What went wrong?

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The U.S

Fans wanting people to main event purely because they've been around for a decade.

Nothing. Both are main event guys who are over as fuck. Get with the times grandpa.

This is going to be the worst wrestlemania ever

The actual talented people who used to wrestle choose to do other things these days because it pays better and you don't get sawdust neck.

I agree, im only interested to see if they let Dbry go over and continue his run. He's the only fun thing about wwe.

father time working us all into a shoot

fastlane looking decent bros

well, to be honest if you were to compare two modern wrestlers (in terms of being OVER and also actually having personality and character)
Bryan and Kofi would be great examples, both of them would have been fine in the attitude era , Kofi would have kept his Jamaican gimmick and gone off solo for sure if he was out then.

Kys soiboy

You first retard

>Not using Wrestlemania X7

it's a comparison between the 1999 WrestleMania and the 2019 WrestleMania

>Bryan vs Kofi will be the best match with the feud/angle that has the most heat and it will be sandwiched in the middle of the card and given 13 minutes so that the Brock/Seth snooze and the Women's disaster can be the highlights

feels bad man

>Vince ages
>Starts to hire young "hip" writers while getting rid of the interesting people
>Vince hasn't known anything about what's happening around him since 2003, so he relies on word of mouth from his close circle of ass kissers
>People tell him how "hip" the indys are, and how crowds react to flippy men
>Vince has always valued his arena crowd over television viewers, and will do anything for a reaction

The Kardashians
Marvel movies

Kofi looks like a nigger.
Is he a nigger though?
Or does he only LOOK like a nigger?
Cause it wouldn't be cool if it turned out he was a nigger.

well the attendance thing isn't really because of the progamming quality, it's just because arena crowds in general have been declining. People can't afford to go out as often for starters and also through streaming services like Hulu,Roku, apps, the internet, free stuff like Kodi and the firesticks people just don't have to pay or go out to see shows.
Even big music performers don't have has big a turn out as they used too.

also that's why you'll see such huge fluctuations in ratings for Raw and SD, a lot of people don't watch the live show and instead watch the commercial free Raw and SD on Hulu instead.

Holy fuck
Post of the century

18 years is enough from birth to being able to be a pornstar. Much better narrative.

Lmao fuckin p0wn3d

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And joe and ko, and sometimes elias, and brock matches


Unironically the WWE title becoming a prop attached to meaningless midcard feuds. The brand split was a mistake.

I like Kofi but.. it's such a fucking "C-Tier" PPV angle and match. I just can't take it seriously, because it seems so forced. "LETS GIVE HIM A TITLE BECAUSE HE'S BEEN HERE FOR SO LONG" This is what people were laughing about when Eric Young won the TNA title, so I don't understand why it can't apply here.

This whole Mania feels like an 8-hour C-Tier show. I'm sure the matches will be fine, but man is it underwhelming.

The WWE title being turned into a midcard belt.


Based filter raping this jabroni into whimpering submission

It’s sad that this is true. But I guess they been doing that to Manias for 20 years

Fucking Hell.
We living in clown times.

>What went wrong?

Monsanto poisoned America.

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