Big Dog on Conor McGregor

>We got the best spot on 205 Live. He is a cruiserweight, no doubt, and we’ll let him go in there and flip with all those guys.
Based Big Dog

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brutal, although mac could legit heem him

Didn't McGregor Tweet that wrestlers are all fags then Roman responded 'lol you're like the size one of my legs'

>let him go flip

Flippy thigh slap manlets BTFO

>although mac could legit heem him

cringe basement dwelling incel nerd thinking a closed fist can overcome 100 pound weight difference

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Big Dog was a pretty high level football player. He could probably heem Conor tbqh. An athletic specimen like Roman would have no problem with a 5'8 former plumber.

>beeg dawwwg would get BTFO by McGOAT in a heartbeat AND on the mic


Joe, people were just starting to like you. Why the fuck would you attack a mega star


>Buries a WWE brand
>Buries the biggest MMA draw ever
>Inflates his own ego


Yuropoors BTFO by based Americhads yet again

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chads don't call themselves chads

Comments like this are why Roman, despite getting fucking cancer, will eventually end up on the crowds bad side again

I'm calling Roman a Chad you inbred retard

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lies a non american would never call an american a chad

Size matters bitch, no matter what your coping mma manlets tell you

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>size matters

Easiest way to tell when someone hasn’t been in a real fight.

Technique > size
It doesn’t even come close.

Did he forget Floyd KOed Bthe Big Show?

hahahahahahahahahaha, keep believing your magical mma can make you a superman

Why are there weight divisions in UFC then pal? Why doesn't McGregor ever face heavyweights? hmmmmm

Worked stupid.

It was a shoot you simp

>being this obtuse

Obviously size matters in a professional context because in UFC it would be a small fighter with experience vs a big fighter with experience. 9 out of 10 times the bigger guy would win.

But when it’s a small, experienced fighter versus a dude with no technique whatsoever the guy with experience will always win.

Why do people get so autistic over this shit?

No it wasnt.

You have no proof of that, McGregor would be someone's bitch in prison and his "fighting technique" wouldn't save him

Those are all trained fighters, dipshit. A trained fighter is going to have the advantage over some untrained no one off the street regardless of size

>sp circa 2010 memes


have you seen the brutal effectiveness and clinical technique in roman's superman punch? does it better than chuck liddell used to.

Footballers are known shit fighters. Take Goldberg for example. Got his ass handed to him by a 5’10 manlet pro wrestler. And Brock during Vikings training camp used to toy with them.

Look up Royce Gracie ya clueless slapdick. He took down many bigger guys when UFC didn’t have weight classes

Jericho lied mark

Royce was 6 feet

>clueless man drama fags
Nobody in WWE would stand a chance against McGregor except Brock.

ITT: Big Dog works a bunch of manlets


Also Lashley, and there are guys like Ziggler who have a strong wrestling background, they could stand a change with some stand up training

>that time Sid was so scared of lil bitty double A Arn Anderson that he fought him with a pair of scissors


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>You believe Carny Flair's version of events

Yeah, because Show sat down and gave him a free hit you utter retard, Show would've crushed him irl


>It's real
Everytime I start to like Roman he opens his stupid fucking mouth again

Based Big Dog Working The Obese Smarks Into A Seething Shoot

He's back bro

Its a work marks

awwwww fat marks needs his bottle? Staredowns are the only thing real in this ding-dong diddly business

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After fucking 42 year old Floyd Mayweather bodied him?... I seriously doubt that. Roman is 6 inches taller and has 100lbs on McGregor.

if anything he buried his own boys there

Please tell me you're not serious because if you are then you're dumber than the roman marks.

205 is constantly buried by other wrestlers
I feel bad for them

>Grow taller then

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Money Floyd the guy that beat the shit out of Big Show?

BBD strikes again!

McGregor is a striker, that's basically it. Why do people act like he is some kind of jujitsu master? Striking is one of the easiest things to learn in fighting.

205 deserves to be buried

Ziggler was a world class wrestler. McGregor is a striker. If Dolph got him on the mat shit would be over in seconds. Not to mention Dolph is like 220lbs and McGregor is 160lbs.

Wrestling's fake ya simp

what an absolute shooter

We aren't talking about a dude who kinda knows how to fight though, this is a legit multiple time world champion elite athlete. The argument basically boils down to ''this dude is better at fighting then a fucking fighter''. Forget Conor, Mighty Mouse would destroy any plodding shitter that tried to fuck with him regardless of size. Stop watching anime, size only gets you so far. What would the big guy do?
>hurr one punch
How is he going to land in? On a fucking fighter? With his shitty technique and timing since he doesn't train.
>hurr slam him/grapple him
Again, how the fuck is he going to grapple an elite fighter? There are tons of videos and stories of elite grapplers destroying, and i mean DESTROYING people twice their size on the mat. You have clips of small, featherweight boxers knocking out cold big shitters that tried to fuck with them. Like i said, stop watching anime, you are not going to eat a punch from a fucking world champion caliber fighter and be fine, regardless of size difference.

>Why do people get so autistic over this shit?
It's unironically tall fatasses that want to believe that they'd totally beat the world flyweight champion because they've got a 150 pounds of lard on him.

Based Big Dog burying 205 Live 5 feet and 6 inches underground.

You're a fucking retard.

Ya seethe?

Roman would knock that faggot potato midget out with one punch! Based Daniel Bryan would make him tap like a little bitch!

>got UFC over by dominating multiple divisions
>is the reason 90% of ppl talk about UFC

>suffering suckvincescockatash
>had to nearly die to get ppl to stop booing him


So much mmafags being worked into a shoot

lmao like when thomas denny went on bully beat down and got his ass kicked?

