WTF I love Nikki Cross now

WTF I love Nikki Cross now

Attached: nikicross.jpg (572x859, 37K)

she cool.

The fuck happened....

she looks hotter dirty and rough like she does now.

>White women - 0
>The Wall - undefeated

I would fuck this Nikki so hard she'd turn into today Nikki. Then I'd fuck her back.

legit pornstar-tier looks


She looks much better there than she does now


She looks older an more mature here than she does now

porn lookalike: go

>retards ITT don't understand that she makers herself less attractive because of her current gimmick.
Swear to god the amount of fucking trainables on this board....

delete this

Attached: delete.jpg (756x774, 103K)

Post crazy bitch pits

Attached: LETS PLAY ASP!.jpg (731x505, 31K)

Brain on caffeine. Worse than beer.

Attached: article-1177258-04CD95BD000005DC-98_468x558.jpg (468x558, 80K)

Interesting. But why post this here?

Attached: MajorImpressiveDore-mobile[1].jpg (640x436, 13K)

She drinks that a lot.

look at the OP pick retard

I'm iliterate. Stop seething

she's still cute as fuck

i'd eat here scottish ass