/tjpw/ General: 2 Days LIVE Edition

Last thread: >Free Match: youtube.com/watch?v=bGuag0ALCxI

3/30 Shinkiba 1stRING, 12:00 JST (3/29 11pm East, 4am UK)
>Shoko Nakajima Vs Pinano Pipipipi
>Handicap Match: Rika Tatsumi Vs Haruna Neko & Pom Harajuku
>Yuki Kamifuku, Mina Shirakawa & Raku Vs YUMI, Himawari Unagi & Mahiro Kiryu
>Maki Ito & Mizuki Vs Natsumi Maki & Hikari Noa
>Sakisama & Misao Vs Yuna Manase & Miu Watanabe
>Miyu Yamashita, Reika Saiki & Marika Kobashi Vs Yuka Sakazaki, Nodoka Tenma & Yuki Aino

3/31 Hakata Star Lanes, 14:30 JST (1:30am East/6:30am UK)
>Nodoka Tenma, Yuki Aino & Haruna Neko Vs YUMI, Himawari Unagi & Mahiro Kiryu
>Misao Vs Raku
>Mizuki & Rina Shingaki Vs Marika Kobashi & Miu Watanabe
>Yuna Manase, Yuki Kamifuku & Mina Shirakawa Vs Natsumi Maki, Pinano Pipipipi & Pom Harajuku
>Rika Tatsumi Vs Maki Itoh
>Aja Kong & Shoko Nakajima Vs Mika Iwata & Hikari Noa
>TOKYO Princess Of Princess Title: Miyu Yamashita (c) Vs Yuka Sakazaki

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Other urls found in this thread:


Post pits


luv me some teej

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cy.tu.be/r/tubeofcozy2 (remove the . after cy) will be airing the show live

Jay White doesn't wrestle for TJPW

I should clarify, it's not like taima where it's a group of fags spamming emotes. I'll more than likely be the only one in there.

Sounds more like a regular group of fags

Who are you?

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>back to back live shows 2 nights in a row

I'll be watching on joshitube with the taimachads

like I said, I'll most likely be alone
nobody important, just wanted to share the link if there's anyone that needs a place to watch

I want to cum inside Yuka

Why doesn't Rika care about Misao stabbing her in the back in that hot angle?

We don't want you here.

Shoko can carry anyone to a good match considering she just did it with Pinano.

she does, they are obviously going to revisit it

this but unironically

fake cute maki got the pin
Shoko is the GOAT

now we'll go to the next step and the stage

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Decent show today

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shut up faggot, only post here once you actually watch tjpw

Go ruin the other threads not this one

I'm not agua, I have other things to do

You're the guy who watches matches that didn't make tape, right?
Mind sharing your top 5 pre-DDTU TJPW bouts?

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how would I watch a match that didn't make tape, retard? Name your top 30 all japan womens matches and I'll consider responding to your pathetic request.

You tell me.
You've apparently watched Ayame Sasamura & Mei Suruga vs. Ami Sato & Hana Kimura even though it didn't air.

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that's one of agua's things, he pretended to be an oedochad and posted about how he loved some matches that didn't make tape, then he responded to himself as agua again and shit on himself for pretending to watch matches that didn't make tape. This has all been a part of his plan to make /oedo/ look dumb even though everyone has seen right through it.

You made yourself look dumb pretending to watch a match that didn't air, loser. You've done that TWICE now. That's some serious insecurity.

wtf are you talking about?
that's really fucking sad

nice try agua, I barely even post there. keep working hard though, maybe someone will eventually believe your bullshit!

>this flagrant samefagging


everything pedo-kun does is cringe

Hook me up with that Ayame Sasamura & Mei Suruga vs. Ami Sato & Hana Kimura link, bro.

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hook me up with your reasoning for messaging that rando on twitter first and I'll help you out

I want to fuck Suruga Mei very aggressively.

kek exposed

Piano regretting her treachery already

>responding to yourself after getting BTFO

Yeah, he'll never live down the exposure of pretending to watch a match that didn't even air.

almost, he actually pretended to watch a match that didn't get recorded then responded to himself chastising himself for it, it's the saddest thing I've seen on Yea Forums and I've seen most of Wolfcuck's cringey posts



dude, stop ruining every single joshi thread here with your grudge against agua.

