>Not married
>No kids
>Not married
>No kids
He got castrated in Japan
hes a fag
He was fucked by Michael Jackson
Super gay 3
thats a big puss
Afraid he won't "carry on his legacy" like your favorite shonen animes?
because if you have kids to support you will be forced to wrestle in your 50s and embarrass yourself like Angle and Shawn Michaels and Undertaker
>Not tied down by some demanding thot
Living the dream
Why get married when he knows he's got the power to create his own Jap harem in AEW?
Kenny or the cat?
He's waiting for Kairi now that Ibushi rejected his ass
Animals are better.
imagine ruining your life by having a kid
Based Kenny getting knotted by a big dawg.
>Fucks Shida
>Fucks Kairi
Shane on suicide watch
hes waiting until his careers over
howdy chaim
yeah i'm sure somebody forced shawn at gunpoint to take that 2 million for one match
Undertakers kids were already grown up and living their own lives when he decided to be a retard and make another one. He could have retired comfortably if not for that.
taker has like 4 kids under the age of 18 tho
Kenny Omega was molested by Bill Demott in the summer of 2006
Surprised DeMott didn't blow his head off with his drawer gun for being gay tbqhwy.
He never fell for the kids meme. He is an alpha chad fucking whatever he wants to.
I hope this meme takes off
Molested? No, it was total rectal demolition. Hugh G. Rection, baby.
Imagine unironically wanting to marry and have kids
t. silverstein
Imagine unironically wanting to marry and have kids
why the fuck should he? and unless you are the nz shooter don't mention 'da white race'
t. zoomer who hates his parents
he has aids
all heterosexuals are biologically wired to desire to procreate
I can’t. That’s the dream of a person that doesn’t get laid. You don’t want that bullshit. You only think you do because it involves having sex at least once.
i dont want children and i dont want to procreate and i am heterosexual
Found the seething lard ass roastie
Go and swing from trees then retard
Even lard ass roasties get laid. Go fantasize about getting laid some more.
So do rats....
That doesn't even make sense
He probably has kids but they're all illegitimate and by underage fangirls and groupies
you're just fat and ugly then
Asuka's son is his baby
This. Marks are fucking dumb. Michael's didn't have to but money talks.
I don't get it.
woah cool it with the antisemetism
>not proving your alpha status by getting a woman pregnant a dipping with no repercussions
Having kids should be an addendum to your life achievements. Literal retards can have kids and it requires no effort. It's the participation trophy of life. Kenny could go knock some joshi rat up at 50 after he finishes accumulating all that wealth and fame.
based demott
Honestly the world is too overpopulated as is. Having kids should be made temporarily illegal, and anybody that wants a child should have to adopt.
it's overpopulated with poor kids. you should have a certain income level to be allowed to have kids
Yeah, that idea is fucking stupid.
Japanese people don't want babies and he isn't sticking his dick in inferior non yellow pussy
Y'all are acting like population density around the world is uniform. And most people who support population control want the global population to max out at 500 million, too
Kenny is... like that Uncle that always shows up for Family Dinners with his Male Asian "Friend" dear...
Because he's redpilled.
>literally infinite yellow pussy at his disposal 24/7
Why would he want to get married and have some thot drag him down?
he's a faggot
He fucks men and women
He wants to marry Kairi, and to get her he has to defeat the evil Vince Mcmahon who has captured her.
Do you think he tries to sex the dog because he's gay.
Imagine the smell
No, because he's a Leaf
No. Thats disgusting. Plus it could be a female dog.
This is gayer than kissing his boyfriend.
nah just a desire to fuck
if you want to marry and have kids you're an autistic normalfag.
Autism isn't normal ya dimwit.
>comparing a career jobber to the most important wrestler of this current era
He does sort of look like the type of guy with a very girthy cock.
>the greatest wrestler in history is not going to pass on his Gene's
This is a travesty
Hogan did though user, and they turned out to be busts
Based big dog taking a Picture with a fan
>not having a ton of white kids
it's like you want a brown future.