How does it feel knowing your favourite wrestler would lose a shoot fight to any lanklet that's been doing jiu-jitsu...

How does it feel knowing your favourite wrestler would lose a shoot fight to any lanklet that's been doing jiu-jitsu for more than 3 months?

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I don't ding-dong diddly have a favorite wrestler so I don't ding-dong diddly care.

My favorite wrestler is Brock Lesnar.

My favorite wrestler is Ric Flair so yeah, you are right

I don't think so buddy.

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Not so fast kiddo

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Fucking hell Punk has let himself go

Like apples and fucking oranges. Por examplo: "How does it feel knowing that the best jiu jitsuer in the world would lose a shoot fight to a 124 grain chunk of lead?"

Yes. because 90 percent of modern wrestlers are manlets who have done jiu-jitsu for 0 months

Did Ronda ever train BJJ or was she pure-Judo?

Cringe. Have sex.

Feels horrible now, thanks for ruining my day completely

Only trained BJ

BASED Bix telling it like it is

Anyone with even high school level wrestling can neutralize a jui jitsu black belt


Stop posting gay porn

Jew jitsu doesn't work as well when you can kick people on the ground

Imagine thinking this.

All Brazilian jui jitsu is is half-assed catch wrestling but with something stuffed up your butt


>shoot fight
I see what you did there

don't have it wolfie, take this simp down!

I'm pretty sure they'd easily beat up Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp too, despite them also winning various fictional fights. I don't care a single iota about how good a pro wrestler is at actual fighting.

I'm a lanklet that's been doing Jiu-Jitsu for three years. Feels based

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Thank you Big Dick Bix.