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Is there any chance XFL succeeds? lol.

he is senile thats the only explanation.


No, zero chance.
Nobody cares about sports and nobody will watch it on tv.
Everyone and there mother has also started streaming services too.

maybe if the NFL dies beforehand but that'll probably take years to actually process
I think that's pretty much common knowledge at this stage


based, hopefully he stops working in WWE full time once the XFL begins

Vince has tried his entire career to branch out from wrestling. He really is ashamed of the pro wrestling business, isn’t he?

I love football. Specifically, college football. I have absolutely zero desire to watch XFL or AAF. Take it for what it's worth.

how's this a surprise to you guys? After the saudi deal his board of trustee's even said he will be spending more than the original 100 million startup. So much money coming in from the fox and saudi deal.

He's serious about fucking Goodell in the ass Kevin Nash style.

Why not make an alternative NBA league and hire only whites?

I seriously want to know what possible fucking reason he has to think it'll work out this time after it flopped so hard last time
I hope to God it wasn't that Kaepernick controversy like some were saying...he should have known any significant drop in NFL game attendance/viewership wouldn't last too long after that, and even if it did it still wouldn't be in his favor anyway
This shit is like Hillary running for president in 2020

Because people would actually watch that.

Because NBA barely draws

I think he has some deal with Trump on the down low that's all I can think of. Trump vowed to destroy the NFL so maybe he will help Vince.

>senility kicks in
>Vince thinks its 1999
This can be the only explanation.

What is going to kill Vince is that there is a semi decent competitor that just started and no one is even watching them really

Maybe he's a rich as fuck 80 year old man who only failed once in his life and wants to correct it. Have you ever had a dream? He hates that his legacy is wrestling. He wants it to be more.

Say I'm wrong, then go watch that clip on beyond the mat. "We make movies" "we tell stories" "we are entertainment"

This is all Vince insecurity about being a carny like everybody that he looked down on. This is why he hated turner. Turner was the real deal and not a wrestling guy.

When you guys get older, you'll start to understand people more and their motives.

AAF doesn't have a gimmick, it's just shitty football. At least XFL has the chance to make it more fun and watchable. Not that they will do that, but they have the chance to

Let me first state the obvious of this will most likely fail and is a waste of money. Having said that, consider the following:
News came out today/yesterday that the AAF is in danger of not coming back for another year due to payroll and NFLPA fuckery.
Enter the XFL, where they are on record for not following the NFL draft ability requirements, where one would conclude they are going to try and siphon off players from the college game by paying them mark contracts.
This feels either like a potential buyout or merger in the hopes of acquiring the AAF assets while simultaneously killing off his only competition for spring football. The timing of the stock sale and “demise” of the AAF are too close not to just be a coincidence.

>he doesn't have cookouts and invite all his friends over for the Tallahassee Tiger games

That's sports entertainment to you, pal.

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remember this is a man who's favorite and only footballer he knows is Wahoo Mcdaniel

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The AAF is already threatening to fold after 1 season.


Fertile ground for the XFL to move into then.

No they wouldn’t

The question is even if it does do any of his family care about running it? I don't see Stephanie or HHH wanting to.

>asking Kevin-raping Yea Forums what a billionaire should do with his money
Vince may not be the smartest but come on son.


LMAO what a fucking madman

apparently it might fold after this weekend and not even finish it's first season. Vince is an idiot to waste all that cash on a doomed venture

Does anybody blame him? Vince seems to be into manly shit and WWE is now filled with a bunch of pussies and a fanbase that's contaminated with trannies and faggots.

No, just looks for other chances to make money

>world bodybuilding federation

>implying tanking isn't only for a few years
>implying fans are willing to jump ship that easily

-Controversy around kneeling for the flag is a lose lose
-more focus on injuries and head trauma than ever, and XFLs main gimic is to have more laxed rules than the NFL

It doesn't seem like they even have the leg up they did before.
What they do have is a better idea of business model, especially seeing the slow rising success of MLS

>I have no idea how stocks work: the thread

Have sex.

He probably has as much of a chance as the first time around, which is slim to none

Yep, not really a surprise. He will be sinking more and more money into it. Good for his buddies that have been hired as heads of stuff there. They get to milk him for cash.
Shit players playing shit sport is not fun to watch, when you can watch good players playing good sport.
He is bitter that he got run off first time. he is buddy with Trump, they call each other. They live in a weird bubble and think that the kneeling is actual issue.
XFL doesn't have a gimmick as well. It is supposed to be good game of football. Go and actually watch the conference and read the materials they released so far. There will be no gimmicks.
>AAF doesn't have a gimmick, it's just shitty football.
And XFL will be even worse, because the pool of players is smaller and NFL and AAF already picked the better ones.

Imagine burning millions on a pet project that's doomed from the start, then doing it again years later because reasons

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Also for you morons.
Take a look at percentage of ownership.
Vince still owns and will forever (until he dies) own majority of WWE.

It's not going to fold. It's just a negotiation by media because the pro players association doesn't want to devalue NFL contracts by allowing NFL clubs to send young players to an indie shitter league.

