/esg/-eternal skatebarding general

Basic brand information for beginners: pastebin.com/CxdBGA6W

Shoe reviews: docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnSv7MyhLozYdGM1a1FUMHNtTkRFN0xkVmt3dEZ0NHc#gid=0
Submit a shoe review: docs.google.com/forms/d/1Y70Tug_iI9-dW2VqBBzsI9PCnFlw1jIOu9yTlHcc-wY/viewform



OLD THREAD:youtube.com/watch?v=Hei_PVGzi5o

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>he skates

>user, want to come with the boys and I to the skate park?

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>crimson chin

fuck off, buddy


>go to the park
>all this faggot does are chin flips off the manny pad

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Need footy of fs360 into fs noseblunt

I like how you reply so laconically.

I sense you are mocking me, because I used to reply with one-word replies when I didn't have anything else to say, kek.

Currently watching Big Wednesday, have you ever seen it?

Are fingerflips able to be landed on flat ground? I'm a noboard who doesn't know anything.



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i love skating but these fucking cunts have the worst attitude and its unbearable

I hate those fags, hate the style, hate most the tricks and I fucking hated how the full video was essentially an extended insta clip, shitty trap music and all.

its not supposed to be about how you look but thats all they care about. having a giant bag of tricks means nothing if youre going to be an insufferable wank. if you watched the whole video there were moments where they were absolute dicks to the people around them and theyre just laughing it off because theyre surrounded by friends

>Oh my god, Father did you see that?


>giving a living fuck about civilians


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I blame the nogs

Muska is the only wigger that gets a pass

bad bait

Guys I skated my Antiz deck with my Antiz bearings and it was sick. Skates great. God bless.

I can see the whole clip in my head. Trying to find the sauce though. Bump

Another fucking year

Another autumn I tell myself I'll finally give up and no longer pursue the rolling ollie
Another winter I spend watching skate videos
Another spring I immediately go skating the moment it's warm enough

I'm gonna learn at least the boneless this year. I'm gonna do it

You sound like a fucking cuck.

Guys I skated my Yezzur deck with my Shake Junt bearings and it was sick. Skates great. God bless.


serious question is there any reason aside from saving a little bit of money to buy bearings that aren't bones red?

Not having them available in the third world for example? Aren't they the cheapest anyways?

>practice nose manuals every day
>learn how to nose manual extremely quickly

practice... it fucking works guys

its worth it to have a set of ceramics for a seperate board. not worth it to have ceramics on your everyday board though

I'm on board because my nollies and nose mannies are pretty fucking pathetic.

>trying to learn manual before even knowing how to ollie
>having a lot of fun but a struggle nonetheless
>change my back and shoulders position on accident
>feels amazing immediately and results in what I can only describe as a legitimate controlled manual
skateboarding is great


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>its worth it to have a set of ceramics for a seperate board.

You can get 5/6 sets of reds and be good for a whole year maybe more for the same price as one set of ceramics.

Bearings don't last forever and ceramics still roll on polished steel raceways. Once it's worn the bearing loses it's performance.

Tldr; best bearing new bearing. Buy cheap replace often

Just got my first skateboard for my birthday but my friends say I need to adjust it
How do I do that? also any tips on how to start? I never skated before

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I live in the middle of buttfuck nowhere and the nearest town has shit sidewalks. I was thinking of building a mini ramp to practice on. Does anybody have any experience doing this? anybody have experience building one? I feel like carpentry is just a more slightly complex version of legos but I have no experience doing any wood work

you live in the middle of nowhere but have never done any woodwork?
do you even have tools?

Thats pretty fucking ridiculous

Post deck.
Carpentery isnt too hard but watch some beginer videos so you have a good idea what to do. And always remember measure twice cut once.

I have my dad and another dude who can help me with the finer details. i'd be using my dad's tools, he has everything I need. I watched a video of assembly and it doesn't look too hard. basically just making three rectangles and two transitions then screwing it all together.

aaron kyro is a scientologist

i also blame the nogs

no wiggers get a pass. he also has a beta chin now and hes getting fat

There isn't much to adjust besides the tightness of the trucks. Adjust that with the big ol' nut on the bottom of each truck.
Tighter trucks = more stability, harder to turn, easier to not eat shit when you're just starting out. Looser trucks = better handling, easier to balance when you're landing, way more likely to bust your ass when you've never ridden before.
Ride as loose as you're comfortable with.
Any skate shop will sell you a skate tool for like $8 that will have everything you need to build and maintain a skateboard. The hardware is all standardized.

For reals?

Anybody have experience with blank decks from AliExpress?

Or any blank deck recommendations?

