What was Yea Forums like before based/cringe, deadie and nash?

What was Yea Forums like before based/cringe, deadie and nash?

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it was mostly just carter dunking on pedobombz

based oldfag theg working op into attaining valuable knowledge and Yea Forums experience

pretty much this, along with whatever poofbombz podcast was

Based has pretty much always been here, it entered Yea Forums terminology a long time ago. Cringe posting is a much more recent thing, and rape posting seems to have started last fall.

Deanchad, Bretcuck, Triphammer, 2Cold Steve-O, Trooth Bombz, Hoganposter, Randyfag, Bryanfag, Biff Andreas.. they were the ones posting

Shit. Yea Forums went to shit immediately after /wwe/ generals were banned.

carter has never dunked on anyone

abandon rapeposting, attain superior EARTHQUAKE and INOKI posting

18+ newfaggetty

The real question should be what was this like before we got kicked off Yea Forums.

Deadie and Nash may as well be brand new memes, as far as my boomer brain is concerned. Just before it, there was a time in between yelissa and the deadie/Nash bullshit. Around the time of Hurricane Irma in late 2017 Yelissa stopped posting here and the board was fucking shit, as bad as it had ever been. I might be misremembering, feel free to Ether me.

based newfag gently and humbly exposing himself

Are there even any OGs around still? Nobody really talks about the Yea Forums times.

no you're not wrong after yucklissa was killed things got real dull real quick

grow a chin

grow a gut

carter and his multiple trips ruled the land

in a perfect world Yea Forums is nothing but earthquake, inoki, kemonito and steiner posting mixed with random britstuff like Jimmy Ocean and Big Daddy

Hey nice that’s when I took a year long hiatus from this shithole.

Every other post was "have sex." It's always been shitposting paradise, it was never this fantasy land you think it was.

This place used to be very different.

Pretty much the only indicator of the Yea Forums days anywhere on the board is the bliss general being called /in4bliss/, I remember Blissfags spamming that in the /wwe/ general a lot

the fact that it's shitposting paradise is what makes this place great. i think you need to follow the advice of those who came before us and have some ding-dong diddly sex

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Don't forget the larpers and martial arts fags. There used to be HEMA threads up fo long periods of time before this place became shitpost city.

How long ago was that first zorbing thread?

I might be one of the oldest fags here so here goes

it used to be like 10 guys in a pro wrestling general, very calm and reasonable discussion of pro wrestling, maybe 50 posts a day, rest of the board was shoot alternate sports

I had no idea people posted wrestling stuff on Yea Forums until one day the mods decided to actually move them to their containment board and the board was a FUCKING SHITSTORM from then until now

I'm so glad it happened

Yea Forums is my home

love ya bros

I wasn't complaining have mong. I was merely pointing out fact. And yes the fact that it is shitposting central is the very reason I come here.

Sex. Have it.

Probs bout 4 years ago

you can go ahead and point out THIS

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Big Posts Carter buried the entire board

>He thinks this place is great

Jesus Christ, I've coming here for a good while now.

>He doesn't
Based and redpilled


comfy slow board

most of the shit now is because 'pro wreslting' fans are still salty about being extirpated from Yea Forums

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Does anyone still have the legendary bikechad thread saved? That one post blew us (the wrestlefags) out more than any raid ever did.

It floats around here whenever the nostalgiafags have a "Now That's What I Call Yea Forums!" thread

A highlight from the days of yore...

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Shit this was only last year?

Oldfag here checking in. Are you talking about what it was like when we had our ONE little /WWE/ general on Yea Forums or after Gook Moot kicked us out and we took over Yea Forums?

Another highlight...

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>Only last year

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this is post paige leaks aka wew and reddit nujapanlets mark invasion

I miss Yea Forums. Threads weren't just "based/cringe/worked/Nash/Eddie" posting. Anyone remember the user that would post the big show pic like clockwork? Those were the days.

A visit from the legend himself...

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Before based and cringe there was only "worked."

Before Nash and Deadie, there was Inoki and Earthquake.

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Too perfect for this sinful board. We don't deserve that reality.

your parents don't deserve the burden if your NEET ass. get a job and contribute to society you fat lard

love you too user

I think I randomly subbed to WWE because I saw WWE thread on SP for wrestlemania. It was that one that was outside in Levis stadium.

