cased or bringe?
Cased or bringe?
Fucking based
I am an asukachad
but this is based
holy fucking BTFO
Even asukachads/betas like me agree that it's based
He's right though.
She's been with the company for years and the only thing's that changed over the years is that she's gotten fatter and lazier. English hasn't improved at all.
If you're going to work for a promotion where a large part of it revolves around speaking in monologues for long periods of time in English, you'd better know how to fucking speak it.
And it's not even learning the language fully, it's the delivery. It's like telling people "GOOD MORNING!" really loud and flailing your arms.
is carmella a gyaru?
This whole "superstar needs to know English" is bullshot. Language itself is 97% nonverbal. This is just veiled racism. Asuka is the best female performer on thst roster and her not speaking English is just a cheap cop out to not push her because of her race. Hope that twitter fuck dies from a life-threatening injury.
One thing marks will never understand is that Asuka couldn't careless about fake belts or the stupid English language because she has all she needs to be a happy person. That concept alone is completely alien to idiots who spend days Seething and complaining about shit on the internet.
Her english is better than whatever his second language is and he's a tool so it's a big cringe for me.
Unbased. Learning other peoples' languages is a cuck move. A real alpha conquers and forces his own language on others.
as someone who had to learn english for work i agree,asuka english should be at least decent at this point
fuck that fat lazy hoe
Bro. Let me just say this as a spic straight up. EVERYONE should have to learn English if you’re going to work in the US. No excuse. You want to be a part of this society, you should be able and expect to interact with its citizens.
Literally false so it's a cringe from me.
How much Japanese did Kenny Omega use during his promos while he was with NJPW?
what a racist faggot, maybe he should spend more time trying to have sex and less time on twitter
Wait until idiots start complaining about Kairi and Io's English just because of their accents, even though they speak pretty clearly nowadays. As if you needed to speak like an obese burger to be valid.
Shut the fuck up ya faggot.
How is anyone supposed to work an angle with a bitch who cant do anything but scream into the mic nonsensically?
She literally can not talk, she can wrestle great but as a character and talker shes not something you can push hard when you got total packages on the roster
hey honey you looking to buy a fridge?
>female roster
>total packages
pick one
Most of the time he was a heel so wasn't allowed to speak it, he was however fluent for years before that so had no problem with it when turning face.
I mean they wouldn’t be stereotypes if they weren’t true
She's a shit wrestler that always has to be carried to a good match. When she's against average wrestlers like Ruby Riott or Sasha Banks, her matches are so shit the public goes death mid match.
Only total package she has is the one in her pants.
>doesn’t care about fake belts
Right. That’s why she looked like she was gonna break out into tears before her match with Char on Tuesday
Reminder that he confirmed Asuka moves no merch
This. Fatsuka has nobody to blame but herself for her C+ player status. She could have been much more but she squandered that potential with her laziness
She never looked like that, that's your autism talking.
She looked and acted the same way as always. You're using subsequent events to delude yourself into remembering the past differently.
As a fellow spic I agree. Pinche chinita e Los negros
Pretty much. I'm sure she was very pleased to have a great match that entertained the crowd that night.
People like this get to vote.
Based spics. Please keep running nogs out of their neighborhoods.
I'll agree that there has to be some racism involved with the treatment of Japanese people in WWE. After all, all of Asuka's accomplishment have always come overshadowed by something. You can count her streak as an accident that Vince didn't think twice to end. Her Rumble victory was completely outshined by Rousey's debut. Her championship reign was forgotten to focus on RAW main event. People will say that it was done because "Asuka isn't a draw" which is a completely ridiculous statement because no one in that company is a draw. Certainly no female. Ratings won't go up if Becky or Charles are the champion, and as a matter of fact Charles won the title this week and the ratings, while up from last week, were still shit compared to both RAM and last year's Smackdown. So the idea that Asuka doesn't deserve it because she's not a draw is discarded. And if we discard that, what do we have left? A wrestler who is popular enough to sell merch in what is considered normal flow these days. Now other people can say Asuka isn't pushed because not everyone can get pushed but this is also dumb. You have people like Beth Phoenix wasting a slot in a Mania match for no reason other than non-existent nostalgia. I mean, how many fans did that tag team ever had? Even if they did have a lot of fans, Beth is in no condition to wrestle and that will compromise the quality of the match for a cheap pop no one will remember the next day. While Asuka will still be wrestling and selling merch the next day. And there are tons of examples like that. Remember when the Bellas were in the main event of Evolution? Not to mention people weren't asking for her to be pushed, people just wanted to see her defend the title in a match. That's it. No one was asking for the main event. Yet that match was discarded and isntead we will get what? More tag matches that no one care about? A longer segment of Braun cringing the whole arena?
Once those are discarded, what other explanation there is?
If something is racist, it doesn't follow skill set, geography, economic conditions, political orientation, or anything else of the sort. Can you guess what it follows?
>but muh correlations
Time for a logic lesson that you should consider before speaking, leftists. One of the ways to classify an argument is inductive vs. deductive reasoning.
Deductive reasoning applies a general premise to a specific conclusion. Example: All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. Therefor, Socrates is mortal. If the premises are correct, the conclusion of a deductive argument is definitely correct. For example, "racism follows race, the problem of language doesn't specifically follow race, therefor, the problem of language is not racism".
Inductive reasoning takes a specific example and uses it to try to form a general hypothesis. Example: My chair is green. Chairs can be green. Grass is green. Therefor, grass is probably a chair. Can you see the potential problem? And can you guess which form of reasoning basically all of the left's arguments are based off of, whether it's economic or social?
Inductive reasoning can be a great way to formulate a hypothesis to work off of, but it must always cave when a solid deductive argument destroys that hypothesis. Of course, the problem for leftists is that it continuously destroys their victim narratives by pointing to the real problems, such as inability to communicate due to language barriers inhibiting their ability to get a particular job done.
hi asuka