Go on momma

Every inch of your body is perfect from the bottom to the top

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who's the lardass

Based fatass

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Good job lady, be as fat as you want to be, but still

imagine the cardiac arrest

Their name is literally in the image, bro.

Would mercilessly pound that with no regrets the morning after

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t.Dolph Ziggler

why do Amerifat SJWs promote an extremely unhealthy lifestyle like morbid obesity and call it "perfect"?

god what a beautiful slampig

Not pictured: Viper crying herself to sleep because she actually hates her body, then subsequently getting told she has diabetes and loses a foot.
Perhaps maybe then she will care about that reputation.

you and me both bro

Can't wait until she comes out with some fat faggot disease and paints herself as a hero.

I love that first one. I'll always use it to describe her from now on.

She's scottish tho

Because they are lazy fatasses themselves, and when one of their ilk does well for themself, they latch onto them to make them feel better about themselves. They then go on to eat a ton of ice cream then say “it’s my genetics or my thyroid” when anyone mentions it


her face is somehow worse than her body

God I want to put a baby in her tight Scottish puss

If she really didn't give a damn she wouldn't have made this post. She's very much worked and seething and trying to cope.

Thanks for pointing that out. I would've never guessed that the fat whale would respond by acting sassy and retarded.

top tier brapsow

That's a very sassy and retarded reaction to an innocuous post, user.

Dolph Ziggler's lust intensifies.


god i love pale soft bitches

>using Becky and Ronda as comparisons

don’t flatter yourself cunt

I'm fat, so I don't care.

>she looks like Becky ate Ronda

lmao i got a chuckle, fatass blown the fuck back

you tell me

What the fuck happened to this country? Jesus christ we're fucked

U lost WW2

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It's part of the propaganda to confuse people by changing the meaning of words, ugly is beautiful, unhealthy is healthy, lies are truth.


Where are my thighbros at?

Poor Pikachad is feeling uncomfortable

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This is what happens when Liv Morgan goes too far.

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I unironically want to empty my scrotum in this fatty

How did being fat become something to be proud of? This world is retarded

desu she clearly doesnt roid so will probably live longer than most wrestlers in the last 30 years

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>proud lazy fat fuck glorifying obesity saying she's comfortable in her body.
>pulls bottoms over her stomach so it doesn't just hang.

Fat people got successful and now everyone wants to be fat.

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>everyone wants to be fat

In fairness Viper is still one of the 10 skinniest women in Scotland

Fat men aren't fat. Only fat women are fat.

Just what this company needed, another disgusting "body positive" pig

Is she at least one of those fat asses that can kind of wrestle worth half a shit, or is she like Nia?

Have you watched the match of the year yet?

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>Is she at least one of those fat asses that can kind of wrestle worth half a shit
Yes, she is good. Better than two thirds of WWE roster.

no WAY she wipes properly

She's way more attractive than Ronda desu

>Fishnets on a fatass

Fuck, I didn't even know how bad I wanted this until now

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Why? Because you are a fatso and you do not?

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AmeriKEKs need to kys themselves

Notice how fat acceptance is pretty much always mentioned in regards to fat women
Most fat men might playfully joke or self-depreciate about their weight but you don't see them actually demanding to be found attractive and be catered to by others. The most whining you might hear from them is about the fact that they can't get women due to their weight, but that's the extent of it
How many times have you heard an obese man claim to be healthy, and claim that his weight isn't an indicator of his health? There may have been a few, but it's mostly women spouting that nonsense on TV shows and the internet
'Fat acceptance' is actually 'fat woman acceptance'. It's just another form of third-wave feminism designed to try to make women's lives as easy as possible, even at the cost of pure delusion. They know that fat women aren't as attractive to men as thin women, so rather than encourage weight loss they try to change the beauty and health standard and act like being 300 pounds is not only normal, but sexy. The movement is widespread in the US because obesity/being overweight is also widespread among women older than 25

fuck women

t. toxic masculinity

>fuck women
I do.

Sad, but true.

>Viper's listed weight on Cagematch is higher than Goya Kong's


Does this mean there’s going to be another fat shaming storyline like with Nia Jax?

her thighs literally look like hams

You’re right but all they really want is for men (and other women) to stop treating fat women like absolute garbage. Also maybe not psychologically fucking up every woman I’ve ever met with weight and food issues.

my gf is fat. the sex is fucking based. Any hole, deepthroat fucking, cum anywhere, dom shit. She’s so eager to please. Getting me food and beer after. Feel like a King desu. some of you virgin neckbeards with 10/10 standards should give it a try.

I want to hit her in the face violently.

Just a friendly reminder to stay /fit/!
If you're tired of your current physical condition, make the changes. You don't have to settle for unhappiness and insecurity!
Liv is so hot

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You make some valid points, but I still wanna fuck fat chicks bro. Sorry.

BASED as long as she washes hands before preparing the food

I dated this chubby italian bitch who would act like she was on the set of Swallowed with how crazy she'd suck and then she'd cook us chicken Marsala or eggplant parm.

Miss those tits

bumped for chubby justice

So do I. With my dick.

based nigger

I unirronically hope liv gets this far. My cock would be fapped raw

Fat women are unirronically a better fuck than average/thin women

Has she lost weight?

this guy fucks

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non virgin chad detected

Based and THISpilled

good goy, get a fat girlfriend and share her with black men

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holy fuck


She looks like noelle ate nia

gis gives nothing else

Lauren Sangster

More like Lauren Sagster

god i wish that was me

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I mean, I'll bang a thick girl just to have sex. They have lower self-confidence, which makes it easier. Sometimes a guy just needs a win and I'm winning to lay on that landmine for a friend or just to check a weekly box.
That being said, there is an issue with the growing acceptance of obesity. There should be shame so that women don't think it's okay to get fat and die early.

based fat fucker

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holy yumola I would shoot share her with Big E

Every team needs a brother like this

Imagine the smell


Noelle Foley looks like that?

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Why do you think we call them amerifats?

We treated this girl like shit in high school for being fat and we bullied her but then she got in shape and looked amazing and btfo everyone.


See? You helped that girl live a better life. Be proud of yourself, user.