The WWE says that this is the best modern day Wrestlemania match, is it true Yea Forums?
The WWE says that this is the best modern day Wrestlemania match, is it true Yea Forums?
but is it "modern-day"?
Austin-Rock was on there and Brock-Angle from a year later were on the top-20 so i don't see why not
Bryan at 30 was pretty sick.
Where was Angle/Michaels?
I’ve never seen this match. I’ve never watched Wrestlemania XXV
20 Styles/McMahon
19 Lesnar/Haitch
18 Lesnar/Taker
17 IC title ladder match WM32
16 Charles/Fatsuka
15 WM34 Mixed Tag
14 Rollins/Haitch
13 Taker/Haitch WM28
12 Austin/Rock WM19
11 Bryan/Haitch
10 Angle/Guerrero
9 Lesnar/Reigns (Rollins cash-in)
8 Taker/Edge
7 Mysterio/Guerrero
6 womyn triple threat (Charles/Becko/Horsetty)
5 Michaels/Flair
4 Angle/Lesnar
3 Bryan/Batista/Orton
2 Michaels/Angle
1 Michaels/Taker WM25
That women's match is WAY out of place there.
>Taker almost dying from that cameraman spot
wheres hogan/rock or foley/edge
>7 Mysterio/Guerrero
Absolutely true.
Reigns vs Lesnar 1 is absolutely top 5 at the least
>no Goldberg/Lesnar
>Reigns has 4 main event appearances and only 1 made the top 20
...did you see the people he had to wrestle against in those matches?
Triple H had a fantastic match the Mania before and Lesnar is still having great matches, Taker is the only excuse. Also the 31 match wouldn’t be nearly as good if Seth didn’t cash in. Roman sucks.
What's the best WM lads?
The 31 match was already an all-time great before Rollins cashed in.
No it wasn’t. It was a typical Cena-esque match with the ‘bad guy’ kicking the ‘good guy’s shit in for 95% of the match before somehow he pulls out his only 2 moves to nearly get the pin. Rollins coming out was unforeseen and the crowd was amped at not having Lesnar or Reigns walk out as champ.
story-wise, X-Seven
match-wise, XIX
Aside from Angle on WM19, Lesnar has never had a good Mania match in his life.
>18 Lesnar/Taker
>11 Bryan/Haitch
>8 Taker/Edge
>3 Bryan/Batista/Orton
What a fucking joke. And than Austin/Rock are at 12.. when they should be in top 3.
His match with Goldberg was cash as fuck
I held out on watching this match till a few weeks ago. It really is worth the hype.
>17 IC title ladder match WM32
It is tho
any WrestleMania that starts with a 2 or 3 is shit
Just like every women's match ever.
Kinda agree.
Overrated. Only remembered for botch SSP. Brock looked lethargic throughout. Angle was the MVP.
Absolute shitfest. Crowd killed it from outset. Goldberg, Brock didn’t give a fuck. Stone Cold was MVP.
Slow. Triple H jerking himself off storytelling. The stipulations were
the MVP.
Borefest hampered by out of shape, injured Taker. Only remembered for the streak ending. MVP was Heymans ringside presence, pep talks and acting at result.
Typical face getting dominated for majority of match only to turn it around and nearly win storytelling. Only remembered for MIB cash in. MVP was Lesnar being stiff and selling his ass off.
Absolutely nothing match. Was no MVP.
>WM 33
Solid immovable object Vs Unstoppable force storytelling. Match manager was the MVP.
Finisher spam fest. Only memorable for Lesnar busting open Roman hard way and shock result. MVP was Vince losing his balls at the last moment and not having Boreigns be coronated on the biggest stage of them all.
Imagine losing your mind over a WWE list. How fucking new are you fags
PLEASE have sex ya fucking simp
Make me faggot
Ok, I'll bend you over and rape that ass
>no TLC2
>no Edge/Foley
>no Taker/Michaels WM26 (inferior as it was to 25, it is still better than much of that list)
>no Hogan/Rock
>no Jericho/Angle/Benoit EuroContinental Title
>no Benoit/Michaels/HHH
>no Goldberg/Lesnar III
The absolute state of this list.
>Not a single Money in the Bank match
>no TLC2
>no Hogan/Rock
>no Jericho/Angle/Benoit EuroContinental Title
>no Benoit/Michaels/HHH
Cut off for this seems to have been from WM19 and on & there was no way Benoit matches were ever making it on there
MITB winners at WM
Only one that might have made it was Edge but Benoit & Jericho were in the match
Wait, didn't Shawn come back for a bit? Why do I not remember that at all?
That would've been tragic. If he had hit the cameraman and broken the camera then I would've never gotten to fulfill my life's wish of watching Carder die on live TV.