No one else cares and you come off as not a little deranged.

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dude, even you don't believe yourself. stop posting and all joshi threads will improve, faggot.

I thought the show was really good, top to bottom. I was struck by Pinano's remarkable effort with Shoko. You kind of have to wonder now if she could have continued developing as a performer. But that other part of that too is, I'm sure, Shoko had every intention to give her her best match. The Maki's are such a riot working off each other. I can't praise Itoh enough for her own progress as a performer. The main event was just another awesome TJPW multi-tag blitz, while also serving as a prelude to the big title match. And that match certainly looks like it's going to be a heck of a banger.

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Shoko carried her

kek he's trying extra hard tonight

None of this sounds even remotely believable.

normally I'd say that's bullshit, but agua is a different type of autist so I wouldn't put this past him at all

that's exactly what I thought. In an average situation I'd think it was fake, but agua has done so much cringey shit on this board the past couple years that I completely believe him acting like someone else to make himself look better.

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stop. Every fucking thread you come in and start sperging out about agua..."agua did this, agua did that"

Do you love him? Cause you come off like a fucking nutjob. Are you going to make one of those portfolios on him like the guy from Yea Forums?

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I'm not sure how I benefit from a retard exposing himself as a liar outside of a having a few laughs. If you follow the thread Suruga Mei was mentioned by someone (archived.moe/asp/thread/6206703/#6207521) and that spawned a conversation about her. Apparently I'm a genius because I was able to orchestrate the thread to discuss a topic, with posts made seconds of each other with different posting styles and some with reaction images attached. I must've been using 10 mobile phones that day. This is definitely real and not an attempt at saving face by a person pathetic enough to lie about watching Japanese women's wrestling matches that didn't make tape.

he is agua and talks about himself in the third person in order to generate pointless drama. ignoring any discussion of that poster is the best solution. we are dealing with an autism so powerful that we can barely comprehend it.

why did you stalk that guy on twitter???

>"having a few laughs"
>starts talking about archived threads and posting times like some kind of e-drama detective

fucking hell, seek some help dude

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hi agua

God forbid I try to clear things up when some loser is making baseless assertions about me.

He was asked to list his best bouts one too many times and it drove him mad.

>agua is talking to himself again

Hikari would genuinely make a really good heel if TJPW had them outside of Bii-gun and their agency would allow it.

>and their agency would allow it.

funny because both meanings of agency work here

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She's already with arrogant Maki #2 so it's already there.

they are going to split Ito and Mizuki up, keep MagiRabbits together and then make Natsumi Ito's new partner.

That's a horrible idea

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I can't say Haruna is any better than Pom desu. Haruna looks like she has no idea where she is in every single match.

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I can. Haruna Neko is better than Pomu. Pomu is easily the worst rookie joshi plying their trade right now.

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*botches a codebreaker in your path*

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I like her weird corner kicks and the outfit

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of course you can't say, you've never watched either of them

I'd be lying if I said I didn't like the shin kicks. I like Pomu but still think she is terrible.
go away

*still works it into a match*

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we dont want you here

stop trying to ruin another general

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don't ever call me agua again, I never stalked Maho or anybody else

two of the best

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honestly I love this batch of rookies, they're all great.

Rika's gear looks like a diaper

It has a padding that gives it a diaper quality.
I wish she would wear a proper leotard.

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How do we save her?

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I find them to be equal. Pom at least looks like she knows where she is but can't put anything together herself. Haruna just looks spaced out, like a guy in a 20 man battle royal looking for something to do.

Or just switch to shorts or a skirt or fucking whatever

She is the most anti-TJPW wrestler ever. What are they trying to do with her exactly? Do they want her to become a workhorse or something?

Pom isn't great but at least she's fun and thats the minimum when you're a rookie that isnt good. Haruna isn't even that

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I hope this angle leads to her holding the singles belt. This has to be different from the last NEO angle

And I keep forgetting that she isnt brainwashed.

