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/Stardom/ General
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SLK again, very stale
based ace
damn that nigga ugly
This isn't a Momo OP!
very very stale
I'm new to stardom, where do i watch their ppv's/tv?
very very worked
He's just making shit OPs out of spite now, because he's a salty loser.
you got him, and you complaining about him definitely helps prove your point that OP is the salty loser. I hope you continue proving that by complaining about it for another 200-300 posts in here and maybe the next 8 threads, too.
guilty looking post
Based Starlight making Momofags seethe
>Thread hits the limit at 17:01:03
>New thread is already made at 17:00:11
He does it again! How many threads in a row is that now by the Oedo Tard OP? And how have you been able to do it every time the second the old one hits the bump limit no matter what day or time it is?
baited me to check, the thread reached the bump limit at 16:58:31. Why would you like about something so easy to prove wrong? Why are you still bitching that you didn't make this thread instead of posting about, I don't know, Stardom?
So he took a whole minute and a half to make a new one while refreshing Yea Forums for hours waiting for the moment rather than a second and that's your argument on why he isn't a pathetic neet? lol
I'm not arguing with anyone, just questioning the logic you have for choosing to bitch about OP constantly instead of posting something on topic.
How many consecutive Stardom generals have you made?
I believe the Stardom threads should be made by a person who is a real fan of the promotion.
I believe that if you post it, they will come. and if it's shit they won't
I believe that love is the answer.
I think 3 maybe
I'm glad you approve then
You're not a good liar.
good point, I don't care if a seething autist approves of what I do.
you tell me you fuckign retard. it cant be one person doing it if its 24 hours. people sleep. YOURE FUCKING OBSESSED!!
Why are you lying? We all know its closer to a dozen, and every time the new one is made the instant the old one hits the bump limit no matter what day or time it is. We also know you're a salty Oedo Tard and want you to leave and stop making these threads.
I've only done the recent SLK ones ya delusional pinhead. Also,
even you don't believe that lol
>"heheh If I switch up my OP formula they'll be convinced it's someone else making them!"
You'd be surprised. One guy who used to make this general runs and monitors 4 Yea Forums generals 24/7. Every single time one of them hits the bump limit he makes a new one instantly before anyone else can since its all he has in his life. Obviously he's a neet or else it wouldn't be possible but its still monumental autism. If he didn't hand off the reins of making this thread to his fellow butthurt Oedo Tai fan he would still be making this for sure.
you've posted this countless times, but have you actually convinced anyone yet? I haven't been keeping up too much, when did you switch the narrative from "/oedo/ is one guy talking to himself and that guy is also the OP of every thread on Yea Forums" to "/oedo/ is OP and (usually this is followed by a homophobic joke) friend and they are the OP of every thread on Yea Forums"?
guilty looking post
as expected a non-answer, kys already NEET
Shiki is X
Hanan and Hina impressions of Nao, Shiki and Rossy.
I'm not even the person you replied to, but I don't buy any of the garbage in that post. More lies and RPing from OP.
>usually this is followed by a homophobic joke
Go back, faggot
Seething looking incel
Post Stardom pits
faggot is fine, but this guy has been trying to get himself over by using middle school jokes like "butt buddy" or calling the "OP" and whoever else he thinks is also "OP" each other's boyfriends. Instead of just calling someone a faggot he's being a faggot about it.
I've only seen lying and roleplaying from the poster that is constantly whining about OP. While it could be OP, I doubt someone would make up a josh elitist persona just to argue with himself all day. Also the "exposing" of the random twitter user wouldn't make sense in that regard either.
Shiki will be crushed under the weight
You sure know a lot for someone who supposedly doesn't post here often.
Based, thank you
now you're making up stuff about me? I post here and all over this board all the time, jabroni.
you seem to be the only one trying to convince anyone anything in these threads
*takes a shit on high schoolers*
Why didn't Rina come out.
You know the artist belts are a janetty title when 4 defenses ties for the record.
>Refreshes Yea Forums for hours in advance to make every new Stardom thread the instant the old one hits the bump limit 100% of the time no matter what day or time it is in your path
How does he do it??
fuck off
seething OPetty
Stop making these threads, they will never be on topic as long as you keep making them. Please contain your autism because normal people can't be on here 24/7 to make generals in seconds.
Stay in the Oedo thread with your gay lover.
even the autistic namefag gets it, why can't the autistic stalker reach such a simple conclusion?
I've realized through their videos that Hina has the best and most charismatic personality of the sisters.
If she can break through her shyness as a rookie she can be a huge star in the future.
ding-dong diddly penis shekelsberg post pits or stop seething
you know it's bad when the newfag namefag is even making agua look dumb lol
The namefag wasn't even replying to me.
