/McMahonism/The official religion of Yea Forums

World Wrestling Entertainment's ONLY boss
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Attached: McMahonism.png (708x539, 611K)

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wwe is for kids. grow up

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Go take a shit in the woods, Mowgli

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You really put the holy in HOLY BASED. All hail Lord McMahon, for he shall book thee unto what thou deserveth. Knoweth thee well that the LORD only pusheth those whom hath grabbeth the sacred ring of brass. Lo many hath tried to fulfill inequity and set up enterprise in their own name. But the LORD, McMahon, thy God, will smite the sinners who doeth so. McMahon is great. McMahon is merciful. Praise be unto him, in the name of the son, the daughter, and the holy Haitch.

Floridraw here. Is based Vince the reason we had those two hurricanes that rekt the keys, but then turned around and spared the rest of the state?


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When did this segment happened? I know Austin and Booker were the only wrestlers who went to a church first.

Does McMahonism have any holy texts?

>Raw - April 10th 2006

Vince is the biggest Brapchad out there

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He mocks God, HE MOCKS GOD

Based God working the Atheists.

Ya seethe, Joey?


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Anime cartoons are for kids grow up

The 10 commandments

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>Faithless Fool
Romannetty got worked into a shoot


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Vince McMahon's Commandments
>I am the boss, and there are no other bosses before me.
>Thou shalt not tell me to move on.
>Thou shalt not take thy urine and douse it into my face.
>Thou shalt not cross thy arms and yell "Suck it!".
>Thou shalt not take my diciple's face and shove it up into my rectal cavity.
>Thou shalt not take a garbage can and shove it down over my head and fall from a 30-foot ladder in trying to take me out.

Attached: Vince McMahon's Commandments.png (707x540, 601K)

>The Lord is my shepard, I shall not want.
>Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, except for Mr. McMahon and his disciple.
>Mr. McMahon, whose tanned, well-toned body supersedes that of a normal 60-year old, whose mighty grapefruits produced the life-giving semen that spawned me.

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>boss called me dumbass and said not to email him "That gay wrestling shit" ever again
Fucking boomers, I swear. For a generation that got to experience every era, you'd thing they'd be more supportive to E-chads.