ESPN's production team worked Vince into a shoot and that's why he made that title match yesterday.
ESPN's production team worked Vince into a shoot and that's why he made that title match yesterday
Ronda looks so much better with her hair down
Too bad it goes against her whole MMA thing so she'll rarely do it on the shows
>12th person to compete
really not a noteworthy stat when it happens on average once every 3 years
man becky is such a geek lmao
Why didn't they just put 7 x womens champion under her accolades?
I wouldn't put it past Vince seeing this, getting super upset and therefore booking this stupid title change.
fake titles aren't really an accolade, they put Ronda because she's the defending champion
Charles looks terrible wtf
Rhonda looks cute with her hair down I'm gonna fap boys
looks like they only cared about Becky and everyone else
Becky is so pretty! :)
I don't see the problem. That IS what she's known for - she came from NXT and could not get over so had to call in daddy to do a promo and manager her
See above
Ask Rondetty for her glasses, user
Some people forgot that Ric Flair has to literally hold Charles's hand and walk her to the ring just to get some sort of reaction from the crowd...
That might be what she's known for, but that's not what the WWE wants people to think about. They want people to think "talented wrestler" not "girl who got here because of her dad". They didn't even have her around for Ric's birthday party a couple weeks ago. They gave her the belt so now those little headers can say "Smackdown Women's Champion" instead of "Ric Flair's Daughter"
they now want people to think "why is the SD champ fighting for the Raw belt"
Charles was worked too
>win 12 fights
>1st ballot hall of fame
UFmeme fags will unironically defend this
gina should go in first to be honest my goof
Charles gets pissed anytime anyone suggests her dad is a major reason for her success because she want1s everyone to think she did it on her own. Meanwhile,
>She needed her dad to escort her to the ring early in her NXT and later main roster runs just to get any kind of crowd reaction
>wears robes like he did
>Woooos constantly
>her entrance music is a remix of his
>does the strut and chops in matches
>uses the same submission
Yea, Charles. I can't imagine why anyone seeing you for the first time wouldn't immediately think of your dad. Shes a delusional idiot just like Ric was. Only difference is, Ric was entertaining
this exactly. she is a typical dumb bimbo, I hope she breaks her neck next time she tries to do her shitty moonsault.
>if you wanna be the woman, you gotta beat the woman
(just a quick question, you are pointing out character traits of a persona she plays on TV, right, you do not believe this is her personally, right?)
(You do realize that in interviews where she isn't in character and in her own book, she says it always bothers her when people credit her dad with her success, right?)
>used his name to put out an autobiography
>needs to include him in charity auctions to get bids
her putting a book out when she had been wrestling like 3 years as if anyone gave a shit about her life story still takes the cake for how delusional she is and I bet whoever published it thought so too so she had to get daddy involved
(but she brought this up only after Becky posted edits of these plates and she pushes more for the chosen one, the best one, the greatest woman wrestler of all time shit, while she knows perfectly well that her name helped her a lot. BTW I think she worked her ass off, but a lot of her success is tied to the name and she is using it exactly like she should in her persona on TV)