Won the first ever women's Royal Rumble

>Won the first ever women's Royal Rumble
>Had a great title match with Charlotte at WM 34
>Beat both Charlotte and Becky to win the championship at TLC
>Tapped Becky out clean in the ring at RR
>Loses title in a great match with Charlotte

When will they give her a chance?


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i wish that she would give me a chance.

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When Ronda leaves and they have to.

>Rope blocking those pits
I don't care about that other shit, this is unacceptable.


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>Had a great title match
>Loses title in a great match
imagine actually believing either of those matches were great

>Immediately overshadowed by Vince sending Ronda to take the moment from her.
>Lost the WM match and her streak, looking like a complete loser. What's more, she congratulated Charles in the ring like a simp loser
>Vince again sent Ronda to muddle her victory
>Becky won the Rumble while no selling her match. She lost against Mandy clean in her very next match.
>Loses title two weeks before Mania, almost not being there. Looking like a simp again for tapping out. Demoted to Pre-Show for no reason.

Don't be a fucking retard.

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>caring about the divas matches

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She's booked as the best of the rest, but the rest are presented as being utter shit compared to the top 3. Also she's soon to be overshadowed by Kiari and Io when they get called up and embarrass everyone else in the ring.

me in the front

Io and kairi will be just two more bug eyed gooks to feed to the next white blonde

based and empresspilled
vince has martyr'd asuka into immortality
he gone and made a big mistake

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Can’t be a martyr since nobody cares about her

It's one thing to be a career jobber and know your role there, it's another to give someone a lot but always with a reminder they don't matter. All that stuff feels hollow. There's always a "But..." Asuka can never say she had a big moment to herself and only herself. A moment where she was the one that mattered.

So yeah they never ever gave her a chance.

Why is he hugging her? You wouldn't do that to a guy wrestler. imagine being a girl wrestler and having to interact with weirdos the likes of us while smiling about it.

Now I think about it, they could be testing people caring about Asuka as a make or break situation with this whole Womens Revolution bullshit; If they care that Asuka has been fucked over and they sabotage matches for her it means the Womens Revolution worked and people care about this shit, but if everyone just cheers Becky like they are supposed to without a second thought to Asuka then it actually failed.

This is true. And if this makes people get behind Asuka and boo Becky with that kind of DB/Batista heat then that'd be pretty based.

Think we are giving Vince too much credit though, he probably just doesn't like Japs.

No one will boo Becky because it's not her fault. And she saved face pretty well by tweeting her support to Asuka almost instantly after it happened. The one who'll take the fall will be Charlotte who will most likely be booed out of the stadium. Seems like it already began today in the house show.

Is was about to say the booing doesn't work with Charlotte, but then I remembered she's the heel and we are on to about the 7th level of kayfabe irony. How did wrestling get so complex without actually getting smarter?

I'd give her a chance, and by "chance" I mean a serious dicking.

it's not like she had the longest undefeated streak since (((oldberg))) or anything

I meant boo Charles not Becky my bad.

stfu incel, that guy is a total chad who totally copped a feel and yet here you are, being a jealous bitch.

That happened in NXT. A place run by a person who actually thinks Asuka is a big deal and gladly would've kept the title on her for a year.

That streak was completely meaningless in the main roster and you can clearly see Vince kept it around just to feed it to Charlotte at Mania. Kinda like how they kept Goldberg's to feed to Kevin Nash in the most retarded way possible.

>Tapped Becky out clean in the ring at RR

This is the most inexplicably retarded part. If they wanted both belts in a Mania match for a MUCH NEEDED unification, why the fuck not just have Becky win? She could then start boasting how she's the real WWE women's champion and Ronda ain't shit and on and on, which gets Ronda all salty, leading to a Champion v Champion match at Mania. They could even have just hamfistedly glue Charlotte onto the match like they fucking did anyway. Even if it would have been better to just have Becky v Ronda, and let Charlotte and Asuka be the final two in a women's Everyone Gets A Paycheck battle royal.

Like, there are a dozen ways they could have booked the same bloody result considerably less idiotically. I can't think of a single way they could have booked it MORE idiotically. What the fuck is wrong with these people? Why does Vince think people losing going into Mania gets anyone over? Why do you people watch this shit?

dick sucker

Calm down Russo.

Becky had nothing to do with Asuka losing the belt dumbass. Becky actually put her over the most by tapping cleaning while she has been on the hottest streak of her career. A person can cheer them both, especially since they are probably going to be on separate brands now.

you fuckin smark dont you know all the women are going to be champs le four horsewahmen then rhondas crew is gonna jump them to set up the match for the next ppv it will be a main event too btw hehe fuckin smarks get a clue

Vince wants to elevate Becky but only to Charlotte's level. Becky could be so much more but nobody gets pushed more than Charles. Becky literally have to be hottest person in WWE and be the #1 merch seller just so she can share the spotlight with Charlotte. WWE is spending a lot of time and effort to make sure they present Becky and Charlotte in the same level even though they know Becky is way ahead of Charlotte.

The streak was only good in NXT. She could barely beat anyone on main roster and could only get glorified fluke wins against Nia. Plus she isn't allowed to get out of figure 8 which other women have. Has Asuka even beat charlotte clean on TV?

This. Becky played her cards well. All Asuka fans will now be behind her since she was the only one who did something to help legitimize Asuka's reign. They also teamed up to rekt Charlotte yesterday.

Plans change.

Love it when cocky Asuka talks shit

It’s not a test for anything. Cope. She’s done and will be kept off TV for most of her remaining contract

Literally nobody cares about that shit. Most probably don’t even remember it existed now

I'd love a WWE 24 or WWE Chronicle on Asuka.

She's not interesting enough for that.
>Me like to eat, play games and fuck bbc

>The streak was only good in NXT.
>X was only good [before Vince started booking it]

You don't say.

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based incel weeb planning a murder/suicide

asuka is based and everyone who disagrees hasnt met this cutie irl

She can beat everyone except Charlotte straight up. If you add shenanigans she can beat everyone except Charlotte and Carmella.

>Vince wants to elevate Becky but only to Charlotte's level.

Well he's doing an awful job of it. It wouldn't have been hard to let Charlotte sit in the background, focus on actually making Becky come off like a star, build up some some jobber-to-the-stars fodder (like Ember Moon and Nikki Cross and other competent wrestlers The 'E clearly has no interest in genuinely pushing), have Charlotte clean house in the battle royal, have Becky unify the titles and, for once, actually make the fans happy, and go from there after Mania. They would have a couple of prospective challengers for Becky in the PPVs following Mania that no one cares about, a couple of challengers to keep Charlotte busy and put her over, and would be neatly set up to do Becky v Charlotte at Money In The Bank, or even Summerslam if the midcarders get more over than anticipated and can carry a feud or two a bit longer.

They'd end up with one women's championship that people might actually be interested in, with enough roster depth to back it up. Instead of however many championships that people actively don't even want to fucking hear about.

She has already made Carmella tap out in Mixed Match Challenge though

>Mixed meme challenge
>Carmella won it anyway