Me and my wife Stephanie heard of this site, and thought we'd do an AMA here. So go ahead and ask whatever you like, and we're gonna try our best to answer every question.
I'm Triple H, the Executive Vice President of WWE. AMA
Tell Stephanie to post her pitties
how big was chyna's cock
What Stephanie pegs you, do you pretend it's Shawn or Joanie?
Fire everyone under 6'2 immediately or I'll go to the cops.
Why is your hand so bright, Paul?
How did you reach your left hand around that far? Is it a magic trick from wrestling school?
Old pic from last time HHH was here pack it in boyos
I don't know what that is
She didn't have one
I'm not gonna answer your question
Height isn't a measure of talent. We're not in the 80's anymore
These are some strange questions you're asking, what's wrong with you people?
Shut up, this is my board & you will not belittle my people
That's not my hand, it's my buddy Kevin's
Not my hand
I don't know why the date is wrong, I didn't write it.
Hey guys, just a quick statement, I'm a massive faggot and love sucking cock for free
I want to pitch a film to you. Triple H starring as Simple H. We can make up the script as you go along once you agree to the role.
Where do you rank yourself among the all time greats?
That's not me
literally just watched that movie for the first time the other day, i feel bad for sleeping on it
That's my buddy Nash. Cool picture
I have no idea what the hell this means
I'd say the popular opinion is that I'm among the top 5 greatest, but I'll be humble and put myself in the top 10 list.
If there’s two of you it wouldn’t be an AMA anymore would it?
I've heard people on Reddit call it AMA, I don't know what to call it otherwise
How many hot dogs do you pay your talent? I heard AEW is giving everyone two now
Why do you let Vince screw the Asians. Tell that old man Asuka deserves better.
Can you explain the joke in this sign?
Why didn't you rope the old Man into Offering Kenny some Creative Control ya tard?
dear hunner
is stephanie redpilled?
No one wants some flippy manlets, save that shit for the pre-show to get the crowd into it. As your boy Scott Hall said: if you think you're working too slow, work slower
We're paying them real money. You're not funny, pal
I understand why some members of the WWE universe might be upset with this, but we have something special planned for the first ever main event of Wrestlemania.It was just unfortunate that Asuka was holding the title at the time
I don't understand. How about you tell me?
hey triple h, long time listener first time caller, heh. anyways i how fuckin gay are u?
You don't know what's going on behind the scenes, you stupid smark. Don't believe everything you read on the internet.
I don't know what that means
They're called Cruiseweights and they're the most talented group of people we have right now. They deserve the best, and I'm trying to give them as much spotlight as I can
>I understand why some members of the WWE universe might be upset with this, but we have something special planned for the first ever main event of Wrestlemania.It was just unfortunate that Asuka was holding the title at the time
That's bullshit. If you had something planned, you would've taken the title from her a month ago. You're booking this shit on the fly and can't even be bother to give Asuka a good place in the card. Why don't you just admit you and Vince have something against Asian people.
Hey Triple H? Did anything noteworthy happen to Kevin Nash in the summer of 1992?
Shut the fuck up ching chong
What model of chastity cage do you use?
My friend kev doesn’t like talking about it
You know, sometimes brilliant ideas come out of no where nad we just have to execute them on the spot. And no, we don't have anything against asian people. That's why 2 asian people won the Royal Rumble last year
He hasn't talked about anything regarding that year. I'm probably not gonna ask him about it, since everyone on this site seem like they're on drugs or something
This isn't me
I don't know what a chastity cage is and neither does Steph
This isn't me.
Can anyone tell me how to make an account on this site, because I don't want to be impersonated by random nerds on the internet.
So why couldn't you ding-dong diddly sign him then?
>That's why 2 asian people won the Royal Rumble last year
To be completely humilliated the rest of the year, including losing both matches at Mania. That is certainly not helping your case. Where is Nakamura Hunter? Where's KENTA?
How do I get like this?
Triple H, what are your thoughts on your upcoming match at Wrestlemania?
When you lay on your deathbed and reflect on your life, will you be able to say it really was all about the game and how you play it?
In the name section of your post put a # followed by a random string of letters or numbers to create your own unique tripcode. Remember you must use the same string of letters or numbers to display the same unique tripcode.
Is your match with Dave bautista real?
Would you ever call Dwayne for one final match?
Nakamura is happy. Not everyone has to be at the top of the card everytime. Last year Nakamura had a title match at Wrestlemania. This year someone else has. They're not "buried" just because they aren't in the main event. Shinsuke is happy with the position that he's in, trust me.
Cool picture. Talented woman. That's all I have to say.
I'm gonna kick Dave's ass. Simple as that. It's probably gonna be the most brutal match on the card
I'm very happy and proud over what I've accomplished
It's as real as it gets pal. Straight No holds barred match where we wil go to war. Make sure to tune in to Wrestlemania
If he's up for it, I'd gladly do it
>Shinsuke is happy with the position that he's in, trust me.
Are you kidding me? He's not even in the Andre Battle Royal. He'll literally miss WM.