It's not HIS like the XFL would be in his mind, it's his father's no matter how far he tries to distance it and he has a complex about McMahon Sr

Cleveland have been garbage since 9/11.

Their best chance depends on the TV deal they can get, and how they can monetize legal gambling. MLS gets about $90M a year for their TV and even Bellator gets millions per year. If the rumors of the XFL getting a deal with ESPN and/or Fox to broadcast their games, then I see no reason why they can't get at least $30M per year from TV. The AAF doesn't get paid shit for their TV deal, and their whole plan seems to be having the NFL buy in for them to be the NFL's official minor league.


why you plebs are like this?
hes literally using his own money

>When you guys get older, you'll start to understand people more and their motives
parties over grandpa

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Damn, $270 million? that's like selling 380 AEWs.

Khan's NFL & EPL teams are worth more than the entire XFL and WWE combined.

its a vanity project, like Pauletty has down in NXT, its all about the individual behind it and ultimately doomed to fail

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>that canary in the coal mine just died! I bet all the lethal gasses are gone now so let’s run in!

>borrowing a shitton of money to make payroll
>negotiation ploy

I just saw a video where the guy said supposedly there is a rumor that the NFL itself is actually throwing money at AEW in order to get back at Vince for trying this XFL thing again. It actually would make sense, the Jag's owner is basically just a face but eventually comes out that there are other NFL billionaire's backing AEW. You guys just watch. AEW will get a major TV deal for sure.

>There will be no gimmicks.

Then why even call this shit XFL instead of a new name? XFL is associated with failure and that whole Xtreme shit went out of style so damn long ago so its outdated in the current year.

Cringy indy marks fantasies at it again

>AEW will get a major TV deal for sure.

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This post is made by an underage fat indie mark redditor.

AllPoojeet-Drones are a delusional bunch.

You just watch edrones. WWE isn't going to even be alive in another 5 years while AEW is going to become bigger than peak WCW and WWE.

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85 player rosters for 120 or so division 1 college football teams. They graduate about a 4th every year. College football gets more attendance than NFL even though it's diluted with a lot of subpar players. People don't really care about how good players are so much as their allegiance to a brand, city or school. It's just tribalism. Many are just drunks that want an excuse to paint their faces and yell. 300 lb linemen and skill players with 4.5 40s are a dime a dozen. If marketed well the XFL could succeed. Even the CFL draws in Canada and it gets mostly just scrub imports from America and some Canadian college players. It's more about the team and the brand. Players are plug and play.

>380 AEWs

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he's the one who pussifed it though, he's the definition of a closested insecure male

WWE is literally exactly what Vince wants it to be and you're a fucking dope if you think otherwise.

Absolutely not.
Vince was trying to win over the retards who wanted to boycott NFL because some brown guy didnt want to stand for some song for a minute and a half.

These same fans continuously shit on WWE for being fake fighting, why the fuck would they make a switch to fake football?

You don't think shareholders are twisting his arm to make it PG?

Absolutely not. Even after all the shares he's sold off for the XFL, Vince still controls like 80% of the voting power in the company. Don't work yourself into thinking otherwise, the reality is very simple - everything you see on WWE TV is exactly how Vince wanted it because nothing gets on WWE TV without Vince's approval.

I tried to give Vince the benefit of the doubt. I guess he really is out of touch.

This is what he wanted all along. He always wanted WWE to be a squeaky clean, family friendly product that would get big licensing deals from big, family friendly companies. He did other shit in the Attitude Era because it was either that or go out of business. It's pretty fucking telling that this is what the show is like once all of his competition is gone.

If you think Vince is out of touch now, then you don't ever think he was in touch, just forced to do shit because of competition.

Jesus, he looks like a walking corpse

I can't imagine that THIS product we see today is what he always wanted. It seems more like it's just shit lazily thrown together last minute, because Vince is not interested anymore. If WWE today is the WWE he always wanted, he wouldn't be selling off shares and beginning a new project.

I just said told you to not work yourself.

Ok let me take advice from a random nobody.

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All I can do is tell you the truth, I can't make you accept it.

that's fair

Mate. I am one of the most ardent defenders of common sense in discussions about AEW.
If you watched this kind of video, please mute that fucking fool. There is no such rumour and whatever this idiot said disregard it.
He is a retard to trust something like this. It probably originated here and he tought it has nice clickbait name of the video.

Thanks user for explaning that to me, I really do not follow sports scene in USA and what you said makes a lot of sense. Thanks dude.

And again, another sensible user. What is going on! Thank you for being logical and having common sense.

I'm looking forward to the XFL. I hope it's as comically awful as last time.

DING-DONG DIDDLY BASED if the XFL doesn't bring back stuff like nicknames on jerseys and promos it's gonna be dead to me

The AAF aalready killed the XFL. Vince is going to lose 9 figures for literally nothing.

unholy based

I think so. They should go after highschool athletes. Give em a check for a year or 2 to play there then they can fuck off to the pros. They're starting to realize that it's not worth a fuck to make the NCAA rich and the athletes want their cut. Why break your body down for free? Don't say muh education, they don't even show up to class and only stay for a year or 2 to go to the NFL anyways.

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What’s the deal with gambling in America? In Australia, it’s advertised everywhere.