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unfortunately yeah
I read some reddit comment that said he makes huge donations to the church so it feels pretty bad knowing that I indirectly support Scientology by watching any Braille videos.

here's another tasty morsel


Glad I only watch YouTube with adverts blocked.

Makes sense though, he has the "Crazy Tom Cruise" streak in his personality

Boy, that's a bummer. Braille is mostly unwatchable onions shit but I always felt like his heart was in the right place.

Pretty decent sesh today. Got alioop 50-50’s on lock and even got a long and smooth alioop feeble on accident which gives me the confidence to try them on purpose now. Then i took two hippers in a row on the same side trying to bordslide a long ledge which ended my day. Shits hard.

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If the trucks are brand spanking new your kingpin nuts will be extremely loose. Start by tightening them down until they slightly compress the bushing. Count the wrench rotations and match them on the second truck. Test and readjust with half or quarter turns tighter or looser.

Ideally you want both trucks to be almost equal with the rear a quarter turn or so tighter.

Very nicely done, user. You should also learn alley-oop BS Smiths, basically the same feeling trick. Shitty about getting hurt though.

Thats definitey on the to-learn list. I can get bs smith stalls on that same little quarter. The way ive been locking in is to sorta bs powerslide the back truck up and let the front truck hang. Is there a better way, or is that the gist of it?

got bs 5-0’s on this steep quarter dialed too. Theres about a foot of oververt toward the top. Probably my favorite thing to skate at this park

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/asg/ is going over, brother. Are you rookies gonna do the job for /asg/ or will /esg/ go into business for themselves?

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wow. came back to this place fucking 6 years later and it's still a thing. really is eternal

Can anyone ID the wheels used in this video? They're small and hard wheels right? Mine are big and soft, I want to switch to small and hard so I can start learning shit like this easier.

>ID wheels

Nah man. Most likely bones stf or spitfire formula 4's though. Bump

Guys... What is the fastest way to progress on low budget? Skateboarding is the only thing that is keeping me afloat but I can't afford it.

Man I feel bad for you guys in the off-wrestling generals this coming week. This thread will be gone by Friday.

I'm a big dude and I crack decks quick. I honestly just need a two stair to crack a new board. Switched to an 8.5 recently but my shoes went to shit again. Is there anything I can do?

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Glue two decks together, or alternately, carbon fiber decks or wooden decks with carbon fiber layers have been a thing for 20 years now.

Is there a secret to popping tricks higher or am I just retarded? Anything I try to pop higher just flies off or gets out of control. My tres spin like 10cm above ground and I don't know what to do with it. Everytime I try to poip higher it feels as if I was doing a different trick. My muscle memory suddenly doesn't work since I'm doing something different.

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Never pop when you're high bro


pretty based desu, more believable than the young cucks dropkick spot

practice lolz

like this post and you will land a kickflip first try next session

thanks user I'll get back to you on that one

What shoes do ye reccomond?

Hey guys are these shoes fixable? They're Vans chucka low pros or something like that. The suede is still doing pretty good. I put some hot glue on the ollie area but over all the shoe still feels good around my feet accept for this part. I dont have any money for new shoes, the only other pair of shoes I have are some leather vans and idk if I wanna wear them out skating because they look pretty good. I still have some other vans which have completely seperated soles from the rest of the shoe so I was wondering if i could somehow use those to fix these XD. Well anyway it's probably a stupid question but just in case someone has had a pair of shoes with a hole in the sole like this then what did you do with them?
Anyway thanks
- dirt poor skater.

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Idk. I feel like the best way to pop higher is to think of yourself as a spring. When i try to ollie or kickflip high I go down then really try to get my upper body up high, not my lower body, then get your legs up as fast as possible. Idk how to explain it really. Focus more on your upper body and how high up it is maybe, then you can just look at your board from up there and catch it.

whatever you think looks cool

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Bros how hard do I need to be pressing down before jumping in an ollie? Like hard as af?

I can't get my back wheels off of the ground

I bought some vans 8 days ago and they're completely destroyed

jump pop flick in that order

Duct tape.

If that doesn't work, you're not using enough duct tape

You probably didn't buy the right kind of vans lol

I finally got my first really shitty ollie thanks to this advice, thanks user. :-) I've just got to move my front foot correctly now.

Fuck a job I just wanna skate


what's your line of employment matie?

Line cook

First sesh back

I fucking love using 56mm wheels! Got smoked trying to land 180 fs boards but fuck it


what's with this gay like shit

It was an April fool's day thing

Might move up to an 8.5 setup when I have the money. I have a 9.56 setup that I use to cruise and I'm digging it but it's a little too big for doing tricks imo.

Gonna ditch this 8.0 and probably give it to my little brother

Those are some big wheels bro

Not that guy but 56 is comfy as fuck on street. Plus, in some places you have no choice but go bigger and softer.

