What’s the worst wrestling game you’ve played?

What’s the worst wrestling game you’ve played?

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The graphics and weapon physics were great tho.

WCW Thunder for PS1, easily
I don't care how bad you think any of the WWE 2k games were. Thunder was horrible even for its time

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Nitro and Thunder on PSX.
Actually Thunder was quite decent after I got used to its shittiness but Nitro is unforgivable. At least Thunder introduced a grappling system which wasn't that great but made the engine a bit more playable.

all the 2k next gen games suck. 2K15 just had the lest amount of content

2k18. I could have fun creating my own autistic e-feds with 14 and 16, but unlocking moves via lootboxes is horseshit

WWF Attitude

The Pick Me Rants were the only good thing about Nitro.

SvR 2008 on the Wii. It was a literal barebones tech demo with the roster of the real game. Only 4 match types and nothing past quick play.

And variations thereof

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>WWF Attitude
Fucking this.

Press four buttons to do an Irish whip. Press seven buttons to do a hiptoss. Press fifteen buttons to do a finisher. What were they thinking?

The 2d mobile versions are GOAT tho

The game wasn't that bad overall when you consider it had a great create-a-wrestler for its time, custom arenas/lighting, a large collection of wrestler soundbites, blood, cursing, full wrestler entrances and match commentary that was better than the one in Just Bring It, a game that came a generation after it
All of that might not have made up for the shitty core gameplay but it definitely kept the game from being terrible/boring

WCW Backstage Assault

Got this at a flea market in the 90s for a few dollars. Fucking sucked dick like most NES wrestling games.

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That first came to my mind but is that really a 'wrestling' game?

They were simple MK inputs ya simp.
Acclaimed and doofuspilled.

Stupidest game ever.

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Legends of Wrestling on the Game Cube is the worst I've played


All I remember is that it had an incredible roster and ridiculously long load times.

WWE 2K13 on Wii.

The broken pixels from the stretched JPG's of wrestler's titantrons and ring aprons were hysterically offensive

This piece of shit

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>it had an incredible roster
A big-ass roster where every wrestler had the exact same moves except for 2 unique special moves and their finisher
It also had some of the most ridiculous hidden 'wrestlers' like the Nitro Girls, a horse, a praying mantis, and even the game developers themselves

I remember the graphics being great tho

WCW Thunder had terrible controls and the guys moved so damn slow, BUT the roster was great and the selection screen rants were entertaining. I really enjoyed that you could change which faction each wrestler was in and it would change their attire.

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i have this game (2008 on DS). it really is the worst wrestling game ever. all you do is draw crap on the touch screen.


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Smackdown 2
the career mode killed the game for me. nothing made sense.

>2k15 for the fact that it had virtually NO content
>2k16 because Elimination Chamber would pretty much break the game

Attitude was very playable after I adapted to the shittiness but Warzone is fucking unplayable.

it is, it has a grappling system. It just doesn't take place in the ring. But it has all the earmarks of a wrestling game.

yeah, virtually unplayable. Horrid grappling system.

LOW2 was a tad better, it still had the same issues but they fixed it up a little more, playable after you get used to the shittiness. I also created most of the 05 WWE roster on it.

>tfw Vince saw this and thought that it would make a great belt design

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Wcw backstage bullshit

Kinda based

I'm old enough to remember this.



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Who knew Weird Al could shred?

The story mode was pretty great.

The worst thing about Smackdown 2's season mode, HANDS DOWN, was the ridiculous load times not only between switching screens, but also while skipping matches
Each event would have like 8 matches, 7 of which had nothing to do with your selected wrestler. Let's say you picked Kurt Angle. Wanna breeze through the event by skipping all the other matches except yours? Okay, lets take 10 seconds to skip each individual match. Oh, wait a minute: let's also throw in some pointless random cutscene involving Rikishi telling Michael Cole in an interview that he feels confident after just defeating Road Dogg. Let's have that scene which is boring and has nothing to do with your wrestler, be not only 10 seconds long but also be between a 10-second load screen and ANOTHER 10-second load screen

For me it's Popeye 3: Wrestle Crazy on the Commodore 64.


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Fucking based. Thank you for sharing this

>tfw bought this when it was still new
The titantrons and themes are kind of funny though

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Rock's theme is kinda kino

Power Move Pro Wrestling
All the magazines at the time sucked this game's dick. Overrated garbage.

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Simpsons Wrestling

this game really pissed me off too



That's "Raging" Andy Organ's theme. Perfection.

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Souns like Just Bring It commentary

Regal's theme sounds like something from Pokemon Ruby.

fav /smack/ game. Commentary was awesome

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Never played this, but that is a nice roster for GBA.

Post your favourite old school game.

WWF Warzone and Day of Reckoning 2 here

It's Yukes first wrestling game so that's no coincidence.

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Lati- no- heat

Season mode was bad but the arcade-style match gameplay was based

Holy shit it really is fucking trash, It's so trash I found my copy someone probably threw away on the ground at a park

The worst side scrolling piece of shit ever.

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I begged my dad to get me this game the day it was released.
I'll never forgive myself.

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was going to post this. This game was fucking terrible.

Probably the reason why WWE rejected this pitch.

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