tfw WWE sucks so much ass that suicide is considered as an option (for E DRONES)

> tfw WWE sucks so much ass that suicide is considered as an option (for E DRONES)

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Is he going to kill himself?

who is this depressed faggot?

Can't relate to caring this much about whether a stranger lives or dies tbqhwy

No he's just gonna bitch and whine and continue to watch WWE

>male doing le attention seeking suicide threat on social media
Imagine being this low test

Literally Who?

>I've been depressed for 5 years
kek what a little bitch in the comments, nigger I've thought about blowing my fucking brains out for the past 20 years or so and I didn't do it. Develop a crippling drug addiction and severe alcoholism and deal with this bullshit like the rest of us normal folks.

Not as bad as this simp named golazo Dan a known cuck

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Literally who

This virtue signaling simp should just off himself

>it's a pay attention to me tweet

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#1 Podcast on YOUTUBE ya fucking dweeb.

This simp is worse than a girl with this shit.

Stream it fag.

>wrestling's fanbase comprises of people with mental health issues who need (not want, NEED) to watch wrestling in order to escape their shitty lives

Reminder that if people took their mental health as seriously as their physical health, pro-wrestling would never come close to being mainstream ever again.

Stop watching WWE and your mental health will improve, this is a fact.

E Drones LOL

People were making fun of him and saying he fucks his cat and he lost his shit. What a fucking dope. Get off the computer and go outside you turd.

>get fired for getting a concussion at work
>no health care now to get antidepressants and therapy
>try to get new job
>interviewers ghost me
Why even try? I just want enough money to buy a gun so I can blow my brains out.

Don't forget to off your wife and kid on the way out, and leave bibles by the bodies.

>thinking I have a wife and kid
Stupid nigger

Like people need a excuse to kill themselves

attention seeking sad act loser

stop giving him attention he desperately craves

>get fired for getting a concussion at work
do you live in china? are there no occupational regulations where you work?

I talked to several lawyers about it but none want to help me

based user sending those demons right back to hell with crippling chemical addictions

>the wrestling fans are mentally ill meme is real

he probably did some highly retarded and inappropriate and possibly illegal

Nope. 4 wheeler fell off my van and clocked me in the head. Giving me a concussion and leaving me bleeding. I took pics of myself bleeding and told management what happened, no reply. When I drove back to the warehouse after my delivery I was told I'm fired.

Your projection is a true showing your NEETdom. Take a walk and suck some cock so you can afford this month's Network subscription for Mania.

probably should have secured it properly you incompetent bitch

sorry CTE user when you said a lawyer wouldn't help you I figured you were a retard (I still think you are)

I can't wait until you suck the barrel of a gun like a dick tho ya seethin little bitch

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do in on camera faggot

>doesn't dispute being NEET
kek you'll off yourselves before I do

Aren't you literally a NEET right now? lol don't throw stones in glass houses. And no I am not a NEET but I had more important things to talk about like how big of faggot you are

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i don't want you to kill yourself
but it's awfully fishy that you got fired, lawyers know that they can't make money off your situation, and interviewers are ghosting on you
sounds like you fucked up

Nope, making money on my side incomes.
Something you've never thought of, probably because you're too busy dreaming of sucking cock.

>literally depressed faggot NEET that admits he wants to kill himself actually trying to talk shit to others
This is so Yea Forums it hurts. How much did your concussion lower your IQ?

Sounds like you were fucked up on drugs ya clumsy bitch. Kill yourself to cleanse the gene pool

This guy seething a suicidal faggot is shitting all over him

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BASED real man poster

>side incomes
So not a job dipshit? You're a NEET probably donating plasma so you can by a gun to kill yourself lmao.

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That was my first post on the thread tho

How's it feel knowing you've never touched a titty yet this suicidal mark has fucked more pussy than you

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I would take some user sperg seething at me on Yea Forums over being a depressed suicidal faggot any day


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Everyone in this thread should die

But user I have touched a titty. You have admitted you are depressed clumsy pussy. Sorry m8 shouldn't cry on Yea Forums if ya don't wanna get dunked on

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>suicidal faggot pretending to be someone else

I know at least one person who is about to lol

Hey NEET, just got a call back from my last interview. Got a 57K position offered.

Enjoy F5ing asp all day

like 4 people were dunking on your depressed ass lol also I make 85K as software engineer stay SEETHING

Just get a rope and use it to make a noose

Damn that is extremely convenient and doesn't sound like a concussed retard LARPing at all.

who are you even replying to? LMAO

How long will you make it before you drop another object on your retarded head or kill yourself?

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Apparently he was having a breakdown on Twitter the other day because someone accused him of fucking his cat. This guy has serious mental health issues.

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The faggot doth protest too much, methinks

this is what an honest post and I hope you get help

OH NO NO NO NO NO NO bruuuuuuh we know ya lying kys tbqh

DMing this fag right now lel

cap it


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Hi concussedcuck! Reminder this is your future

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>still pretending to not be the suicidal faggot

Still seething and replying to me even though I just got a new job and don't care anymore. I'm just here to fuck with you since you have the rest of your life to spend here, I got another 10 min to spare though

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This dude fucks cats.

If only tri.moon could've gotten this support.

Tell us about your new job concussedcuck? I think everybody that is not a concussed suicidal faggot thinks you are lying

Well our lives are gonna be a lot longer than yours suicide boy

>blatantly exposing how big of a samefag you are
So this is the power of dropping a 4wheeler on your head like a complete sperg

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I'll be apart of an engineer team that distributes automated robots to clients for labor. Going to be replacing the fucks that fired me with robots that I control. Sweet justice.
Nice trips
This is aspfaybe2.0

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>revenge LARP
lol you watch too much mandrama concussioncuck

nice depression bro 2 sweet me

Take your meds and excercise. Depression is treatable.

And I'm STILL getting replies. You guys are awesome. Totally legit about the job, not so much replacing the exact workforce from the company that fired me though. Maybe in 10 years with enough R&D for the robots I'll be working on.

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Kill yourself namefag

You mad wimpy coward?

Thought you only had 10 minutes left concussioncuck. Why you keep lying to us about everything? Next thing ya know you're gonna tell us you didn't drop heavy machinery on your head

A gun is like $200 you broke ass bitch hahahahahahahahahahah

Yup you do sound like a mentally ill person. Nobody believes ya bud

>people who obsess over play fighting are mental
really makes ya think

dude he is fucking crazy read the soon as everyone started dunking on him he said he got a job and it's replacing the people that fired him with robots, also he keeps getting caught lying and samefagging

Yeah he's is broke but has "side incomes"

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This thread is so fucking based. Thanks for the laughs.

But seriously, everyone in this thread shouldn't breath another breath

>he says that while being in the thread
Ya suicidal ya batty boi?

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Learn English

Asp is proof too.

Just posting on asp proves mental illness


Fucking wew