You literally can't stop thinking about me.
who are you?
>Its just a coincidence that I've made the last dozen threads
>Every time the instant the old one hits the bump limit
>No matter what day or time it is
>Its not a big deal to me at all!
it seems to be a very big deal to you since you spend all hours of the day on her crying over it
>Guy who has made hundreds of generals over the course of a year for multiple threads refreshing Yea Forums 24/7 to make new ones the instant the old ones hit the bump limit before anyone else can like an autist because its the most important thing in his life
>Vs guy who doesn't do that
who are you quoting? also, guilty looking post
you must have a sad and boring life to care this much about such stupid shit
Nice projection, nobody gives a shit about making threads except the one guy who is on Yea Forums 24/7 to make a new one the instant the old one bumps no matter what day or time it is. Or else there'd be more than 1 or 2 times somone other than him made one in over a year.
Mayu is one of the few wrestlers that I could watch bump and sell all day.
Arisa's new hair.
looks like a non-retarded Mayu
Nice projection, nobody gives a shit about who makes the threads except the one guy who is on Yea Forums 24/7 to make a post crying about it the instant he gets BTFO no matter what day or time it is. Or else there'd be more than 1 or 2 posts related to Stardom in these threads in months.
Will they ever add subtitles for the 2011-2015 shows ?
Why would they? They barely fully sub the recent shows. In fact, you'll be lucky if you ever see most of the old ones uploaded again.
no, we barely get subtitles for the current shit
According to the google translation, she was in a bad mood.
looks like a cross-eyed Mayu
yeah the /oedo/ stuff also barely gets translations, I'm still waiting on Kagetsu's post match speech from her produce show two years ago. Sorry for discussing joshi here, carry in with your delusion-posting.
Damn that nigga ugly!
keep the samefagging and larping in ding-dong diddly /oedo/.
I don't know, since women's wrestling is getting more popular, they should post more content in english like NJPW and maybe add subtitles to the old shows. After all, it's not like they would need to translate the commentary, just do the promos and that's it.
>OPetty seething because Sonny ignored his tweets
forced and stale
odd for you to tell someone to keep it there when it's literally only been here for weeks now
not OP, don't have twitter either. I do however have a Stardom world account and I'd be happy to share the info with you once you get a clue.
They do translate the promos most of the time. I don't see why they would go back and do likewise for years old content that not many will watch, though.
guilty looking post
t. /oedo/larper
Looks like Mayu with better teeth.
guilty looking post
>with better teeth
and better everything else
Why is he so angry in this thread
hiding this pedo cringe
fuck me, she is crosseyed. I'm never gonna not see this now.
what is this about? this guy just retweets joshi shit
she should get new eyes too
>More LARPing
guilty looking post
neither of these posts answers my question, why are you dodging it?
Is this really the guy who runs five generals on Yea Forums?
guilty looking post
What was your favorite part of Ayame Sasamura and Mei Suruga vs Ami Sato and Hana Kimura?
the only name I recognize there is Hana Kimura, my question still hasn't been answered.
lmao did that book sell out yet?
that's his specialty, user. That twitter user is the guy we assume is the guy that agua randomly messaged on twitter. This is assumed because, like your question, whenever asked why agua messaged a random person on twitter the question would get dodged with his usual buzzwords. However, after this went on for a bit a certain someone posted that twitter as well as pictures of his likes and tweets [like he's doing currently] and a picture the guy took at a show with some tjpw girls trying to make fun of him for it - which was a dead giveaway of who was doing this. He exposed himself a few threads ago by calling the twitter user an idiot for posting a pic with his username in it, but this theory was debunked quickly because that picture only showed agua's account info. The reasoning behind any of these actions aren't clear as the autist is afraid to be held accountable for his actions, but it's also assumed that he thinks that twitter guy is the OP that occupies most of the space in his head. I'm sure he'll accuse me either way, but I'm not the twitter guy, I'm not OP, I'm not agua, I'm not (You) and I'm not Sonny.
30 year old man(let) very angry over an innocent teen girl, how pathetic.
looks like it finally did, that or they took it down
agua just made you write a 10 page essay on him complete with examples you've been thinking about for months probably. Talk about rent free
this may be the cringiest thing I've ever seen on this board, but thank you for answering
>Imma keep it real with u chief, this ain't it
Holy cringe
>Talk about rent free
seems to apply more to the person searching through a random twitter and posting screenshots here
are we supposed to not like this guy? he's right...
guilty looking post OPetty
>18 Aug 2018
wow you got him
guilty looking bitch ass nigga
you are floundering OPetty
wait I thought I was OP? I don't watch sports, but you called me OP for some reason
imma keep it real with u chief, this ain't it
alright what's on the checklist now for being called OP? I'll list what I've seen.
