Pffffttttt hahahahaahahah what was he thinking

pffffttttt hahahahaahahah what was he thinking

Attached: triple-h-wrestlemania-burns.jpg (600x236, 37K)

Attached: 1365696580145.gif (355x297, 2.75M)

confused brock is cute!

Give him some credit, that must have hurt like hell.

Triple H is unironically one of the toughest guy in the biz

>tore quads both time and finished the match
>worked through dry ice burns
>survived a rattlesnake bite to his face
>survived a 30ft fall from a car

The Game, the King of Kings. All hail!

He looks like he's about to cry

This. The guy wrestlers through all this shit unlike some numale fags who would scream time out

Haitch is a legit shooter too. he'd actually be at the very least somewhat successful in mma unlike that simp punketty

For all the shit I give him for being the ultimate mark for himself I can't deny the truth of this.

>Owie Owie Ouch

I like to clown big nose as much as anyone else but nah...he was a trooper for continuing the match that night
Apparently that shit hurts like hell

HHH is a lame fucker in a lot of respect but wrestling through all this shit is pretty damn impressive. I mean the ice burns and the torn bicep happened at the start of their respective matches and he still did them all the way through. The Crown Jewel match was horrible but fumbling through it nonetheless with a torn bicep is kind of incredible.

A legit tough guy in this fake tough guy business.

Holy cringe, this guy is getting paid millions of dollars per match, I think he can take some ice on his stomach, fucking marks

Looks like he let a bunch of guys jerk off onto his tumbly wumbly

Go rub some dry ice all over your stomach and get back to us.

if i gave you a million dollars to crawl back into your mums vagina you wouldn't so shut the fuck up!

>t.has never worked out in their entire life or did anything physical


rip my sides

Give me 500k and I will do it.

>Hunter is amazeballs! I could never hope to be even half the man!

Attached: soy glasses.jpg (400x400, 30K)

I remember reading somewhere with an interview with Brock on how he was genuinely confused and it really shows here lol

Fyi: the shit on HHH is dry ice that bursted on him from the smoke machine.

worked into a bald shoot

Typical soiboi response
>I’ll just sit here sweating behind my monitor talking tough
>Meanwhile I’ll stub my obese toe on a piece if furniture and cry for hours
You fucking fat soi filled pussy

what does HHH have to do with this? We are talking about how you don't understand physical labor and work in general.

Hunter is getting paid millions, most people slave away for just above minimum wage. There's nothing "courageous" about what Hunter did or does

What are you even fucking talking about man? He worked while hurt nobody said it was courageous, how much money you make doesn't have any effect on your body or injuries man. Do you think people with a bunch of money are above you or something? because you sound really insecure, you can always change your life if you think money will make you a better person.

Literally the only thing people are saying is that it's impressive to work through torn muscles or second degree burns. What the hell is your problem?

Literally anyone would work through that for 2 million, just fuck off

some people , probably you, couldn't work through that no matter how much money. I honestly would love to see if you could handle a 5 minute in-ring match. I don't think you really understand how hard it is.

nothing wrong with that though, everybody is built different, but don't pretend that you're some ubermensch super solider when you probably haven't ran a mile in years.

Most people in that situation would probably go "Okay, this hurts a lot, but it's live TV, just get through it." Doesn't mean it's not impressive. Just because he was being paid a lot doesn't mean working through pain and injury isn't impressive. You seem to have some weird hang-ups when it comes to money.

Keep sucking Paul's dick, most men in history have gone through wars, your little boyfriend worked through having dry ice on his stomach.

Fuck off Phil you quivering pussy

So much projection going on on this thread. Check yourselves, faggots

>Reddit "projection" meme
jesus man, you can't just get called out for your bullshit and then shout "PROJECTION, I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I" lol. You need to grow up and just accept your wrong sometimes. It's not a hard concept.

Check my nuts into ya mouth ya seething fat pussy

go back


Still projecting