Juice Robinson is based and I motion to adopt him as /ourguy/
Juice Robinson is based and I motion to adopt him as /ourguy/
Based Juice
>implying based juice wasn't already
I lost respect for Juice after he apologized to Cody for using the American Dream moniker. Fuck that crybaby Cody.
That fued was dreadful and killed juiceās momentum.
Nice guy Juice sidestepping his pride to make his friend feel better
Based little hoot
The dude is reddit incarnate
Psh. Reddit wishes it was as based as Juice.
What does that even mean ya ding-dong diddly simperooni.
The best part about that feud was when Juice threatened to punch Brandi in the face during the press conference. He told no one that he was going to say that and it showed.
plebitt will never go balls deep in countless fujoshis.
better than kenny omega
Juice is awesome
Juice is pretty cool.
Juice is an okay guy
He always seems to me like a primary school teacher playing at being a wrestler, I just can't take him seriously.
I don't like blacks
welcome to asp. buy a ticket, take the ride.
punched that boy so hard the damage came from the other direction