What's this move called

what's this move called

Attached: endorphin.gif (400x225, 3.41M)

Springboard moonsault reverse cutter?

Some kind of combination of a springboard moonsault, doomsday device, and sliced bread #2.
I dub it Slice of Disaster.


slingshot springboard shiranui + electric chair drop

horrible idea for a lot of reasons
>miscue: back of guy taking it's head hits the floor, guy taking it gets landed on awkwardly, etc.
>guy misses shiranui (there's a reason they start with the guy delivering it already holding the other guy's head 99% of the time): awkwardly knocks oppinent off onto his head, knees opponent in face, etc.
>move goes perfectly: guy doing the shiranui requires knee surgery


Feed and Seed

Modified Blue Thunder Bomb

Enclosed Pool Area

Reverse Standing Double Moonsault Powerslam

We'll find out when The Young Bucks steal it

The hotdog handshake Meltzer stars neck break

Extra corndog

Lmao just keep seeing how much more impact the springboard era takes compared to anyone else. The person proposing this before a match would be the most retarded dumbass to ever wrestle.
Can’t wait to see Kota and Kenny pull it off perfectly though

I'd call it the Bingo Hall Buster. It gets a standing ovation from 90% of the 15 Smarks in attendance, 100% of the time

injured knees from the one giving the move
injured shouldres from the guy holding the one taking the move
and a busted skull from the guy taking the move

The How to Kill the Business in One Move.

Attached: 0384750.png (280x349, 186K)

The Endorphin
It's in the filename retards.

god I remember watching these videos all the time on Youtube back in the day

>Bingo Hall Buster

Attached: 1456891221787.jpg (658x595, 214K)

that's the name of the fed you ding-dong diddly slapdick

Don't forget it gets you feature in the "1000 moves that me go %$@%&?" YouTube video. Also an extra soda refill from the indy promoter.

Electric chair assist for a springboard inverted Blockbuster. Dubbed the "Ding-Dong Diddler"

Would be based if the guy reversed the move into a reverse rana

They just need the guy taking it's teammate standing in behind to catch Ricochet on the way down


springboard moonsault into doomsday blockbuster

Wasn't somebody going to make a game using this engine?

The phoenix scorpion thunder blaster

The career and potentially life threatening injury