Thank you Carder
Weekend shifts? Mmmm, don't wanna mess with them.
Ahhh just got my welfare bought some weed and jack daniels im ding-dong diddly have a badass weekend
I feel like taker isn’t happy enough in this picture...
mmm based
thanks 'take
Based, redpilled and mmmm
Starting to get beer belly lads
based, thanks
>tfw wageslave
>tfw off work today at 7pm and then go in tomorrow at 4:30am
Kill me, pete
Hahahaha im ding-dong diddly sleep in,
Wake and bake
Eat delicious brekky
Play vidya
Most importently shitpost wit my asp brahs
do squts
>not even 12 hours off between work shifts
What kinda gay ass job do you have?
Thanks Mean Mark
Lol your boss hates you
ding-dong diddly ding dong my diddly based CARDER
I don’t know why this is so fucking funny
T-thank you mr. Calaway!
Y-you too.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm thanks based taker gonna take time this weekend to have a good fapola and recharge my METER