Are babyfaces supposed to be this insufferable?

Are babyfaces supposed to be this insufferable?

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It's probably also nice never having drawn a dime or never having good matches and then getting to main event WM though

Only women

>Becky Lynch

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Becky Cringe

She would know about that. I mean what the fuck did she ever do to get hired? Did she ever wrestle in Mexico? She had like one date as a comedy Jobber in Japan, that's dumb. All her accomplishments outside the E can be summarized in flight attendant and AA registered drunk.

Do you even know what Wrestlemania is you stupid cunt?

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Yes, Stone Cold was an insufferable asshole who attacked people indiscriminately and he was a huge babyface, you're just seething because it's a woman doing it.

>She had like one date as a comedy Jobber in Japan, that's dumb
imagine getting worked by hanaposter's lies

Becky has literally teamed with Aja Kong

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nah it was cool when he did it because his character was relateable becky is far too produced

It would be nice to have someone with drawing power be at WrestleMania.

>no. 1 merch seller shouldn't be in the main event

Youre right. Roman/Drew should main event. If not that it should be HHH/Batista.

I didn't say anything about being the main event tho.
Also being the number 1 merch seller in wwe is like being the fastest fatass. You're still slow and you're still dying.

as a jobber, point still stands faggot

>le nigger Twitter slang in headline

Fuck leftists.

She better shut the heck up about my boy Gronk if she knows what's good for her. He has his own Monster flavor and she doesn't even have tits.

She's clearly taking a shot at Ronda....

>Bexcels are still damage controlling my shit nearly 3 months later

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>Believing that
Cmon; she’s being an insufferable dweeb. She was geek as a steampunk cosplay act, and she’s still a geek now
>that broken nose should’ve kept her out longer.

6 time Superbowl Champion. If anything shes just trying to get his attention to try and get some BWC

>6 time Superbowl Champion
3x dude

She’s a strong woman sweetie, don’t be intimidated

I cant be intimidated by something physically and mentally weaker than me. At most I can pretend we're on the same level.

his neck and back being sawdust is the reason he’s retiring. how does it make any sense he’d get into wrestling?

seething incel