Buy cheap, replace frequently. Look around different local skateshops because sometimes they have fucking insane discounts (shop I went to recently had decent almost and flip decks for as low as £15 including free grip)
Failing that, they probably have some non branded shit that should still last a good few months of hard skating

for going back and forth on skatepark flatground yes

for anything else no

you know what's real

56 is bigger than normal and looks goofy af if you're not on tranny but go off.

t. No skatepark

calm down darling

Sis I am calm...

Does anyone longboard still

>the virgin 52mm
>Chad 56mmasterrace

Just keep trying. Fucking up and falling is good, because the more you do it, the better you get at it, and the less scary it is. If you're not a little scared then you're not progressing.

I'll just be here with my 54's slonkin

If you've busted more than on pair of shoes and have one left with some good rubber in it, you can cut the toe part of the sole out of the good shoe and superglue it into the spot of the bad shoe where needed. Use gel superglue, it's like superstong rubber cement and takes shock better than ordinary superglue. It doesn't feel perfect and will eventually wear out, but I've done this to extend a shoes's life for a month or two.

I also started back up on 56mm wheels. Finally retired those wheels after 2+ years, pic related. I've got a new set of 54's. Feels like I'm riding on a cloud now.

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>too sick to even kickflip

well i guess its gonna be fun to re learn everything when i can finally skate i a week

relax, as long as you are orientated towards it and keep thinking about it, you won't forget it.

I worked in a kitchen before, it sucks but at least you're not the dishwasher

i get my board pretty soon in the mail
where to skate lads, i live in a town

look for empty lots on google maps. parking lots can work well unless they have security guards


Im going to learn that tail block spin thing the chink from the mutants video does. Its super rad and I love how he just dives into the pool after he does it like a mad man

post link

also, stop using slurs you edgelord

>stop using slurs
r/skateboarding might be more your speed

Eat shit begroid

so edgy

that was beautiful

what's a begroid? Fuck you

why didn't you just write Shawn Hale? His name is up there at the title. You jsut went out of your way to be edgy

>why didn't you just write Shawn Hale?
I couldn't remember his name. I wasn't looking at the video at that exact moment so I picked the broadest descripters I could while still effectively communicating which piece of media I was referencing.

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Well sometimes I still dish and honestly those days are the best because I still get paid my normal wage while chilling with an earbud in listening to whatever I want

I've been told of this by other dishwashers as well. How can you wash when you have earbuds on? Don't you need to hear the cook telling you to wash a pan, or watch out that it's hot, or a waiter asking you for a bucket of water?

Not him, but I used to do the same. Just one earbud, the one on the machine side.

Could still hear all the chefs, plus got to scrub pans whilst listening to Atom and his Package

Imagine being so sheltered you think racial slurs are edgy. Unironically fuck off to Reddit.

nah, I couldn't do it, I need my time to enjoy music, not be in constant motion while worrying if I get to hear it from the boss.

imagine being so sheltered, you think people use them in real life just as they do in Yea Forums.
imagine projecting your sheltering unto others in Yea Forums.


I never said people use them just like they do on Yea Forums you dumb faggot but you clearly haven't been around other races because banter wise they're pretty common. Keep crying about racial slurs on Yea Forums though I'm sure you'll get a Reddit gold for every edgelord you type good sir!

>you dumb faggot

wow, I'll have to stop you right there bud, you're scaring me!

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only two genders: skate or die

Decided to build a complete deck online since my local skate shop was locked and empty after 3 attempts of trying to check them out during their business hours. Got sick of having my time wasted, so fuck it- I tried, guise. At least I'll finally be getting back into it after nearly a decade.

Leave them a fair and honest review of your negative experience on yelp


Find out if they have any social media accounts. When ever my shop is closed for whatever reason, they post on IG and let everyone know.

Called after the first time. First time a guy sounded like he just woke up at 1pm, last time was confusion at who was supposed to go in and open shop. Just owners/staff who don't seem to give a shit.

Saved from page 9

Bro, Wrestlemania essentially starts tomorrow and lasts until Tuesday... RIP skateboarding

shut up, we need to brace ourselves and establish shifts to not let the thread perish

I'm doing my part to fight the wrasslemoonia

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Thank you user

Death to America and death to Wrestlemania. Jihad soon brothers Inshallah.

>tfw a random stop on The Dew Tour gets more viewers than your rasslefag "event of the year"

lmao no wonder rasslefags are so DING DONG DIDDLY WORKED

jesus that new dollin hall of meat

You can see the moment his soul leaves his bum ass

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How important is wheel base length?

