Why did she kill her husband and son?

Attached: nancy.jpg (202x249, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread:

autopsyfiles.org/reports/Celebs/benoit, chris_report.pdf

Why is there a tiny blurred person between her titties?

reminder that see used to tape a razor blade to her finger out in public so when marks bothered her, she would hug them and pat them on the back and cut them

Pretty based tbqhwy

tried to kill her ex-husband too, psycho


That's awesome. Sasha should start doing this.

She cute

Hogan: "She was into devil-worship stuff. It was part of her [wrestling] character, but [she was] somebody who gets so close to their character, someone who gets into their character too much. Sometimes these people believe their own publicity.”

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because they were manlets

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nice unrelated graph faggot

>Most of flyover middle america, south and East coast are uneducated
>Mostly conservative states
Imagine muh shock

>State education means you're smart

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Where did I imply smarts in that? it means you're relatively ignorant to most things that would require an education as most cuckservatives tend to be.

like Trans feminist studies? People who study evolutionary psych or biology or economics tend to be more conservative

i-isn't that spunk all over her tits?

>the areas with the most universities have the most people attending university
You retarded m8?

No, no and no. Educated people skew liberal across the board, and the conservative economists are actually conservative, not mouth drooling Trumpets. And you only put evolutionary psychologists in there for your surrogate daddy Peterson. Pathetic.

Jordan Peterson is left wing you stupid cunt

You can always spot a man raised by a single mother because he will use fatherhood as a pejorative.

Am I the only one who thinks Nancy looks like the girl who Chris Chan was stalking?

He was actually using your absence of an actual father figure as the insult, dummy.

Based Hulkster exposing the devil's whore.

you mean Megan Schroeder?

>he was
>poster count stays static
No he was openly and comically projecting his distain for fatherhood. A literal mommys boi.

>it literally didn't
>he also can't into context


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Imagine being this upset because you outed yourself as a self hating liberal raised exclusively by a woman. Talk some more about how daddy is bad so I can laugh at you.

I'd have let Nancy asphyxiate me

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It's just the areas with the most colleges per capita. Obviously you never went to one.

Oh you mean projecting? Damn cuck keep digging that hole.

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And you thought I was projecting. Christ almighty. seek therapy, you paranoid freak.

What did her braps smell like?

Attached: nancyn.jpg (480x480, 61K)

>moves the goalpost
of course.

Ric Flair does this, but it's to blade himself

Oh shit she does.

Outed yourself hard and now you are seething your ass off. Brilliant to see.

>the area you live in and culture that surrounds you doesn't affect your understanding of the world and the quality of the education system has no effect on the children who literally grow up conditioned by ideas they learn in school
Got a pretty good idea of where you're from, Rufus

>The ontological fallacy of expecting a big brother, a higher force, a demigod to teach you the ways of the world, blind to basic biological and historical facts, is what drives society to the brink of insanity, drives good men to die young, but even after admitting this, there's no catharsis, you keep believing in their lies because you're a weak, fledgling little piece of sentient meat who will never dare go outside the group.

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Can't believe this never occurred to me.

hey David

>NJ at 7

Holy fuck I thought we were gonna get slammed as bad as rural south

Roid rage

>I don't understand how culture and learning work

Yeah, if only those uneducated hillbillies were more educated they would understand that forced miscegenation, compulsory gender reassignment surgery, and being corporate slaves are good things.

based time traveling Hangman Page in the middle


She is worth killing and dying for.

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Post her nudes

she's hot as fuck but she must have had very bad genetics to birth that kid

mods ban over nudes

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Sherri Martel's death one week before they died worked nancy into a murderous shoot

>being this new

God 80's broads were so hot in a weird way.


80's sluts knew their place, just wanted to party and fuck. Granted the over the top hair was often a tragedy but their kinetic "just fuck me" energy was serious shit. I know a 50 year old bitch who was super hot in the 80's in her 20's, is still hot now and has that same "let's just listen to 80s buttrock and fuck" energy.

Naturally i screwed up multiple chances to fuck this chick because I'm retarded and low t.

Nancy would be nice and all, but she'd probably stab you right after sex

>direct correlation between education and how totalitarian the state government is

as someone who lives on the Missouri Illinois border (MO side thank God) this actually explains a lot

This. Her and Sherri were really close to each other.

This goes a lot bigger than fuckin Kevin Sullivan and his satanic dipshittery. Yeah there's a conspiracy here but it's bigger than any of the youtube detective's give it credit for. Durrr Satan. Durrr. This is too big for them.

>This goes a lot bigger than fuckin Kevin Sullivan and his satanic dipshittery

Kevin Sullivan is pretty based

Agreed. But the Benoit murders go beyond him is my point.

>the mantis conundrum
At what point is a women attractive enough that you'd fuck her even if it meant she'd stab you afterwards?

This is probably someone bullshitting but I read this earlier

>Someone I know knew a cop that was one of the first ones on the scene
They said someone seen 3 people leaving the house Saturday in dark clothing. They seemed really out of place like they shouldn't be there.
He also said it looked like they were killed in another room and put into bed.
Chris had a hand print on his neck
The also found finger prints on something don't remember what.
He said he thought it was a murder but the head officer just wrote it off as a murder suicide the same day.
It takes a lot longer to rule out a triple murder than 24hrs.

>someone was strong enough to strangle chris to death

he had xanax in his system during the autopsy

autopsyfiles.org/reports/Celebs/benoit, chris_report.pdf

According to Ric Flair Kevins dick looked like a candle

But what do her braps smell like?

probably like burnt candle

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she took the russopill and couldn't go back

Being pretty liberal with the totalitarian label there bud

>not also corprate slaves

>newfag jobber scared of a ban from pedomod because he is too retarded to change his ip
You'll never make it with the wolves kid

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imagine how many gallons of nut chris popped on them tiddies

They're 10/10 tits too. I wish tan lines were still a thing

That's fucking hot! I didn't know she had any nudes.

Holy shit where I can get more ? Is there a video exist?

These were taken for Hustler in 1983. There were a few shots and a video but I haven't seen it

such a fertile body

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Made for necrophilia.


um based