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It's Sakisama's belt to grab.

mina is the best rookie

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Why? She's just going to disappear after 1.4 anyway

Raku is not for sexual you filthy son of a bitch

who asked the reddit spacer?

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go back

She's the leader of the angle and the group. Miyu has also never beaten her and she's trying to make V10 happen. Perfect drama. Narratively speaking, why would Sakisama let Misao go after it instead of her?

because Sakisama doesn't even care about the promotion to even get the name of it right, she has such disregard for it and even the belt that she wouldn't even want such a trashy belt

She made MiraClians challenge her to a tag title match after she came out and even with that, Miyu can challenge her straight up. She went after Nodoka and Yuka who have wins over her, why not Sakisama?

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I think Miyu has to beat Saki-sama to get her win back at some point and establish herself as the clear best on the roster.

>because Sakisama doesn't even care about the promotion to even get the name of it right

Exactly. Misao changed so she could be a force on the roster while Sakisama is just happy to wreak havoc. It makes more sense for Misao to get it and could make for some fun
stuff when she reverts back to Hyper

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I want to switch places with Haruna.

Taimachads assemble for tjpw

The loser who runs five generals and lies about watching matches that didn't make tape would fit in perfectly with the false fan frauds of /joshi/tube.

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why did you stalk that guy's twitter?

get a life man

They really are frauds.
Frauds, idiots, buffoons, retards, jackasses.

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okay but why did you message that guy on twitter?

this girl is incredibly cute i wanna kiss her face

Get in line bruv

Are you a handsome baseball player?

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chop chop chop

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No but maybe if I let her win in King of Fighters she'll come around.

Mizuki has good English.

Yuka is winning the belt.
You heard it here first.

>wanting to kiss a faggot


This is incredible.

yeah, this is really cool.

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Why do Jap girls love deathmatch wrestling so much?

>Putting TJPW girls in the same venue as Big Japan guys
Have they learned nothing from Sera-Uto?

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Shredding your body up in from of 1300 people in Korakuen Hall is the sign of a true chad in these times.

putting my bets on at least 2 infections from improper cleaning

Good taste.

As if they aren't gonna exchange mats constantly just with BJW's show

>"HOLY FUCKING YUM," goes the pujoshi as she awaits to rewatch the match on BJWCore when it comes out in 3 months

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Saw a twitter pic of the BJW deathmatch league and that british faggot Jimmy Havoc was wearing a shirt like a pussy while everyone else was bare chested. Wonder if this guy wears a shirt like a bitch too.

He does but most half-hardcore wrestlers in the west do this. It's been happening since Foley and Funk.

I hope Sakuda fucks one the girls. He deserves it.

maaaxxx2 is fucking cute

hello fellow creep

But they're using DDT's canvas...

I hope Marika steps on a gadget board

I wonder if Hikari would still pick a tag title match over a tag deathmatch for Korakuen if given the choice

>I hope Sakuda fucks one the girls. He deserves it.

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too easy

I hope Ueki breaks a lightube up Marika's cunt. He deserves it.

Is this mama Azusa gimmick based or cringe?

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that's a cute Shoko

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I believe in Yuka. 1 More Run.

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when is the show

in like an hour


can someone explain the context here? Was this an old letter from an 11 year old fan who is called mizuki? or is this a recent letter from Mizuki from tjpw?

the former

When's the show?

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half hour I think

show starts 1:30 AM EST cy(removethis)tu.be/r/tubeofcozy will air it if you need a place to watch

It looks like she's eating a light tube. We need deathmatch Marika

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Miyu debuting new gear tonight?

This echo and this hardcam blows dick

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I can deal with the hardcam but what the fuck is with the reverb it's going to make it nearly unwatchable. I don't even know if that's on DDT.

>show up for a decent card
>in the final Hakata show ever
>see 4 cute girls trying their hardest to get your attention and energy
>still just sit on your ass looking bored while 10 people clap from across the room

Nobody came to see those flops.

Mina is so much better than Natsumi Maki

change rika-chan's diapy

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You niggas doubt the power of Ito

Yes, logged in exactly on time!
Mika time!

