Injury prone?

Attached: 800px-Ciampa_TakeOver_NOLA_crop.jpg (800x1422, 293K)

nah just your typical indie shitter

Is that Justin Credible?

Yes, and a subhuman (read: sub 6 foot)

Funny how people have barely any injuries then they get to WWE and they're on the verge of death within months.

Attached: KENTA.png (400x600, 478K)

Shh, it's the safe company, remember?

Going by style, I could see Richochet injuring himself every other week. But somehow wrestlers who are mostly ground and pound are the ones screwing themselves up.

Why are you talking about yourself tho

In the case of KENTER and Ciampa, both have had numerous injuries before WWE.

Coping manlet detected.

I don't know about KENTA, but I know Ciampa got himself injured early in his OVW developmental contract and that pretty much derailed his chances back in 2007, then he got seriously hurt on ROH in 2012.

t. Has never gone outside his house

Manlet detected

Incel detected. Have sex.

Manlet cope detected. Acquire height and engage in sexual intercourse.

Incel cope detected. Seek human contact with females.

Continued manlet seething will be met with appropriate countermeasures. Cease your seething.

Based Chadlets ding-dong diddly living rent free in your head



flippy shit on an indie schedule vs flippy shit on a wwe schedule

>flippy shit

Beggin' ya to go back


Neither of them do flippy shit though. The flippy manlets seem to be the ones avoiding injury.

Vanilla midget what else