I’m a noob and 6’2. My current board has a 13” wheel base length but I’ve heard someone at my height should have a wheel base length closer to 15”.

Does it really make that big of a difference?

I do still have balancing issues even when just cruising around.

Very nice

>Does it really make that big of a difference?

It's mostly a prefrence thing. Not like it's going to magically improve your balence. Standard wheelbase is 14.25" I would start there when it's time for a new deck. then maybe try 14.5/14.75 or 15 next deck if you're still curious.

You are having balancing issues because as you say, you are a noob. Longer wheelbase = better stability but if I were you I'd start by bending the knees more.

I live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. There's only one skate shop, decks vary from 950-1500CZK (which is £32-50) the ones for 32 are heavy as fuck and I snapped them often before

as far as decks go, the best you can do is research which brands/models use which factories and just avoid the chinese ones. yeah it's not cheap, I'm from slovakia and I have basically given up on getting a deck for less than around 48e.

Wassup bráško, well, I will never go for Ambassadors again. Two of those snapped on me within a week. I even broke an expensive Element deck the first day at a park. And it wasn't there for very long. Also, I skate an 8.5 so those are a bit harder to get as well.
Also, not a single deck lasts more than a month of hard skating with me. I snapped all my decks except for two.
Fucking sucks dude. I envy those skelly/short skaters sometimes.

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yeah I really don't skate anywhere near hard enough to be able to put myself in your shoes. I also see that Charge decks are relatively inexpensive so maybe give that a try and see how it goes. but it sounds to me like you might have to accept it as a fact of life.

Yeah, I kinda made peace with it a long time ago. Jumping down a six stair has like a 50% chance of me breaking a board if I commit. I have almost no footage jumping gaps because of that. I'm broke and it sucks...
I don't think my skateshop has CHarge but I'll look into it. Thanks

it's a czech brand, I'm sure they can get it

>your skateboard threads gonna die soon! redditmania starts soon!


land bolts

I wouldn't count Dwindle out just because they're made in China.

But I am one of the skelly/short skaters, spoiled on US made decks that 're so envious of.
so what do I know about snapping decks.

Dwindle is not really available here. I mostly go for Jart these days.
Yeah, that's what I'm trying to do mate. It's hard to practice flips down gaps when you have no room for failure.

all decks are around that price

>haven't skated in two weeks because of work
>only started work so I could afford skating
>skating because I don't want to feel the weight of the world


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I have only started skating as an adult already with a job so I understand this pretty well. Don't know if it's an option for you, but I bought cruiser wheels just so I can ride to work, even if it's just 20 minutes a day. Then I just swap them for hard wheels on the weekend or better weekdays when I have an hour to skate in the evening.

vicious fucking cycle

but, it won't be there for long

just a little patience

stay alert bro, don't let the thread die

>can't believe we are scheduling our lives around "wrestle"mania

here's to backside

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got a cruiser
i don't even want to skate my "normal" setup anymore

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It's the power of Nora

Close enough bro thanks. Guess I'm gonna have to fs 360 into fs noseblunt on a hubba and film it if I want to see it.

It's becoming more commonplace as roads get crusty.

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Can't decide if Welcome decks are cool or zoomer shit.

good vibes, I love those beginning Boserio/Laurent parts

boserio is a fucking ripper

that trick was so radical, the webm doesn't do it justice

whether zoomers love them or not they look cool you bitter bum. I personally wouldn't buy one though do to what I hear of them being dicks to former pros

inspired by louie barletta

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close but no cigar

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here's donny barely showing how it's done

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speaking of donny barley

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Poasting best video
Pat and Grady have killer parts
Watch it

nick made me want to skate (slightly) bigger wheels

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best fuckin shuv

Based thicc daewon user.

i was into daewon's (and mullen's) skating when i started and still enjoy watching him skate but i skate nothing like him!

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Very nice

Ready up for the king

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a backside flip is all that inspired you from Louie Barletta webmbro?

Nah, Jeremy Wray has the best frontside 360

I like how these SF/Antihero dudes have this ollying into levels as their trademark. It's their only redeeming quality.

it was one sexy backside flip!
i don't do flip tricks too often and his just came to mind when i decided to flip my board

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from the same part

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'twas but a sexy backside flip nonetheless

I promised footy and I haven't delivered.

I ask people to film me but then they have to send me the footage and I have to convert it and my computer burns coal to work.

Give me a solution

good call, but don't diss mr. barley
it is statistically likely that you're a windows user in which case try this
seems like a popular solution
maybe reduce the resolution to speed things up

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I wouldn't diss a person who has their name on a trick which I fucking love.

Who else /mallgrab/ here?

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best friend section ever?


what happened to the wrestlemania take over, lel?

Mallgrab bs 180 caveman is my fav trick