Shoko and Aja Kong are the GOAT tag team

This was a beautiful murder.
This was really well done, with Aja just no selling everything, because who the fuck Hikari is to even force Aja to bump.
I love this.

This is a real good semi-main.
Like really, really good.
Hikari is future star.





The Chad Miyu

Another strong show of the year contender

>outsells your wrestlemania main event in front of 150 nips in a match nobody will see

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Comon, Yuka fight of this sexual predator!


>this is what I would have been screaming the whole time

*goes back into bed to sob himself to sleep*

Never had any doubt.

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based ace


love miyu's new costume.
didnt vibe with that main event though.

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Neko Haruna will end her reign

The match wasn't really anything special, let's be honest here.
I like both of them, but this was messy and weird.
Also cute granny Aja telling her little kids that this is their nigh and she doesn't want to come into the ring.

Marika is retarded

Thought the main event was really good, not the match to beat the Princess Cup match yet.

0 matches for Korakuen so far and only 3 shows left, what are we waiting for?

USA shows.

Sienna beats Miyu at SHINE, gets invited to face Miyu at Korakuen

will miyu defend against ito in ny?

That'd be a massive waste of V10 she doesn't need.

she's won two big singles matches now, i think they are building her up for a title challenge

How would they sell tickets with that shit?

That's all I can think of. If it was Shoko or someone else on the roster why wouldn't the challenge just be laid there? If it was either of Bi-Ishiki gun why wouldn't Misao announce it?
It's less curious wonder and more confusion here.

ito-aja at korakuen

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>showing wwe programming in public


Looks nothing like WWE you brainlet

Shoko and Kong should be in the next OP

I had to go to bed before the last two matches, did they deliver

Yes. Great match.

Reika's farewell match to sell tickets

>Misao defeated Raku with the Libera Me (8:09).
>Libera Me is a part of the Requiem Mass of the Roman Catholic Church, as such it is in Latin.
Not French

Mizuki is next. She's being picking up pinfalls and her match with Mina is on course to become the most watched DDT video ever by the middle of next week

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France is catholic ya simp

she looks like she's been crying

post Miyu ass shots in her new gear

namba's been looking scuffed lately

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Pom is the only talented one in the photo

Hi Matt!

Mil Clown is the next challenger

tjpw booking is below average.
prove me wrong.

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I'm going to have to disagree. I need to re-watch it, but I think it ranks as one of the best one-on-one matches there's been in the promotion. There's a Shoko vs. Miyu match for the belt that was also very good, and then Yuu's matches vs Miyu were also obviously great. But like the latter, the work was quite varied in this match: grappling, striking, crowd brawling, apron spots. Between the two of them, it was their best encounter. When you go back and look, it demonstrated how much they've developed together since the promotion began. My criticism: the story was one sided. It was Miyu marching towards 10 defense, no perspective from Yuka. But then that's not what they went for. Again, it was 2 of the 3 best workers in the promotion, originals, showcasing their growth and giving their best effort. One thing I would like to see them improve on is their finishes as they tend to fall a bit flat as this one did.

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The match felt flat for me.
I like some of the things they did, but even if I love Yuka and I really wanted her to win, there was something missing.
Part of the story that was supposed to be in the match wasn't there. It felt like a padding of the stats match and that is not what I wanted.
And if I watched it only for technical aspects of pro-wrestling, it had several spots, that just didn't work.

The opening was botchy as fuck. Yuka jumped over the top rop for no reason and I think her titty popped out

pics or it didn't happen

my name isn't Matt, what did you mean by this?

It was a botched apron transition from the looks of it and it was not covered well.

just a based TJPW fan from twitter who likes Pom and makes one particular user seethe for some reason


post her tits already

She broke down crying after both of her matches this weekend so probably.

Has there been an official reason for her retirement?

didn't get to see this because of the hard cam position. but this is a cool little production feature with the smoke and screens

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i feel like this match was too big for this show, which is funny because it's apropos being a historic venue that's come to its end. but i would have liked it seeing this as the main event for wonderland

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The failings of the match had more to do with the abrupt finish than anything. It was like they cut out 4 minutes of shit before Yuka missed the splash, then boom it was over. I thought what they were for was fine up until that point.


