This is bad comedy

This is bad comedy

Attached: Manlet Era vs Elite Chad.png (1366x768, 1.66M)

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No, but for real, is the rise of manlets why pro wrestling is on it's deathbed? Or is it the lack of compelling TV/storylines?

lol that fan looks like big show compared to cole

>WWE making more money than ever
>Japanese wrestling more popular in the west than ever
>Indy wrestling flourishing more than ever
Wrestling has never been farther from a deathbed, just because it isn't popular with every Billy, Bob and Joe like it was in the late 90s doesn't mean it's dying.

Oh fuck this is gonna get some use

Quit exposing the ding-dong diddly business how are we supposed to cry about wrestling not being mainstream when you say that

Mastodons can't compete on a regular basis without a steady diet of steroids, pain killers and an untimely death.

>I started watching wrestling with the WWF

Cole was never the same after his injury in 2014. Put the strap on that mark in the crowd.

The audience for wrestling is shrinking. Just in the last year WWE has lost almost 1 million viewers. I'm just asking why is that happening.

Chase Owens?

Yes it does you retard. Just because there are three times the amount of outlaws doesn't mean that the wrestling business is not dead.

TV viewership as a whole is plummeting and that's not affecting their bottom line at all.

You're equating being culturally significant with being successful, which is simply not true. Pokemon is not as popular as it was in the early 2000s, but they're still making money hand over fist off of it.

Oh man. Is that the based "onii-chan" Yea Forums nog that trolled Yea Forums in, like, 2008?

>>Bad booking
>>Inability to create new stars
>>Unwilling to let people get on their own 90% of the time
>>Burying roster for select few
>>Select few still can't get too big for fear they leave like Rock Brock Batista etc
>>McMahons still think they are draws and not ancillary villians to a draw

Look at his arms. Holy shit

>that hairline




Attached: 7def6ae6fd27d799d6b8432fad45efe162321791beb79f5700441b9e3d850d81-pol.png (424x318, 178K)

I don't give a shit about gay anime, first off. What I'm saying is, there are less ways to make a living, solely by professional wrestling, than ever before in the history of the business. It's been perverted from fake fighting, to choreographed comic book bullshit. Being culturally significant and successful are linked, simp. If there's no credibility to what you offer to the consumer, why would they leave their comfy house to go to a smelly bingo hall. If niggas think: "pro wrestling is gay horseshit, I can watch game of thrones or UFC instead", they're not going to spend money on it. Hence, why there only exists a giant like WWE, and to a lesser extent, nujapan. The rest are little outlaws.

when is he leaving NXT for AEW?

Holy ding-dong diddly seetheola beggin you to acquire sexola



Big dudes cant keep up in the business without their fanny pack full of gimmicks

I'm on board with more hosses who can actually work. It would actually be for the best because they would be able to work with the smaller wrestlers who can put on a clinic and don't mesh at all with big guys who can't.
Lensar is a good example because he can work, but a bad example because he's Brock.. but he's a good example of a guy who can work and is big can do with a smaller guy.


why do his arms look atrophied?
