>this isn't the main event
this is the only match where the buildup has been booked somewhat competently and the punished kofi angle is actually interesting. why the fuck did they totally buy into this women's match as the main event?
This isn't the main event
Because as great as Dbry is he is still facing Kofi Kingston. Nothing about Kofi says main event. Vince could find another Kofi at his local carwash. Muh 11 years... negro please R Truth has been there just as long and is waaaay more talented than Kofi.
Nothing about Bryan says main event either. It's two mid-carders having a fake fight for a hemp belt.
You're right, but that's only because they botched the build to the women's match at every possible turn. At one point, it was the best built story and the rightful main event. Just not in the last few weeks.
>this is the only match where the buildup has been booked somewhat competently
Seth and Brock has been booked better than this AND the women's disaster combined. They have tried to book it with the unnecessary twists and turns that the women suffered under and it hasn't been a repetitive slog of getting screwed over again and again that Kofi/Bryan has. It's just been solid promos and occasional appearances from Bork to spice things up every now and then. Simple and effective storytelling.
its a good thing
I dont give a shit about the womens match so I dont have to watch it now to get to the kofi/bryan match
Shut up Seth LMAO
Last thing I remeber about Seff is him being F5ed. Did something important happen after that?
nigger Brock doesn't deserve another main event. Fuck him.
This is the underrated part. Wrestlemania effectively ends 30 minutes early now.
Not important per se. Just Seth cutting promos about how important the match is. Obviously, they won't give it more shine than the women's storyline, so it's been under the radar a bit.
I never said the match should main event.
except for the part where it hasn't
Bryan winning in the WM 30 main event was the last great thing WWE has done.
>lol I'm going to watch 7 and a half hours of shit instead of 8 hours of shit lol
Good for you.
I'll take a steady progression of build over degradingly watchable Gauntlet matches any day, but you do you.
Jesus what a stupid fucking thing to say.
Pretending that Bryan, the top talent in the company - probably ever, hasn't been the top performer every single week since hes been back is idiocy.
Besides a few weeks where Joe stole the show, or KO and Sami. and maybe Elias won MVP of the week a few times.
fuck off coon lover, go watch blacked porn
Is that why he performs in front of tarps? Really makes you think.
not his fault WWEs creative writers are garbage. Though in fairness Smackdown has been significantly better than Raw for almost a year now
Oh please, jinder was rightly blamed when he was holding the title and was not drawing ratings yet the hobo bryan gets a free pass? If he's a good top guy he would be drawing
>blaming the talent for Vince's retarded writing
top jej
Jinder fucking sucked at everything, but he was trying his best. It ain't his fault they decided to turn him from jobber to main eventer in two weeks because of a half-assed ploy to go for India money.
Jinder was actually good most of the time.
Use a little critical thinking, poor Jinder had to work with Randy the feud enthusiasm killer, and AJ who cant carry a feud
come on guys, be smarter.
racist are such cringe autist, every time I read post from you guys I just picture a 14 year old kid snickering and typing away at his keyboard.
The women were going to main event eventually anyway, might as well put it sooner than later. And the fact Brock isn't on the main event pretty much shows he's losing.
Jinders run was better than AJ. Jinder could be a top heel if he had a good writer behind him. He has an amazing look.
So jinder is based now? Right, got it. You flip flopping simps.
Brock didn't main event at 33 and he won that match.
>Jinder fucking sucked at everything,
Bryan has been an unirronic anti draw
Some of us have different opinions man. that's fine. and theres differences between potential and application
I believe Jinder did great, Swagger did great, Austins heel turn was perfect timing, Takers streak ended at the perfect timing with the perfect guy, Sami Zayn is the far and away 2nd best talent in the company..
And all of those things may be true, but creative can have a huge effect on how they go about shit.
He's as based as bryan ya pinhead
So many shit opinions.
t. i have reddit opinions
>negros in the main event
Because Charlotte is going to win and she's the new Hulk Hogan.
Oh shit you're right. But Brock was in a different position kind of. He's at the point now where he needs to drop the title like AJ and focus on the next step of his career
Muh reddit
Just accept that you have awful opinions faggot
Agree with every single one of those.
Bollywood boys were hillarious
Swagger lisping the state of the champion and having a mascot has hillarious
Austins heel turn was painfully needed after he defeated everyone and everything
Taker losing obviously needed at that moment
Sami and Bryan are the best all around - mic, in ring, mind for angles and the business