Look at all that asbestos in the ring

look at all that asbestos in the ring

Attached: asbestos in the ring.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

I'm looking. Now what?

What will be the asbestos 10 years from now?

I’m assuming prolonged phone, computer, TV use etc. Maybe also alcohol consumption. Everyone knows alcohol is bad for you but a lot of people really don’t understand just how bad it for you.

Erectile dysfunctional from watching so much (((porn)))

The whole gluten-free fad is going to bite humanity in the ass. It's going to turn out that you need gluten to fight Mega Cancer.

I don’t mind the gluten-free fad. My mum has celiac disorder and actually can’t eat food with gluten. 10 years ago it was expensive as fuck to go grocery shopping, but now that gluten-free diets are really popular it makes life a little easier. Plus most restaurants have a wide variety of gluten-free food.

>fluorescent lights have asbestos in them

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Fuckin marks trying to be the next BBD

older fluorescent lights have asbestos insulation in the wiring ya ding-dong diddly simp mark

People have been drinking alcohol for centuries you fucking brainlet.


Porn. Not masturbating, but pornography. That shit unironically fucks with you and your sex drive.

I think phone addiction is going to start being treated like an actual behavioral addiction much like sex addiction. It took me so long to realize I was addicted. It was a lot easier with past addictions I've had (drug free now aside from medications and caffeine) because they're viewd as quote un-quote addictive.

what medications has the doctor tricked you into taking or are you an oldfag with real medical issues?

dont be a fucking mark. i smoked wwed withvnecro butcher after an iwa-ms show a bunch of years back and he told me the dudes that have to set u the rings take an end off the tube and refill it with a a little baby powder.

woah cool it with the antisemetism

ive always wondered if there was a way to work tubes or if they were worked

yeah and that's why they don't use the old ones ya ding-dong diddly double mark

Not everybody on medication has been tricked into it or is old. I have CFS and couldn't work before I got on modafinil.

Can you explain this meme?

There's ways to work them but they don't bother. Real ones aren't bad enough for them to bother.