/bex/ - Becky Lynch General

2 shows left edition

Becky's best match: dailymotion.com/video/x2qwjo3

Becky getting stretched: youtube.com/watch?v=Dd_MXBdqmgA

Working out: youtube.com/watch?v=ktrX3XALG_Y


Twitter: twitter.com/BeckyLynchWWE
Instagram: instagram.com/beckylynchwwe/

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


So are they really not gonna put the Smackdown title on the line? Seems really weird for Charlotte to just go into the match with it and not defend. If she loses then so what because she still has the SD title.

Becky on Raw as champ, Charles stays on SD as champ. Ronda leaves. You have the 2 biggest names as champs. Not rocket science here, plus they might really be going for the 4 horsewomen ending

Attached: 1510170068706.jpg (1200x1800, 247K)

>Becky celebrating with Charlotte

literally makes no sense and would damper Becky’s win

You are assuming WWE is not booking a finish where Charles is helping Becky beat Ronda because they used to be BFF and part of the 4HW and the story WWE is telling is Ronda didn't belong and is disrespecting the bizness.

When they realized none of them can beat Ronda by themselves so they have to work together... Anyone but you, Ronda...

It's a fucking shitty story then again it's WWE, Ronda gets her break and can come back with her 4HW to take revenge.

This whole storyline has been dampered

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I want Becky to stomp on my balls with her goblin feet

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That looks hideous

>old pics


Nigga, the tongue gif is from monday

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I know, I posted it. Now follow my lead or bleed, sucka!

No, I'm posting old shit

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Pictured are Sasha and Becky pretending to be happy for Charles. Sasha isn't hiding it well

Sorry, here's the pic

Attached: DyLNDfCXcAAYCUi.jpg (1200x675, 178K)

Sasha is fucking seething, but to be fair, she should have won that match

Imagine the smell


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Attached: DUvUo6iW4AAXzKP.jpg (750x639, 63K)

Holy fucking based

From last years Rumble?

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cute nose

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Impressive digits

Bexcel cringe

Attached: Bexcels.jpg (720x960, 67K)

Nice numbers


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Tuesday could be the last time Becky appears on SD for a very long time :/

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Rebecca Quin

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Perfect pit

Stop breaking kayfabe

Lewd picture

Well, there's 2 shows left and Charles just got the SD title for some reason. What else can they do to make this even more overbooked before next Sunday?

Attached: bexmas3.jpg (1920x1080, 1.46M)

Add in Asuka and put both titles on the line

>Add in Asuka
>put both titles on the line

Anyone have any pics of Becky with taped hands? That's my thing, bros.

Does this work?

Attached: 029_24_Becky_11022015_mr0811--2ecfee1ea9f048381316d1603b8425ac.jpg (1200x675, 82K)

Attached: Becky-LYnch-Heel.jpg (1280x720, 159K)

Based, thanks user.

i want her to squeeze my balls

What a great photoshoot that was

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Needs to do another shoot like this soon

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Attached: what2.gif (177x315, 2.86M)

>enters wrestlemania with this shirt
how hard would you mark?

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I wouldn't

Right in the cunt

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becky is cringe but that is actually based


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Which would tie into the 4hw vs 4hw match for Survivor Series.

kino nose>oh my quad
rolls quads


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Attached: UnlawfulColdAmericanratsnake.webm (976x1080, 1.94M)

Other WEBM's are too large to post here, but they're all in the link below (yes I know it's plebbit, no I don't care);


Attached: WeightySickAmericancrocodile.webm (1236x1080, 2.06M)

Has everything from that shoot already been posted or is there more?

It's all out there

Attached: 1540856082392.gif (540x241, 2.78M)

Absolutely based

Ronda Rousey (c) vs Becky Lynch vs Charlotte Flair
Becky Lynch 1/4
Ronda Rousey 3/1
Charlotte Flair 5/1

Charles winning the title hasn't changed Becky being the overwhelming favorite to win

Attached: 1525635523442.jpg (1080x1920, 220K)

Didn't think it would, desu


Charlotte’s title should be on the line


Shes gonna do it

Based and then she'll do me

Wait, I thought we were pretending this didn't happen just like how she was busted in that prostitution sting for Aer Lingus?

You wish

It makes no sense for it not to be on the line


This match was always for the Raw women's title. Becky won the Rumble and challenged for that title. Just because Charles has the other title now doesn't necessarily mean the match has to be for both titles

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That's why I think it sets up Charles losing and going back to SD with the title where the entire women's locker room is pissed with her because she got a title match for no reason and they all lost a potential wrestlemania title match because of her

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Nobody cares about Charles or the SD title scene. The heat for the last minute title change has died, Charles already gone through and feuded with every girls on the SDL roster, ner new feud is most likey Lacey or Cross or new Nxt call ups.