>if you post on Yea Forums
>if you name files
>if you watch popular movies
>if you like sports
>if you post Konami
>if you post Starlight Kid
>if you post Mayu
I'm sure I'm missing some others
"Chad's" gay lover to the rescue.
I've determined based on that pic of him with his short stature, lack of testosterone and musculature, dark heavy body hair, balding head, and possibly living in New York that he is in fact a dirty jew.
The JIDF is not welcome here.
>calls someone gay
>continues to give an assessment on a random guy's body
seek help, buddy
What am I reading in this thread?
You can't tell me nothing nigga. All you niggas do is scream at each other in these threads.
>You're obsessed with making threads
>Guilty looking post
>Hi [insert literally fucking who from twitter]
I come here to see pictures of these cute little zipperhead's armpits, and you niggas are having a gay little turf war.
oh here we go, he's gonna go for the innocent angle again, this one is always my favorite.
What is more full of shit - this thread or Hana's pants?
Me. Because yesterday was Taco Tuesday and I haven't had a bowel movement yet.
lol this guy's actually pretty funny, thanks for letting us know about him stalker-kun
guilty looking post
I mean, I did look at the profile to see what the deal was. Does this make me OP, too now?
Starlight Adult's laugh in her most recent promo where she goes to say she has youth on her side but then realises Hina and Rina are younger than her is adorable.
>Mayu with that punk look
Kek. Wish I had been watching Stardom back then. Or all the old matches were available somewhere. That'd be nice too.
>Mocking JAN
Starlight Heel soon.
Hard at work.
more like JANetty
Anons coming to NYC show will get to see crowning of the new champion, Utami!
She's gorgeous with short hair, but long? She might be the GOAT.
daily reminder
>chokes me with her thighs
>then lets me rest on her breasts
So, fellas. How much money should I offer Utami to get this?
based right leg kikku
what was Utami thinking here?
Do you agree with this statement
yes, even though i don't like the Moman Reigns push, i still want that ass
Momo has boobs. Good. At least something on her is good.
the people's champ
Not that I'm complaining about this, but how come they never filmed something like this with Io or Nao?
Not gonna lie, I didn't think Momo had that good amount of breast meat. Too bad about the other shortcomings.
I think I'm gonna be sick
Why is she so cute?
lots of homosexuals in here, or at least one guy making it look like there is a lot of homosexuals in here
that video of QQ consuming sweets is cute
seriously he should post some of the sexy joshi instead of Mandheling's twin sister
Youth and a nice smile.
rank the last 3 years (from 2018) of Stardom in terms of quality
That vid was uploaded by a pedo from twitter lol
Was Momo going "please don't take a bite just take the whole thing I can't eat food your rotten teeth have touched"?
It was a who’s-who of talent. It was clearly the most talked about joshi promotion internationally, by a lot. So many perfect parts came together at the same time in those years.
worked by the truth
>Mayu has to wrestle this at MSG again
Natsuko/Mayu was legit 4.5* someone shill this match to Meltzer. ROH is retarded if they don't put this up on their youtube channel
Those abs.
Im the one who kept defending Kelly Klein on here when people kept talking about how shit she was as a worker and at being a “monster”-type. I apologize. I knew she was soft when she stiffed Jamie for kicking her a little hard, tbf.
Post Mayu butt
white women were a mistake
shhh Momo wasn't in it, not canon
They actually uploaded that match first? Before a Momo main event? That's how you know it must be good.
I'm sure her match was also good like usual since she's one of the best wrestlers in the world
I hope she doesn't become a mess during Shiki's retirement speech, though I am sure it will happen to a few people here.
to date I've seen only handful of very good Momo matches and I don't recall any of them being very good thanks to her carrying the load, always the opposite. I can sense the /oedo/ accusations coming already, but I like everyone.
wrong thread, retard
>Genius turd of the flush in the stall.
I knew this show was gonna suck, every match will be ruined by foreigners in them since they booked over 10 of them for some reason
it's probably because work visas cost too much and it's cheaper to just book american and canadian talent
Starlight woman is beautiful
Someone uploaded a 2011~2018 Stardom pack to XWT.
545 GB.
Bumping for pits
Does it have every show, including the ones from the youtube channel? Did that even have every show they've held?
I wouldn't expect them to bring over the high schoolers though I would've like to see Azumi's attempt at shit talking someone in English. Are they? If not, it's five members of the native roster not coming if they aren't so you have to balance the loss of that many roster members somehow.
It doesn't have the YouTube shows. And no, it doesn't have every show, I think it has all of the Korakuen events that aired on Samurai TV, some DVD rips and Shinkiba shows that aired on niconico. Before Stardom World, I don't believe they filmed every single show. There are a lot of shows that never aired or made it to DVD.
