Weight Lifting General

Weight Lifting General

Attached: 1551940325661.webm (202x360, 736K)

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Is he retard?


he lifts more than you and regularly has sex ya incel

Attached: 1546192395135.webm (480x480, 2.55M)

Nah i dont think so lil guy

Attached: 1514253711297.webm (264x480, 2.74M)

nah ya tranny loving mella fella

That's smarts

I can only imagine the sound on this

Im ding-dong diddly beat ya bitch ass bulbasaur

fuck, why would you try that with such chicken legs?


Tryna impress girls but his manlet legs couldnt handle it

Post more webms damnit

Attached: MAYHEM_267.webm (480x848, 1.03M)


Attached: 1532364463862.webm (720x720, 1.35M)

Attached: 1533464445066.webm (400x400, 1.27M)

And also
>that nigga on the treadmill not noticing

Attached: 7r1n2qkpwb411.webm (388x264, 912K)

Attached: CMOwned.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

Leave Khabib to me.


Attached: TonyLasers.jpg (730x380, 53K)

AYYY the fuck is wrong with this dude?


Attached: 1546625652501.jpg (412x414, 80K)

>everyone just watched after he falls down

He lifting that much weight without spotter he deserve it

>helping an attention whore without a spotter
he got himself in that position he can get himself out of it

>Spotting on olympic lifts

Do you also get a spot when you deadlift or OHP you fucking faggots

Calm down roid rage


Can you anons help me out? When doing incline and flat dumbbell press I can feel my chest being worked. I retract my shoulders but I still cant feel it.. What am I doing wrong?

I dont lift weights so i dont know

Did she die?

Is his back kill?



I expected him to fold in fucking half.

Give me the 411 on this, what am I looking at here?

Man lifting weight on rubber bands

Okay, but why?

Because biscuits n gravy made him a man
Awww biscuits n gravy made him all that he am

probably need wider grip, also u dont have to be feeling it for it to be working r u getting a pec pump at all from it?

*Bell rings*

I'm not him, but find myself in the same situation. I do flat dumbbell presses, and don't feel it at all, until half an hour later when my pecs start tightening up.

Wat u mean?

Who's the asshole throwing 50lb plates around like frisbees?

me im the boss of this gym

Attached: 3E7706754825493F8C6F14A4D63B77ED.jpg (612x816, 57K)

How much can batista bench press

Attached: Dave_Bautista.jpg (1200x1466, 275K)

is he on trt?



I'm guessing 300-350 at his peak. I bet there isn't more than 10 people on the roster now that can bench more than 2 plate

dunno dude there are some dudes with some short ass arms on this roster

Not counting part-timers and I don't know NXT shitters:
Big E
Xavier Woods

Cesaro has short arms?

Bobby Lashley m8

Sin Cara

Otis could easily do it as well

Rollins does meme fit I doubt he lifts heavy

I can feel a tiny pump but nothing substantial. How far down should my elbows go? Do I squeeze my chest throughout the entire movement or on the way up?

Nigga just watch a video

so this is the power of crossfit...

I don't have any internet. :(

Do you not enjoy having fucked up joints?

it's a gay sex sling

>friends get gym membership
>keep bugging me to go
>after a couple months go with them
>bust out a 400lbs squat, do 350 to reps after building up reps from 150
>absolutely mog them at overhead press and clean+jerk

I shoot impressed myself with that. I haven't been to the gym in literally 10 years. All of a sudden they wanted to start doing cardio and exercises using bullshit muscles after a month of "come on bro, you gotta get strong!".

I can't insult Tony enough

bigger lie than when my parents told me they loved me fag


Attached: 938h29.png (420x420, 312K)

>I'm guessing 300-350 at his peak.

Attached: 1543293722049.jpg (480x832, 54K)

based t. sperg


whw gymcel gets turned down by trainer

A 45 plate for every inch of his dick

You don't get those kind of pecs at anything under 400

Go to you simp.

Get a clue ya simp

Attached: 1478996685181.webm (640x640, 2.53M)

Attached: 1507689642068.webm (640x640, 2.49M)

Mother of god

holy ding-dong diddly

Kelly Klein should start doing clips like this

Is that you James? Are you still on that elliptical machine, doing half steps and holding to the heart rate grips that don't move the entire time?

I can shoulder carry a waterheater up 3 flights of stairs and do so as a part of my job. Its not like I sit on my ass for a living and can suddenly do 350 to reps. Its okay tho bro, you totally have better chest flys than me. Nothing wrong with being a grown man who is uncomfortable putting 150 on the squat bar because "its all about form".

Attached: IMG_20190310_175124.jpg (508x490, 31K)

Is cm cuck good at anything that's not fake and scripted?


imagine people believing anything you say

Imagine being a little faggot who can't even clean and jerk 80 lbs after going to the gym for 2 months.