She hasn't had a 1 on 1 feud with Naomi, Mandy, Sonya, Nikki or Lacey. All new title programs for her. Charles has never been a heel champion on SD.

why she so smug?

She knows how much her pits work people into a shoot

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I think that's a possibility

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If you remove everybody that's more popular than Charles on the brand, that means Charles is the most popular person on the brand...

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Charles will still find a way to be unpopular. The crowd gave Mella, of all people, a huge reaction when she cashed in on Charles.

>Charles will still find a way to be unpopular

Yeah but Charlotte losing doesn’t mean as much now cause she’ll just take her title back to Smackdown and be unaffected

If they are unifying the women's title, a six month program where Bex and Charles trade the title until Ronda comes back would be un-fucking-bearable

Just watched the stretching video for the first time. Gonna ding-dong diddly nut

Yea, I'm beyond done with Becky and Charles feuding

Why is Becky such a lesbo?

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>The heat for the last minute title change has died
No it hasn't. She was booed out of the building yesterday while before she usually had more mixed reactions.

That won't last. It never does with Charles. Remember the reaction she got at Survivor Series and the Tuesday after? She was back to getting meh reactions a week later

She only got that reaction because the crowd hated Ronda and wanted Becky

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I wish Becky was on top of my space needle

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I don't get it

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I want to kiss Becky on the lips!

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Word on the street is a “winner takes all” stipulation will be added on RAW. The titles are getting unified whether you like it or not

Don't care as long as Becky wins and causes as much butthurt on Yea Forums as possible

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>caring what a random stranger on /asp thinks

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I don't care. I just love seeing people sperg out

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Female Stone Cold posing with some random fan

SOON, but without Ric

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soon but in red

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soon, but without the shorts

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i want those toes in my mouth


Why though? Her feet are only average

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Still leagues better than Bliss’ *shudders*

I'm a pitchad, so I don't care about feet

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5.5/10 feet

Pretty gosh dang based

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Ots not summer, ya dumbass

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Did they?


1 week left, lads

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I'm ready

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Wish she'd show those abs off more

Who doesn't?

Imagine if her mania gear shows them off

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What a pitslut

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She should bring the goggles back for Mania

Nope. They don't fit with the man gimmick at all. None of the steampunk stuff does anymore

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So like, is she a furry?

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I wonder if he facefucked her.

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Pretty sure 90% of WWE employees have fucked each other

There are a lot of youg, physically fit and attractive people all spending a lot of time together

damn you can almost hear her potato getting baked

Post high quality pits, please.

Post her low quality dick, please.

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All that work and posturing, just to hide it behind clothing and ring gear?

What a dumb bitch.

Not the highest quality, but still yummy

Attached: Dr3OKzfW4AEP9wy.jpg (900x1200, 183K)

my b, meant for

Her best moment ever

until next sunday :)

>not understanding that she'll be showing it all in this years ESPN body issue, so she's making people wait for that
c'mon man

Attached: 1491860555344.jpg (1600x1600, 774K)

God I hope so

How hairy is her asshole?

Attached: 1537323504997.jpg (1080x1350, 515K)

No hair

I just wanna lick her pits for all of eternity until bu tongue falls off

b a s e d

me and my chad score endorse becky

Good for you, user

Rolled 1 (1d6)

As you should

Huh, would you look at that?

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Attached: 046_NXT_09252014ej_0620-2040416444-2.jpg (642x722, 171K)

Becky buried Cena so hard that he still doesn't have a match announced for Wrestlemania

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Bex really is a wizard

Attached: aj bex beat up cena.gif (245x245, 990K)

>Dusty's last tweet before he died praised Becky and said she would be a big star
>Becky said she was going to main event Mania 3 years ago
>Had Nia not punched her, she wouldn't have had that iconic moment and would not be main eventing

There's obviously something wizard like about her


>Steph is making an announcement about the triple threat tonight on Raw

What are your guesses?
>Both titles on the line
>Steph makes herself guest referee

Attached: 1533412893179.jpg (828x1472, 155K)

Both titles on the line. Becky beats Ronda to win the Raw title. Charles keeps the SD title. The end

If Becky taps/pins Charles to win the SD title, we're literally at the same point we were before Survivor Series. What a waste of time that would be

Attached: 01_Becky_11222016rf_043--f6d8822b14b55d2f9ed28156d5270dda.jpg (1200x1200, 143K)

It would be typical WWE

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Thought this was an April Fools joke. Sadly, it's not

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Wrong. It’s gonna be a winner takes all. Regardless of who is pinned, someone is walking out with two titles.

