Get these chicks out of social media

get these chicks out of social media

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They need their own containment show. I say cancel 205 Live and give them the slot and less screen time in raw/smackdown

these dumb bitches probably thought that Becky only got popular because she is mouthing off on Twitter a lot. This is why they are on the women battle royal two years in a row while Becky is main eventing WrestleMANia.

I unironically believe social media is one of humanities greatest mistakes. We are already beginning to see the effects it’s had, and it’s going to get much worse before it gets better.

>Women are entitled cunts
>Not realising they are luck to be on the card

Naomi is still chimping out?

>these dumb bitches probably thought that Becky only got popular because she is mouthing off on Twitter a lot.
She isn't actually popular though. Her and Kofi will get no reaction within a month or two from now.

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she’s the top merch seller and ya seethe

>top merch seller
That must be why there are record low ratings now

Becketty's been getting her reactions for like 4 months now. You overrate the intelligence and taste of the lowest common denominator.

>le tv ratings

dead metric but keep seething it entertains me

It's not social media that the mistake is though, it's sufferage.

Oh I'm fumin user, balee dat

Attached: Charlotte sault.webm (1920x1080, 909K)

The problem is that everything they say on Twitter is obviously a work (they'd never say anything to kick them off the only company that'd hire 'em) but even the people who may be slightly confused if it's a work don't even care at this point because of how fucking awful it all is.

Can't wrestle, can't stay in shape, can't cut a promo, can't act to save their lives and can't talk on Twitter like a normal being so a large chunk of their tweets are written by WWE. But by all means WWE keep pushing women's wrestling down the throats, there's thousands of edrones who eat up the current FOTM

Tarps can't react user

>it entertains me

Of course a bexcel would enjoy bickering with nobodies on the internet

worked and seethed

WWE Women's Rasslin is based tho

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>proving my point

hehe :)

ya waifu destroyed her face with plastic surgery

My waifu is Sumire Natsu actually



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ya meant humanity's ya uneducated twat

based grammar user

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you’re a cool guy desu user, nice bantering with ya

I like you too user even though you're a Jannetty


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Just kidding you seem okay. I just hope you're not a Russo fan, in which case I'll have to unfortunately NZ you

social media killed humanity

Wait so you’re telling me you aren’t a fan of pic related? It was pure brilliance bro.

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I realize this is a shit board and I also drank around 18 beers or so and it's 4am. BUT... Cornette was objectively right about Russo.

People said this about Becky since SummerSlam.

Based. This way I don't have to skim through 4 hours of manshit just to see my waifus.

>tfw it came true weeks ago

Attached: Becky.jpg (1125x1249, 300K)

Bro I just want to tell stories screw all that wrestling crap

Yeah I hear you. Honestly I'm more into 90s and prior type stories (80s is honestly the most interesting to me) but most people here seemed to have started watching the Attitude era or before. I dunno. My first show was 1991 at the Philly Spectrum with a Flair vs Piper main event, my dad got me a foam pair of LOD pads. Shit was based, I was Hawk for Halloween that year, my brother was Animal. WWE is full of midget shitters these days.

>attitude era or after
I meant



>Top Merch seller
>Almost everyone else has their cringey out of context catchphrases or are drawn by a literal flash animator/facebook user.
>Miz Emoji
>Thwith Thyborg
>Natalya's cat tees
>The infamous Neville tee
>Any New Day tee
>Gay Bayley shirts
>Any tee with a huge face
>Boring AJ Tees
>samurai Asuka shirt but it says "le asuka lock"
>Burn it down
>Get these hands
>came, stomped, burned it down
>EC3 is NXT
>A LISTER the premiere

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