Back on Yea Forums there used to be a CP spammer who would target /WWE/

I used to browse SP in public and I had to stop for fear of the spammer


>this thread is full of newfags who don’t even remember Yea Forums right after we moved to Yea Forums up to the fallout of Wrestlemania 33
>or even when we actually were on Yea Forums
jesus christ

i miss swede

probably one or two tripfags that posted on Yea Forums who are semi-active

You da man Seff

Fucking newfag kys

wish swede was around for paige during and post del rio saga, wouldve made for some quality shitposting

I was in /wwe/ general 1 back when it started. It was the attitude Era for sure

Nobody talks about sweaty mandrama in Yea Forums because /wwe/ was a literal Jannetty of that board. The funny thing about wrestling being moved to Yea Forums is that there really weren't alot of wrestling threads on Yea Forums to begin with and got raped by Yea Forumsartans like Nash in 92 and got exiled to Yea Forums lol.

Yea Forums was holding us down man, we had to go and make our own fed to truly shine. We're the CAWdy of boards.

for real, talk about missed opportunity

name fags are cringe


Lose height

>I dont feel so based

engage in coitus

It was cringe

Bexbro and Bretcuck got coaxed into killing themselves by Carter. Yellisa jobbed to a tropical cyclone. Carter's rumored to appear at Yea Forumsmania.

WWE on Yea Forums was magical
limited to the general and occasional “takeover of Yea Forums” around the big PPVs, I think it was a much better environment
except for that long period of time when the CP spammer targeted /wwe/
the elimination of actual pizza is something I’m really proud of Yea Forums for
it went from likely a thread on Yea Forums to being spammed and banned to nearly nonexistent

Moving to Yea Forums was the best thing for this board and anyone who says otherwise is a strict edrone. The new board allows everyone to discuss multiple companies and events in one place rather than one thread thay people probably won't care to read.

Although it's gotten awful lately, I used to read a lot but that turned to only posting during raw/SD to now only posting during occasional PPVS since I don't watch this shit so I don't care. The board just spams every meme to death so you're forced to filter a shit load of phrases and words.

it generally follows the same path as WWE - the board was better back in '97

before Carter, it was mostly a martial arts discussion board with various trips with a lot of knowledge giving really useful advice, it was kind of like /fit/ but for fighting

Then this fucking no job no social life autistic permavirgin spent every waking second ten hours a day spamming the board, and a bunch of other autistic cucks cheered him on after wwe was banned from Yea Forums, and one of the best boards this site ever had just disappeared within a month and left no trace

I came to Yea Forums when Hiro created it cause we finally were gonna have a wrestling board so I could ditch that shithole /wooo/. But it was all shitty alt sports generals, and the board was slow as shit. There were a few Yea Forums chads trying to take over, but it didn't work. I didn't come back to the board for like a year and it's just improved so dramatically since then. Yea Forums is a legit top20 board now for posts, the Yea Forums banishment was the best thing to happen.

>implying you can dunk in golf

Asp dead now

based Carter

summer of 1992 youtube.com/watch?v=6zyElf69cMA

Bless Carter, at least the board is active now

It started out with mentally ill faggots samefagging their own threads to keep them alive and letting the rest die so its really not much different now

Exposing the business

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Before based, it was based.

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This psycho has a few good ideas. I don't get the violence shit though . If I wanted to fuck a woman who hits me I'd just date a hispanic one.

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We had daily threads about the Divas, good pictures of Rosemary therein. Federation, Attitude, and Ruthless Aggression were talked about more. Yea Forums really used to like Smackdown Live.

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Mostly shitposting combined with Yea Forums stuff like skate general and martial arts general and of course the consistent
>why did hiro ruin our secret club with wrestling? why cant they just go back to Yea Forums?
ding-dong diddly and most of the other memes didn't catch on until carter forced them for months on end

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look at the newfag trip trying to fit in

>made a trip out of the newest of newfag memes
lol faggot


reminder Broken Incel looks like this

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Bruh the CP spammer targeted everything BUT /wwe/ he targeted the rest of the offtopic threads on the board. That is where pedomod is an Yea Forums mod came from because people thought the cp spammer was a mod that likes wrestling