, 2.99M)

Are you too much of a bitch to tweet her or go to a show she's booked on or something?

Attached: Xia Li.png (1497x1557, 1.64M)

This thicc chink is so much better than the inbred looking yuropoor in the OP

False Xia is a monstrosity.
Real Xia a CUTE.

False Xia could never.

Attached: D2wfhzyU8AAciIu.jpg (900x1200, 268K)


Attached: DIcXk6qXYAEO_AD.jpg (1184x1182, 206K)

im not one of these yellow fever guys but i still agree

a cute

ignore the whale!

Attached: 570_DGHtHfGXYAAah2X.jpg (720x1280, 193K)

Actually, that whale is cuter

Hahaha no fag.

she over

she looks like she has downs

I'll take asian Xia over Switchblade with down syndrome

Look at that goober face. Jesus fucking Christ. Gain some standards.

well, not with that attitude user

She is. She worked hard to be over with the regulars. And she is improving.

ok she won't know that you exists, alright.

but do you wanna know what really sucks? not knowing how she SMELLS. I bought one of her worn attires and she smells like a fucking angel.

u mad ?

Attached: xia.jpg (480x853, 104K)

What a threesome

Well, he's not a nigger so asp is happy

Jewish fetal alcohol syndrome

Smashed by a clear chad. Can’t be mad.

Spicy Xia is superior.

Attached: spicy.jpg (640x640, 55K)

Io looking on in pure jealousy

Attached: 288_DXb9UlNU8AEEDJl.jpg (1536x2048, 258K)

Attached: 537_DIUS7LVVYAAH9cd.jpg (1776x1184, 170K)


>tfw xia comes out to knuckle puck

Attached: Xia Brookside.jpg (1080x1344, 147K)

asians seethe at the site of a pure aryan woman

Attached: 328_DWNkg87VMAA2Ykc.jpg (2048x1536, 401K)

Who the fuck is that fag?

The Xia Smasher

Fetal alcohol face

Is he a wrestler?

Attached: Quasimodo_1.png (536x576, 227K)

Not even honorary

Attached: 9C92CF36-7DAA-4F19-B3A3-7E51EC37458E.gif (700x285, 3.38M)

Whale is the cute one ya goblin lovin pleb.

She is really cute.
Millie Mckenzie is also cute.

id lick her tum

Attached: DcdvfM6X4AEKgL4.jpg (900x1200, 230K)

>Justin Trudeau

no clue