So, AEW doesn't come to work next week

So, AEW doesn't come to work next week...

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Look at all those leaches

what the fuck is a penis party

is evolve and rpw worth watching?

>Penis Party

Joey Ryan is so fucking cringe.

literally the full carnival arriving in one place

the absolute state of trumpfs city

It's exactly what it sounds like


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Is Kaiju Big Battle guys wrestling in Kaiju costumes? Please tell me it is.

imagine if david flair shows up too

user let me tell you something about Kaiju Big Battel

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This looks awesome. They even have buildings in the ring!

based tier:
Spring break night 2
Big Battel
Wrestling tier:
Paul tier:
G1 Supercard
Yikes tier:
Hall of Fame
Disappoint your father tier:
Penis party

If AEW does shows up anywhere I'd guess it would be on DDT's show

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This could be something worth watching

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Your mom’s the host