Is better looking

>Is better looking
>Is better on the mic
>Is better in the ring
>Is better in the sack
>Steroid free
>Can work both funny and serious without clashing
>Not afraid to put other guys over
>Never used backstage politics
>Respected by the boys
>Didn't get to where he is through nepotism
>Has a hotter wife
>Doesn't get pegged
>Has his own promotion
>Didn't have to leech off his wife to get it

Face it. Cody is everything Paul wishes he could be.

Attached: Cody_V_Jobber.jpg (1280x720, 130K)

>never had a memorable match
>never over
>never drew a dime
Ya tried Brandi, go to bed

racemixer chody

Lmao what a great post. Hehehehehehe I posted something I didn't mean,nhehehheheehheheheheheheh

>never got Motörhead to do entrance music

Attached: 32fc4aebc94c33956e868714a99f8d25.jpg (433x635, 47K)

>never had a memorable match
v Nick Aldas for the NWA Championship in front of a sold out crowd of 10,000

>never over
Yikes. I guess ROH and New Japan just gave him all those championships and major spots because they liked him?

>never drew a dime
ALL IN, Double or Nothing, drew 100 million from a paki

Imagine thinking Cody fucking Rhodes is better than HHH. Fuck off you indie dick sucker. No amount of success in the indies will change the fact that Cody is vanilla as fuck, boring in the ring and a shitter. Not to mention incredibly cringe on social media.

>vanilla as fuck, boring in the ring and a shitter. Not to mention incredibly cringe on social media.
You could literally say the same things about Paul and be accurate. The only difference is Cody is young, talented, and over while Paul is a busted down old boomer who tears his roid muscles two seconds into a match.

Attached: Steroid_Free.jpg (900x1200, 198K)

Nick Aldis match was some carny shit that killed any credibility of nu-NWA

Alright mate look i like the Elite. But cody was responsible for the worst matches in NJPW for 2 years

Elite should have never took that shitter Cody in, it was comfy just being 3 or 4 guys

I still don't understand what's so "Elite" about cody everyone in the group can do what cody does but better.

He's the son of a son of a plumber. A Cuban stud who got a 100 million dollar investment, Keep seething while you take it in the ass from Steph, Paul.

Attached: Triple-H-Crying.jpg (477x434, 66K)

Not sure which one you're talking about

Working some wealthy mark isn't impressive. Paul did the exact same thing

No you literally couldn't. HHH in his prime was fantastic in the ring and a top 5 heel in WWE of all time. Cody is a fag.

>HHH in his prime was fantastic in the ring
Sorry, but no. Name a classic match he's had. And a reminder that he's worked with some of the most over, talented, and iconic wrestlers of all time. Bret, Hogan, Austin, Shawn, Taker, Rock, Flair, Brock, Benoit, Jericho, etc. He has the amazing ability to bring everyone down to his level.

Attached: bret-hart-wcw-pose.jpg (600x300, 31K)

Not him. .But he had some good matches with Mick and one good match with Shawn. pathetic for 20+ years

Cringe. You're drinking the smark koolaid. Not surprising. You probably like flippy shit and can't appreciate someone like HHH it's ok.

You didn't name any matches, guy. lol imagine stanning for hhh of all people.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 40K)

except a tv deal
and his own promotion that isn't not run by paki's