Post count didn't go up

>Post count didn't go up

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t. nigger rape spammer

The poster count usually goes up in those threads tho

>everyone is a tranny

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t. wolfnigger IP switching

>WWE is bad

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They don't go up in the wolfcuck threads. What are you on about you spastic

You’ll never be a real woman ya abomination


Yeah, I am aware... because I'm a fat guy who watches wrestling. I would eat my own ass if a confirmed tranny was doxed for posting here.


>every post in a thread has to be from a new person
>conversations between posters arent supposed to happen

t. dilator

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You post your bullshit, get a bunch of seething (You)s and then leave the thread with a smile on your face. No need for any sort of conversation.

time to eat you fat newfag fuck

Attached: tranny discord.jpg (1340x8892, 2.1M)

>same guy posts *bows down* 100 times

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I have no idea what meme you're refeering to

>same guy gets worked into a seethe by it causing people to do it more for fun

Attached: noble.gif (380x214, 1.9M)

Where is Yea Forums mentioned here? We're a no dimes board with like 200 regular posters. They're spewing their crazy on /pol/ from the look of this.

Where do you think you are?

>r9k mentioned
>they are all over Yea Forums
>thinks trannies don't love wrestling
get a clue fatty

Attached: AEW tranny.jpg (1242x1738, 1.33M)

Drag queens aren't trannies, brainlet. They are gay dudes playing dress up and own that fact.

Trannies are delusional.

All of those boards get thousands of hits a day.

Attached: tranny bexcel.png (632x925, 707K)

Trannies really don't care about wrestling. No one does ya broken brained fag

When did they post here? Screenshots?

>worked into a boiling seethe

Attached: wow.gif (230x179, 1.91M)

Discord trannies post on every board fatass stop repeating yourself over and over you autistic waste of food

Is he? You seem to be trying really hard to convince people who already don't give a shit about trannies not to give a shit about trannies. What's your endgame? That we double dog don't give a fuck? Cos I'm there already, nigga.

You're the one seething no one wants to discuss the mentally disabled.

>being this obsessed with broken men trying to resemble a woman

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>trannies around every corner
Sound, stable advice from the guy literally boiling that we don't hate trannies enough. They've already beaten you, little guy. They're living in ya head rent free and I'm ding-dong diddly cringe tbqh fampai.