Did Chris know Shawn was fucking Tammy?

Did Chris know Shawn was fucking Tammy?

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chris knew EVERYBODY was fucking tammy

how could you blame her?

look at that tight little body
I wanna suck a toot out of her little ass
spread my cock all over her like soft butter
I wanna fill her up like a Buick
I wanna drink a smoothie from her butt
I wanna smell her ass-blasts
I wanna make her sleazy pussy queef

Yes, he even send her to fuck Ahmed Johnson for coke, but she shared the Coke with Shawn instead.
The only guy who comes close to be as much of a Cuck is Brad Maddox.

Stop pretending to be dumb OP
Everyone knew

he did but they were glorified room mates at the time so he just wanted to keep his job

Has Tammy suffered enough?

According to Raven he not only knew but got off on it.
She'll never suffer enough.

He let her stay at Missy Hyatt's place when he was out of town. Of course he knew.

Maddox gets involved with it and enjoys it. Chris just played the clueless cuck and Maddox didn't waist his entire adult life with a skank.

Have you seen her porno. I think we've suffered more than she has.

He should've ditched her after ECW. He'd still be alive and have a career and her porn career would've started sooner just to spite him

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He wouldn't have made it as far as he did without her

>implying Maddox wasn’ didn’t do it as revenge

Once they both left the WWF she had no real influence on him getting hired. He wouldn't have a great career but he still would've been employed. He would've still been with WCW until they went belly up and she was the cause of him being fired from ECW. He also worked in Japan for a while and she wasn't with him there either.

He knew Shawn and Tammy were fucking but had no clue about all the others. Well he knew about Davey Boy too.

>she had no real influence on him getting hired
She was a major star, he was an undercard guy. Of course she had influence on his hirings.

Sunny was one of my first boners. I watched her porn. I jerked off. I would fuck her still. I like trashy women.

Sunny and Shawn were literally like that episode of The Office where Michael and Jan went to Jamaica. Everyone knew about it after that. It's funny because Shawn and Sunny stayed at a high class Jamaican resort too. I wonder if any Office writers had ties to wrestling.

What if I like girls and am not a faggot who gets your shitty show reference?

first ask yourself why ya seethe

I'm not mad. But anyone who starts off a conversation with "this is like that episode of...." Is a fag.

I didn't start off a conversation like that. It was a reply. Dick

This is like that episode of Seinfeld where you suck a bunch of dicks.

Idk why you're flustered, just trying to have fun here pal

her stardom was gone by the time she went to ECW. She was more influencial in him getting fired than hired. She was forgotten by WCW

>Maddox didn't waist his entire adult life with a skank.
>he hasn't seen Maddox's texts to Paige
if he had it his way he would have

but they had an open relationship. Chris and Tammy didn't but Tammy still cucked him.

>man you cuckolded for years dies
>TNA sends you a ham

He knew about them all.

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His death had nothing to do with Sunny. It had to do with Sonny.

Why was he such a damn cuck? It's guys like him why sites like blacked have become so big and why porn continues to push race baiting pornography. These cucks are disgusting human beings.

How Roll Tide was Tammy in the 90s

Really, you can say TNA was clueless to do that but I can ding-dong diddly guarantee that was on purpose given all the heat Tammy had acquired over the years.

The Office and Seinfeld are both great shows so fuck both of you seething autistic nerds. You know how I know you have never and will never hold hands with a girl? You haven't watched the office lmfao

mentions “the office” doesn’t clarify it’s the US inferior version for the burgers who need to be beaten over the head with obvious jokes or they sperg. stare of usa

It's weird how Bret has admitted to cheating on his wife with other women yet both he and Sunny strongly deny ever sleeping together
I feel like if it was true Sunny would have fessed up by now

I am SO GLAD that Morrison eventually left Melina
I was a fan of his, and I remember when the big story was him letting her sleep around with the locker room. He was easily on path to surpass Candido as being wrestling's biggest cuck

Sonny Kiss?

i love you for that

But Morrison's dick still don't work

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I wouldn't be able to get it up for that ugly plastic slut either

sonny siaki