WWE realized what a mistake it was having two women’s divisions and they will now revert back to one, with the women wrestling on both shows

How many different threads are you going to post this in?

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The fuck is Charles doing?

I hate Steph

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LOL scorelet😃

Is that a nip outline?


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imagine the smell

Nothing good will come out of this

>Ric all over Sasha


Well, he already fucked Charles a bunch of times, he probably figured it was time to taste some caramel

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Steph is kicking off the show with her announcement

Attached: 1529628191361.jpg (1080x1079, 1.28M)

winner take all on Sunday. It's happening lads

I figured it would be that. She didn't say they'd be unified though, so we'll see how that works

Attached: 1544029430781.jpg (1600x1600, 491K)

Told ya so ;)

le meltzer already said it would be called a "winner takes all" match but that it means if you pin someone with a championship, you win that championship

Steph literally said that the winner walks out with both belts

Attached: 1527120935662.jpg (640x1136, 116K)

Attached: 1553656624870.gif (480x480, 3.49M)

Meltzer knows about the women's storyline as much as Charles know how to get over


SOON, but with both belts

Attached: 1537479545980.jpg (1600x1600, 483K)

time for the tag match

Her thighs look great tonight


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my sides

Fucking hell, that was hilarious for all the wrong reasons

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that was fun af I don’t care what anyone says


Me with the camera

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>still can’t stop making shitty faces
The city of becketty

ya seethe?

I wanna rub my hand against the grain of Becky's shaved pits

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Someone please add a brazzers logo

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Love ya Bex

First decent segment since the night after the Rumble

Honestly, can't argue with that

Would watch


Attached: sexwithbex.webm (618x720, 309K)

Attached: bases.webm (1280x720, 1.36M)




hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey



She does it just as robotically as Charles does. Great imitation

You think Becky and Ronda returned to the cab after everyone left and lezzed out?

have sex

Did they?

I would hope so

Attached: cdf1011808a386ef3e8b4491a1897af32e0e3628_hq.gif (245x225, 1.49M)

That whole segment was comedy gold

Based bex

Attached: 1501340630532.jpg (1080x1080, 167K)

I just wanna lick every inch of her body, is that too much to ask for?

Yes. You can only lick her pits, tummy, vagina or asshole. Only 1. You choose

D-don't make me choose...

Pits after a workout

Attached: 1523380029254.jpg (1920x1080, 1.21M)

If you don't choose, you get nothing

based and pitpilled


Asshole, but those pits are very tempting

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>kiss my foot you little weirdo
What did she mean by this?

Becky likes her feet being worshipped and clearly knows Ronda is a footfag. Do with that info what you want

About to tug my peen, tbqfh

I think we're just getting a recap of Raw tonight. No Becky. That's good if it happens, why take away from the momentum they gained for the match last night?

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I'm fine with it


She should come down to the ring on Sunday in a police car just to make people seethe

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based bex not caring about some dying jobber

Why should she?

She likes feet

Because that's her past and her future

ya seethe

Attached: [laughs in WM main eventer].jpg (1200x675, 99K)

Kek at EY

Uh huh, sure

4 days until SEX WITH BEX

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I want to fuck this whore's pits

Attached: 1423342309482.png (596x599, 551K)

a cute

Put down the spray, Becky, and no one gets hurt

Charles should stop getting work done. She's starting to look less and less like a real person

Attached: D2EDTgWXcAYTgbB.jpg (1200x1200, 149K)

she can't help that she has low self esteem because her daddy wasn't around growing up so she is desperate to get people to like her

She was ugly anyway, now she's just ugly in a different way so no real loss. The only thing she should regret are those huge balloons on her chest, right in front of that grotesque fridge body and under her wrinkly man face.



It's too late. She's gone too far


Fucky with Bucky

Would she?

Attached: 104_SD_06052018ej_1531--0774a09e5f2f42a0628397cfc63af899.jpg (1200x675, 106K)

This is one of her best pictures

Eh, it's good and I can fap to it, but I wouldn't say it's one of her best

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Why did Becky tell Ronda to kiss her feet?

you know why

I wish Becky would tell me to do that

Attached: 1537142522684.png (614x360, 543K)

Maybe someday, user

Attached: tongue4.gif (270x200, 744K)
