>cringe "incel" gimmick
>can't do flips
>not a good wrestler
Why does Yea Forums like this simp so much?
>cringe "incel" gimmick
>can't do flips
>not a good wrestler
Why does Yea Forums like this simp so much?
>Not a good wrestler
But thats wrong ya simperoni.
all three things listed are based
he doesnt have any 5 stars
>Why does Yea Forums like this simp so much?
dave started praising him when kenny left new japan so they followed suit
Yea Forums relates to the cringe edgy simp
Only emofag Yea Forumsies like this twink.
so the vast majority
Thats a good thing
You can lie all you want in life user doesnt ever make it right or factual.
Yea Forums btfo
Absolutely seething
Yea Forums likes to pretend they're cool by liking shitty wrestlers
His character work, the only thing that actually matters in professional wrestling.
He looks like Ted Cruz
This is a tanahashi board.
>Puts on stellar believable matches, refusing to do flippy shit for 5 stars
>Doesn't play the "cool heel" routine, instead getting good heat
>Broke JR's ribs for being in the way
>Worked Josh Barnetty into a seething shoot
>Best Bullet Club leader
>Actually 6'1 without booster shoes that Omegetty wears
>Actually from a Commonwealth nation that isn't cucked like Canada
>Or a country that sucks like Ireland
>Doesn't speak like a 5th grade educated Georgia redneck
>Slays tons of Asian girls instead of Kota
>Inspires Kota so much that he refuses to follow Omega to AEW
>Doesn't have to use shit tons of steroids to get a good wrestling body
>So well loved even the Ace put him over
>So promising that Gedo booked himself with him just to get the rub
>Works reddit and wrestling into a seethe
>Works nu japan fans into not watching cause they miss Omega
Why do you alsays have to compare him to Omega? The only similarity is that they're gaijins. Their style and character couldn't be more different.
Probably because they’re both the foreign rival to the ace of the company.