One reason why the Kelly Klein vs...

>One reason why the Kelly Klein vs. Mayu Iwatani match on the PPV was bad was because of issues in the middle of the match. Iwatani kicked Klein hard and Klein gave Iwatani a receipt tot he face hard. The mach fell apart from there. ROH brought them together backstage after the match to talk it out and settle it
Is Mayu ok?

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what the absolute fuck is wrong with white women always crying about getting kicked too hard

Mayu's gonna go full Yoshiko at MSG

They want to have matches with joshis. And then are angry that joshi go hard on them.
The thing about Kelly is that she has been wrestling longer than Mayu, so she has the vet shit behind her.

Mayetty is going to get Act'd at MSG.

Jesus Christ the children in Stardom take harder hits than this fat bitch. and she's not the first to get mad over it Rachel Ellering did too. Keep white women out of Japan

Wrestling for over a decade and she's still that awful, how. She probably only has 100-200 career matches since the western women indy scene is non-existent.
Mayu's probably had more matches than that in just the past few years even with her injury.

I wish Mayu would kick me hard

Is Ellering even white?

I hope this uglyinanabandoneddisfiguredpuppykindofway Honorary Aryan Demolishes that whiny jewess.

Me too user

>Compete in joshi fight
>Surprised when they get stiff kicks

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Maybe the bug people should stop hitting their opponents for real in a fake fight

Other joshis don't seem to mind. If you don't want to fight joshi style then no one is forcing you, just don't go up against a joshi and it wont happen.

Mayu is actually a top star w/critically acclaimed matches somewhere and Kelly is still a never-will-be after all these years so technically Mayu has seniority over her.

"For real"
Marks in 2019 everybody.

And someone like Xia Brookside don't seem to mind, she wanted to go back to STARDOM and not rot in NXT UK. And she has a guaranteed job, she just wants to get better in STARDOM.

Wrestling is a work, you silly weeb. Why do the Japs want to hit people for real and not sell it?

Their whole deal is you strike people hard in safe places like the chest, nobody is trying to knock each other out or do serious damage, its just to make it look good and if you get a bruise so what it's only a few days and it won't kill you.

Japs and Europeans can manage it but Americans then autistically flip out.

If she was wrestling with unhinged Kana, she would've massacred her for the receipt.

Look, a pure strikes lover

>bug people
your current president is a dumb fucking lizard

I think it was Ted Dibiase who said that in America you're in a work trying to make it look like a shoot while in Japan it's like you're in a shoot trying to make it look like a work. It's just a whole different style over there, man.