ESPN is contractually obligated to cover WWE

>ESPN is contractually obligated to cover WWE
>sports fans dont care at all but put up with it in order to get to actual sports talk
>they refer to Charlotte as Ric Flair's daughter, since their audience would probably know who Ric is
>Charlotte SEETHES and tweets pic related
How embarrassing! Her fucking gimmick is literally that she's Ric's daughter...

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salty cunt

>7x (now 8)
why not just say 8x?
also winning fake titles is not an accolade.

Just cause your dick got removed, doesn’t mean you’re a woman.

From the context and knowing she just won the title again just this week, I am assuming that she hadn't won it for the eighth time yet when they did the interview.

worked motherfuckers

LOL at WWE playing hot potato with the women's belt to try and build up history

>LOL at WWE playing hot potato with the women's belt to try and build up history
That's what you do, if you control the story of your titles. That's what get John Cena to get the same amount as Ric Flair (recognized by WWE). How is that different? Oh I know! THEY ARE WOMEN, SO THEY ARE BAD!

It took John like 10 years to win that many times. Charlotte won it 8 times in less than 2

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Yes, and?

the type of nigga to cum after two pumps and tell his bitch that it would've been the same if he lasted 20 minutes

I hate that wrestlers claim world title wins like it means something in reality. Wow, you politicked so well that you were able to win the title. Good job! Triple H made championships meaningless

Actually it's 8 times in 2 years and 6 months. She wins/ loses the belt about 3 times a year. That's not really excessive imo.

Kys retard.

I mean sure if she wrestles 10 more years that's about 38 title reigns, but I doubt that happens.

her gimmick is pretending that her gimmick isn't just being ric flair's daughter, mark


>last year's Body Issue
I'd rather not.

This desu

stupid fucking cocksucker fuck you bitch

bububububut user, Yea Forums and elsewhere is telling me she is Roman Reigns!

Roman Reigns wished he had Charlotte's booking

she is obviously not Roman, Roman actually sell a lot of merch and have enormous crowd reactions that is chanting his name every time he appears.

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What, yes it is. You can just tell the WWE are cynically hotshotting the belt off her whenever they can, just so they can rush getting her up to Ric's record as quickly as possible. This despite the fact that doing over a period of a couple of years doesn't have any prestige as it just highlights that she loses a lot.

and Roman doesn't need his HOF daddy to hold his hand and walk him to the ring to get a crowd reaction

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Ok pajeet, back to YouTube comments you go.

where is the lie though?

God I It’s not a fake title, it’s a championship

it's not fake titties, it's breast enhancements

If Charlotte has a long career and keeps winning and losing the belt at this rate she will have 40+ title reigns. That's not a little "off" to you?

What a dumb cunt. I hope she gets in a car accident before Mania

>Get worked because the fact is she's still only known for and has success because she's Ric's daughter

lmao at this bimbo

ESPN is all about UFC now, who were doing women main events years ago, and gave the WWE the only star capable of forcing them to do the same

>Dear Charlotte. Your dad is famous. Youve had 30 years to get used to it. Shut your fucking mouth.

>tfw FOX told them to shoot on ESPN

The network wars have begun

Good to know she's finally recognised that her greatest accomplishment was having her daddy's surname.

if it wasn't for Ric Flair neglecting her when she was growing up and then over compensated by pampering her so much that she never got a real job, Charles won't even be a wrestler.


All that tells me is this brainlet lost that belt 7 times

So this basically confirms she SEETHED about to management and they decided to give her the SD title

She's only 30?! Jesus she's aged like milk

>wrestling hasn't been invaded by numale redditors
Every time there is a thread about wymyns wrestling they come crawling out. Unironically have fucking sex and stop white knighting your waifu online

How many successful defenses has she managed across those glorious 8 reigns? I bet her average is right around 2 defenses before losing the belt, so she likely has 16 to 19 successful defenses in her 8 reigns.

Seems like a pretty weak record, there are champs out there that have hit double digits with 1 title reign...let alone 8

To be clear; I don’t necessarily define a great wrestler based on their title reigns but if that’s her justification for earning respect then I’m going to poke holes in her argument.

Dear @MsCharlotteWWE

We merely listed your most well known accomplishment,



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white knight cringe

Ah yes, the days of Cena hotshoting the title every other ppv and getting to double digit reigns in record time

...those days which were certainly NOT universally reviled by the fans of the day and led to a decade+ of mixed crowd reaction and snark hatred online. Nope, everyone was fine because penis.