You don't grapple in a real life you dumb ass, you fight dirty - scratch someone's eyes, kick in the balls etc.

>There are tons of videos and stories of elite grapplers destroying, and i mean DESTROYING people twice their size on the mat
you mean in bjj exhibition matches where jizzufags immediately flop to their backs to avoid stand up grappling and slams, even as a means sub defense, are illegal? what a surprise

Oh for sure people that decided to bash people's brains in for money, a lot of whom come from third world shitholes, can't even fathom being dirty in a fight.
I said grapplers for a reason ya simp, there are clips of small wrestlers absolutely raping muscle bound freaks twice their size. Henry Cejudo, a flyweight olympic gold medalist (and current UFC flyweight champ) would absolutely demolish any big guy simp that tried to grapple with him, it'd look like a chimp jumped on a man and started breaking limbs.


Literally worked by based big dog

All those MMA manlets would get BTFO'd by a real man like Kevin Nash

McGregor at least knows what its like to be a draw

Reigns got Vince a billion dollars from fox.

>Styles as Smachdowns face got Vince the deal with FOX

Not for long as fox will want actual talent

Yeah, but you don't train the dirty techniques, even though they're by far the most effective. so they have as little training in it as anyone else

Connor couldn't even heem Pillow Puncher Mayweather.

>takes a low kick from a thai fighter/kickboxer
>stick legs turn to dust
>gets raped

Not really. Kicking someone in the balls is much easier and more effective if you're a trained kicker. Getting the distance and timing is a piece of cake, and the force is incomparable. As for eyepokes, same deal. Throw a jab with your thumb or index/middle fingers out.
I mean, just imagine one of those crazy thai guys kicking someone in the balls full force. Wouldn't surprise me if the dude just dropped dead on the spot.

>nothing about liver shots or body blows to the solar plexus
>nothing about kicking the shit out of another dude's knee
>nothing about pocket sand
>dude just kick them in the balls lol
>Throw a jab with your thumb or index/middle fingers out.
>throw a jab with your fingers out
>fingers out
Ding-Dong Diddlybreak your fingers real easy with that retard shit. Never talk about fighting again.

If you want eye attacks, you do palm strikes. They're de-emphasized in places like UFC because it's incredibly easy to just have a random finger land in an eye. Then the ref has to stop the fight and you get penalized for it. You don't need a crazy eyepoke like Flair would do, just one simple "Yeah I watched some Bas Rutten tapes I totally know what to do" palm with a random finger jabbing in.

You totally can in a 1v1 situation. Good luck actually getting that, since 1v1 turns into 5v1 real quick.

Well Conor Mania Appearance Confirmed then.
Will probably attack Reigns after he beats McIntyre.

>>nothing about liver shots or body blows to the solar plexus
Fighters do that all the time, simp.
>>nothing about kicking the shit out of another dude's knee
Jon Jones literally does that all the time, simp.
>>nothing about pocket sand
Might as well talk about knives and guns then.
>hurr i could totally take this guys if i ambushed him with foreign objects
No shit.
>>dude just kick them in the balls lol
In case you're not the user i responded to, he's the one who mentioned it first. I used it as his example.
>>Ding-Dong Diddlybreak your fingers real easy with that retard shit
They literally do it in the UFC you fucking mongoloid. I can't even count the times someone threw a jab or a straight and ''accidentally'' blinded his opponent with a stray finger.

>Technique > size
>It doesn’t even come close.
And you're going to prove that by showing that old Gracie fight where he tapped the 600 lbs fat, black dude, right? woops

>elite athletes
None of the mma fighters are "elite athletes". None of them have the training and conditioning of legitimate, world-renowned athletes.

Just look at McGregor's fight with Mayweather. Floyd is a truly elite athlete with proper training and conditioning, and it showed. He toyed with Connor while Connor gassed himself in the first 2 rounds. And we're talking about a Mayweather who was in his mid-40s (just imagine if he was 27 in that fight). The mma guys don't have proper stamina to compete athletically with professional boxers, football players or basketball players. The average NBA player would ruin Conor in a fight.

>the man who got his jaw dislocated by Hugh Jackman is going to beat up a real fighter

holy fucking shit lmao

This user actually knows what the fuck he is talking about. Other anons take note

Except every former football player to make the jump to mma has gotten btfo
Mayweather would get wrecked in a kickboxing fight

mma is gay humping shit anyway.

Based Big Science user

so is boxing nowadays

Ok but explain how come Conor hasn't knockout anyone he has fought who weigh only slightly heavier than him?

Fighting Nash is probably one of the few cases where a MMAnlet could win easily. Just one kick to his leg and watch as he crumbles himself

Then why are most MMA weight classes 10 or even 5-pound brackets?

Says the guy who needs people around 205 to have a decent match.

Herschel wants to talk to you about that

He telegraphs it though. A trained fighter would just dodge, dip, duck, dive,

A real grapplechad like ZSJ would break all these UFC faggot. JUST TAP OUT!

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Remember Floyd running away after hitting the big show in the nose?

>burying your co-workers who have done nothing wrong to you.
Cringe Nig Dog

I love than even people in wwe use 205 Live as a punchline

Who the fuck is that guy?

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Its kinda sad


Based big dog working the obese smarks

Of course size comes to play when the fighters have roughly equal technique ya dickwipe, but the skills are what matter most - small guys with great skills can compete in higher weight classes, but big guys without skills have no business in the sport

>pls Roman stop bullying my hero; manlet rapist!