>The true ace had the real match of the night again
Meet and greet policy got posted. Looks like I'll have to go into debt.
I also forgot to factor in that Sumire won't be there, so that's a fair amount of their roster.
Someone who more people know compared to your waifus.
Erm, this isn't the image I posted. What's going on here?
that's fine, still who
Viper appeared on NxT UK a few days ago, yet is still on Stardom. Xia just put up a video saying farewell to Stardom and she's going back to NxT UK, but she's coming back to Stardom in June. I thought WWE didn't let talent appear on other shows? What is going on?
NXT UK signees are not exclusive yet, for the most part. Champions are an exception but not by much. Toni could still come back, but WWE has to be #1 priority no matter what. No idea why they didn’t sign Toni exclusively and move her to Florida but whatevs.
NXT UK has a sporadic schedule so I think they let their talents work indies instead of having them sit around doing nothing between tapings. I might be wrong, but I believe Rhea Ripley is the only NXT UK talent who is 100% exclusive to WWE.
>Works the marks
>Works the smarks
>Works OPetty
>Works Puro Twitter
>Works reddit
>Works /oedo/ into a salt-encrusted seethe
>Works Io's White Belt record
>Works the Ice Ribbon shill into turning his back on his promotion
>Works her right leg into a kick
>Works the best bout
Yes or no to Arisa's new hair?
I love how she bounces up after it.
that's actually one of the better Frog Splashes that I've seen in a while, still doesn't do it as based as Eddie but better than Seff, KO and definitely Sasha.
Some weeb translate it.
Bad. Her November 2019 hair set her apart and now she just looks like Mayu.
i like
Doesn't really go with her costume, though.
She mentioned that in a tweet.
Maybe she'll change it.
Isn't it the same colour as Tam's now? Would be funny if she mentioned that, then Tam changes her hair colour the very next day.
She looks like Nanae here. Facially and hair style.
Mayu doing commentary?
Probably for the next free YT match.
Utami and Tam will miss the Niigata show.
Utami has been working with an injured finger and was told by a doctor to take care of it.
What about Tam?
One of Arisa's fingers is injured as well.
She probably doesn't have long until she is out with injury as well.
Emoji or not I don't like seeing Saki sad,
She is dying her hair again.
The machine translation is too screwed up to get an idea. She probably hasn't fully recovered from the injuries that prevented him from travelling to Osaka.
>injured finger
>missing shows for it
What a jabroni
I don't know what's more shocking, the magenta hair or that she's wearing a skirt?
Rebel Kel is a babe.
cute and a cute
I need a favour bros.
On what date was the stardom show when the wrestlers wore each others costumes?
Somewhere in may 2018 was the cosplay battle royal thing
May 5, the Golden Week show produced by Queens Quest.
arigatou user-sama
Who is 310OOT? They followed me and started liking my posts overnight.
I just marathoned this match and I honestly believe Konami is a better Hiromi than Hiromi Mimura
Isn't that Shiki mom?
Mayu's looked so happy ever since she won the WOH belt.
I think she realises this is her only shot to make it in america because she's too ugly for WWE to sign her
Bumping for pits
Konami has no characte-
who the fuck said that?!
i'll kill 'em!!
This should be her permanent gimmick. She was great as doggy.
i want her, lads...
totally meaningless, but, how old is AZM again?
ah, gotcha
just gonna go sit around & wait, not for anything specific though
you going to jail boy
Can’t give anyone rides for 2 more years, since 18 is the legal driving age out there.
I thought they had free dental care in Japan. Why would a 16 year old need a partial bridge already?
something interesting must be going on to the right of the camera since she's got her right eye focused over there
NO! This is a misunderstanding!!!
i'm gonna do it lads i'm going to stay up all night and create a Momo OP next thread
i believe in you, make sure the picture shows off her bum or booby meat
Prepare for OPetty to create another thread and bump it using VPN.
prepare for the pedo-kun to bitch about you for 200 posts
You'd have to do it before this one bumps because opetty is on here stalking this one as we speak since he's made the last dozen threads within seconds each time. Hi opetty by the way
what lady
nice try OPetty
get ready, dude, it may be sooner than that
alright we are almost at the bump limit, I'm ready boys. Not to make the next one, but I am ready to call OP a neet for monitoring the thread like I am.
MOMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO we just ignoring this cat? this ain’t the first one i’ve seen.
Nice. Get your stopwatch out so you can time it.
new thread
Momo OP = archived within 10 hours
Konami OP = hits bump limit before anyone can open it in a new tab
I think a fair compromise would involve Saki or Kyona
Someone else make a new thread.
kys pedo