>1st Raw
>2nd Raw
>3rd Raw
>4th Raw
>1st SD
>2nd SD
So she has 17

Winning it eight times means you lost it seven times

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this shit might have flown when kayfabe was alive. now she's just an actress having a cry about her fake accomplishments not be recognised as well as her heritage.

Jesus titty-fucking she really still seething over a fucking graphic that was on screen for like 5 seconds? They had to make up some shit about Becky being the 12th person or whatever to main event after missing the show the year before so she could even have a graphic, and Charlotte is pissed off that they only said she's Ric's daughter, which is true?

Her schtick is literally just being Ric's spawn

No casual is going to know who she is if you don't mention that.

She's not seething. Her character is seething, because her character thinks she did it all on her own (within confines of the story of the show) and everyone knows that it is all because of her name. The story for Becky's "heel turn" was because Becky had to work her way up to SummerSlam match and Charlotte was given the match right away. Just because she is Charlotte Flair.
If you think everything these people post is real, you need to have your head checked out.

keep drinking that kool-aid

>7x (now 8) WWE Women's Champion

Which happened after a month of playing hot potato with a belt from fake fighting

>She's not seething. Her character is seething

I wonder if she actually thinks she’d be where she is if it wasn’t for her last name

She wasn’t an 8x champion yet when she was on ESPN ya brainlet

And surprise, surprise she never said that.
charlotte flair should be seething, because it is perceived slight
Ashley Fleihr only cares if she is doing her job right. And tweeting what she tweeted is exactly what she should be doing.
Aren't we supposed to praise people who are holding up kayfabe?
>I wonder if she actually thinks she’d be where she is if it wasn’t for her last name
No, probably not.


Nigga she has openly admitted in real life interviews that she dislikes only being known as Ric's daughter and it's also in her book. It's not her character because her character used him to win a lot of matches in the past. She shoot doesn't like when people bring him up in regards to her success

She s a dumb bitch

I love how this bitch seethes about being referred to as Ric Flair's daughter when her entire entrance music is a remix of her dad's, her entrance is the same as her dad's, her taunts are the same as her dad's, her catch phrase is the same as her dad's, and her moveset is a modified version of her dad's.

Ric also got Charlotte's foot in the door in NXT and WWE was apparently not to high on her until Ric started appearing with her

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lmao why do you even watch wrestling????

the eyecandy

wrestling is fake

Ronda looks very cute.

>Charles working Yea Forums this hard

Jesus Christ, what is wrong with you people?

Reddit is a hellhole that should be burned down, it is unusable and just a echo chamber.

>7x (now 8) WWE Women's Champion
doesn't mean SHIT to ANYONE outside of wrestling, literally how can someone be this dense?

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They put Becky's wrestling achievements up which also don't mean shit to anyone outside wrestling.

People don't even know who she is, that's why they felt the need to use the "Ric Flairs Daughter" for Charlotte in the first place.

>she got where she is on her talent alone!

Attached: 1500485404973.webm (708x388, 1.57M)

WWE isn't stopping anybody from hearing sports talk. It is it's own world independent from sports, with the exception of MMA because UFC is canon.

>also winning fake titles is not an accolade.
how are they "fake titles"?
it's the championship

there isn't one artist or performer in ANY style of theater or music or science or cooking or anything who hasn't botched once or fucked up.

Charles is SEETHING


Don’t that tweet was a work

100% accurate. One of the main reasons NJPW is still worth a shit. The title means something.

Triple H had long reigns and people legit went apeshit when he finally lost. The opposite of a meaningless title.

You don't think you're over simplifying the situation a bit? Or deliberately passing over the fact that he buried dozens of potential draws and created the subterranean ratings era to get those long reigns?

are you too stupid to understand wrestling? Or are you trolling.

Espnetty working charlesetty into a ding-dong diddly shoot

I think you're too stupid to understand my point. Being a champion in the WWE doesn't mean anything anymore.

Nice one. That stupid question might have worked when your inbred parents were having sex, but in today's industry those fake belts mean less than the plastic they used to create them.

her finisher is literally a move she can't pull off

On what basis?

Everyone in this thread is being worked by Kayfabe wrestling tweets in the year 2019.

The Rock isn't his Dad, so you're technically right

The Road to Wrestlemania is already quite treacherous, as Mike Coulthard tells us, so why do you wish to add to her suffering?

Isnt her whole career basically "hey im just like my dad but a girl!!" Remember how aweosme my dad was!" And when they basically say that she REEEEEEEE's?? I love her bolt ons but get a grip.

>being mad about not having your fake accolades mentioned
what a fucking mark

The curse of the wh*teoid