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Yuka vs Miyu was better than anything from Stardom this year


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don't get too upset by the truth, pal!

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>Yuka-chan, there was no other way

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what's Haruna thinking here?

The rough opening set an awkward tone for the match. It felt disjointed, there were some solid exchanges and counters but the action doesn't build effectively. The finishing stretch was flaccid and the finish felt abrupt. It was just not a very good match in my opinion. The Tokyo Princess Cup match (7/2/2017) was better in every facet.

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I read the cagematch reviews too

It's not even on the matchguide, you absolute retard.

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Any pictures of this moment when her top comes down?

I was joking, dumbass. I don't actually go on cagematch, only false fans do.

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no, here is a wholesome picture instead

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good save on her part

Who's gonna end Yamashita's reign of boredom?

She fell flat on her fucking arse

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>crowd brawling
That was the biggest problem for me. You're not LCO so crowd brawling in joshi matches always looks pointless and always follows the same sequence: dive to the outside, throw opponent into the chairs, punching or kicking, throw opponent into a wall, wait for the 20-count, maybe add another irish whip into the chairs spot some time.

Man that looks neat I'm really glad the camera set up was such that you wouldn't even know the wrestlers were out until they jumped into frame.

i am happy that miyu has got a costume that properly boasts her physique

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koda should bring her back for more. she was good and looked very happy to be apart of the show

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>already 30
I don't see it happening.

What? Practically 1/3 of the roster is 30.

They already have Kiryu theyre basically the same person

but she's uh...well, i'll give her the benefit of the doubt for a while longer still to see if she can make any headway as a performer

Except Kiryu only knows a Boston crab and doesn't possess the unique grappling technique of a K-DOJO exponent.

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>Kiryu only knows a Boston crab
that's very generous if you've seen her boston crab.

headache fuel

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Neko Haruna

Saki has left her idol agency.

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I wish they had placed the hardcam better.

damn thought this would get a lot of likes

When's the next event?

the 5th

So no more gigs for game companies?

So this is what a post-Pinano TJPW looks like.

I dunno I wasn't blown away by it. Obviously Yuka launching an attack felt better than Maki Itoh doing it, but yeah it was missing a spark.

>Misao vs YUMI

Put Miu in a tag team with Marika. They're perfect together because they're both neither singles nor really tag wrestlers and are just floating around the roster doing nothing.

yep just watched this again and it did.

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>Pom in the main event
Absolutely dire. If only Reika bothered to show up for work.

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Isn't Takeshita in the same agency?

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Reika is wrestle 1 now, we're lucky we get her at all


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I guess April is now where they have their heritage tradition basement shows.

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imagine the sweet sweet love they made with each other that evening...

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she literally looks like peter fucking gabriel

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god I wish that was me

Alcoholism is a bad sign.

Most Japs drink heavily

you guys want agua back? he's having another schizo episode in /oedo/

You can keep him.

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So Misao will turn on Sakisama but stay the heel near the end of this angle, right?

She's gonna turn back face and reunite with Rika

Retirement road.

Attached: BITE U.jpg (1200x800, 123K)

god i wish that were me

Whoever makes the next op make sure to put the Mizuki/Mina match in the op, to help it along as it smashes Kota Ibushi this week as the most popular youtube video in ddt history

Attached: DyVELWHUwAAMyuP.jpg (1200x901, 199K)

One person makes every OP.

>Shuten-doji's Shinjuku show is VOD
>Some house show in Nagano is getting streamed instead
You can not be fucking serious...

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I wonder if any Gatoh Move talent will be booked on Shuten-doji's show?

Attached: D2_otpEUYAAgid9.jpg (900x1200, 231K)

They better be on those house shows if they think those are worth streaming

Attached: rina.jpg (800x1200, 138K)

>joshi general reaches bump limit

Attached: OPetty.gif (500x280, 1.01M)

But what better way to see ALL OUT vs DAMNATION #8962 besides live?

Please keep your dramashit in /stardom/ or wherever you people like to talk about each other and not the promotion in question.

Hi OPetty!

Go make the next thread of it bothers you so much

>agua's obsession with the anonymous oedo tai fan ruins another thread
