How hard will you mark when he comes out like this
How hard will you mark when he comes out like this
I know it's been said before, but it's sad how insecure and compensating haitch is because he's talented enough to be over without forcing it so hard. Nobody gave a shit about DX until shawn fucked off and H took the reigns. That alone should have made him confident but to this day he's still a bitch.
it'd be so fucking gay which means he'll probably do it. it'll be so cringe I'll bleed.
he's a bitch cuz he's pandering to bitch bois
He will always be seen as second fiddle to Rock and Austin during the companies peak and that has always eaten him up inside
Anti draw piece of shit, hope he does so i can cringe.
retarded post
HGH has always been the least over member of any version of DX he was in
yeah but still, being #3 in the hottest era of wrestling ever is something to be proud of, not be a whiny bitch about
Coming out as Thanos to work a match babyface would be a very Triple H thing to do
Foley was #3
It would make perfect sense, he has past experience of wiping out half the audience.
good job young man
More like #5. #3 is Foley, #4 is Taker
I can honestly picture this happening.
>HHH comes out as Thanos then takes off armor
>Batista rushes him like the Hulk
>HHH no sells it then picks him apart with pure strikes
>Chris Pratt, Evans, Hemsworth come out to attack HHH
>they get BTFO
>Brie Larson strolls out, kicks HHH in the infinity stones
>Batista with the pin
this is the WWE's Endgame
Gaitch was not 3. More like 6 or 7
Triple gaytch
>Paul Rudd crawls up his ass
Taker was shit during the AE. Absolute lowest you can rank HHH is 4. There's a strong case for him being 3, he was based and drew serious heat.
And he was #1 after Austin and Rock basically left. Taker was a bit of a joke at the time desu.
I won't be watching, so I won't ding-dong diddly give two shits
Eww, go back
that would completely ruin the tone of the feud
so of course it will happen
>muh hhh was le antidraw xD
keep seething marks
Triple GOAT has always been the biggest draw in WWE history right under Vince McMahon
1. Vince
2. HHH
3. Austin
4. Andre
5. Hogan
>HHH finally manages to collect every title belt.
>Clicks his fingers, the lights go out
>When they come back on, half the audience is gone.
>no NXT infinity stone
ya blew it